Home discussions Sex Addiction screw HIS recovery!

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    Wow! Am I thankful that I finally coughed up the $25 to join this group. Seriously… the Carlos Danger thread! LMAO! You ladies are a trip! That little thread gave me the only real smile and laugh I’ve had all day. I joined this group a couple days ago, this is the first chance I’ve had to pop back in and read some posts from all of you. It was clear to me immediately that I have a found a place of real support with VERY like minded women. Very smart, funny, supportive, DOWN TO EARTH, straight shootin’ women! Thank you all so much for being here for each other, reading through your posts this evening has given me my first glimmer of hope for myself, and MY recovery – screw HIS recovery!

    So anyway, I had a very eye opening day.

    First let me say I came to the conclusion that this “sex addict” diagnosis is a big excuse for really bad behavior (in my “SA’s” case, that is). My SA has cheated on me habitually for the last 10 years, pretty much since the day we met. Each time he got caught he promised, swore, he would never, EVER, do this to me again. It becomes almost laughable by the, oh I dont know, 10th, 20th, 30th time!

    Just a brief recent history, so you know how it is that my SA stopped being a cheating asshole and became an “SA”… In April, while on our family vacay to hilton head with our friends and all the kids, he managed to literally fit in a fuck with a stranger at the bar,I dropped he and my friends hubbie off at, while the moms and the kids shopped a bit – We went back to pick the guys up, and no one could find my SA. This is a post in itself with the events that followed, so i’ll leave it at that for now. (This was one of those times where I didnt catch him in the act, but I knew – and he has since confirmed it). Then in mid-may I found out again my SA cheated, but this time it was BOLD. It was preconceived, with much planning involved and then carried out during a bachelor party weekend with his friends,one of those friends being my brother – my brother knew, his friends knew, and SA acted as if nothing had happened, no explanation to anyone as to why he had multiple women meeting him 1000 miles away during a guys weekend, that he had met on dating sights. Did he think my own brother suddenly went blind? Did he think of what a horrible position he put my brother and his friends in? Or how much he really ruined the weekend for everyone else? Of course not. It actually gets worse from here, but this is not what I wanted this post to be about. And it has taken away my smile you all gave me just a bit ago as i type this – so i will stop now.

    To be discarded this way – to realize, REALLY realize, that you don’t matter to him, and you never really did, has been the worst and the BEST thing that could have happened to me. I couldn’t BEGIN to share details of my 10 year history with this SA, far too much to tell, and every event is still fresh in my mind like it happened yesterday -an open wound, that will not heal.

    My SA has in the last months watched me literally go into almost a state of insanity right in front of his eyes, as I obsess over phone records, combing through every number, hours and hours at a time, looking for the latest and greatest spy gear and phone apps. Discovering things he was doing that I thought, EVEN HE, would be incapable of doing. Yes, he has sat and watched me, watched me die a little each day. He tells me for the 60th? time that he will. never. ever. do. this. to. me. again. he has now SEEN what it has done to me. He goes to an SA therapist once a week, does a meeting, once a week. But it is very clear that he is just “doing the time”. I look at him and I see a man incapable of feeling (except anger), incapable of empathy.

    And then there’s OUR amazing little boys:-( And I know there will be nothing but heartache ahead for all of us. SA is a shitty partner, but a wonderful dad in many ways. COach of there baseball team, a scholarship athlete himself, he is the kind of dad to them that he never had. He is their hero. And watching him with them fills my heart with love. love even for him. in those moments. but i have to remember his dark side. The one I’m afraid might be real.

    I was sad today indeed, because i realized he is not an addict, he is a psychopath, incapable of love. I’m not certain that he realizes this himself or not. But I realized there is no hope for us when I not only asked myself the question “do i think he will do this to me again?” , but rather “does he already KNOW he will do this to me again?”. That was a sad and scary question. Is he evil? Did he just torture me for 10 years, watch me die inside over the last months, and promise to never do it again, KNOWING that he will?

    You realize when you get to a point that you ask yourself a question like this, that there is no hope. You will never have peace with this man. And what is worse than that, is you realize you are so fucked up that there is no reason to move on —- yet, that is.

    Shoot! I did not intend to dwell on the past in this post. It was supposed to be a quick thank you to you all. I had hoped to stay focused on me and healing and forgiving myself for not protecting and taking care of me. This is what I will do going forward.

    Again, I’m so sorry to all of you who are here, yet thankful that you are. Because now I’m not alone.


    Wow, Kelly. It sounds like you have been through a lot. You are a tough lady to make it this far without completely giving up on you. It really is an honor when new sister open up and share their stories, so thank you for trusting us.

    It sounds like you are suffering from PTSD. The searching through things is classic hypervigilance. You are not crazy. PTSD can be so debilitating. So I hope your therapist knows about treating trauma. Also, do you know enough about him? Do you need to collect evidence to use as leverage for divorce or to convince you what is going on? If you need it then keep digging, take notes, make copies, hide them away. Use your hypervigilance for good. If you don’t need any more then put everything away someplace safe and out of sight- phone records, bank records, whatever. And try to take breaks for as long as you can. Post here, journal, call someone, watch a distracting TV show, but I would try to give yourself some time to heal. I know it’s hard. I am still suffering from hypervigilance now almost 2 years post dday.

    I also want to ask you…does a great father go pick someone up at a bar on family vacation? Does a great father go screw women while visiting the kids’ uncle? Does a great father treat his kids’ mother how you have been treated? What kind of man is he modeling for your boys? They are learning from him. I am going to venture a guess that if he is a pyschopath or even just a narc, he is playing a role to get their attention, to get his supply, so that he is the center of their world or so that he looks like a great father to the rest of the world. I may be wrong about him, but a lot of SAs do that. They publicly parent- lead Boy Scouts, coach sports, etc. where they can get lots of praise and attention. Or they act like their kids best friend. But often there is another side to that. They might not pay that much attention to their kids in private. They might be emotionally disengaged or maybe always working. Or they might be all fun and games as long as things are going their way. When kids become teens and want their own lives and interests, sometimes these “great dads” become controlling jerks or just stop interacting with their kids because they are no longer getting their supply. I don’t know if that is the case with you SA, Kelly. But all those times he was off screwing other women, he could have been home spending that time with his family.

    And it is okay to talk about the past here and if it comes pouring out of you, then it might be because you need to talk about it. I am glad you found us and that what we are sharing here resonates with you. Glad also we can all laugh over a good Weiner joke. Take care.


    Hi Kelly,

    Thank you for sharing the tip of your H iceberg. I am sorry your H is such a creep. Please tell us about you. Do you work stay at home mom? What hopes and dreams do YOU have for YOU?

    XX Sheri


    The healthy and sometimes the hardest thing to do is to focus on OUR healing from the damage they have caused. So I think you have some clear and healthy thinking when you say “screw HIS recovery”. Just focus on yourself and your kids. He’s likely never to recover (mine wouldn’t) based on his really, really, really poor history and track record.

    Don’t allow yourself to lose yourself. You have a whole life ahead of you to live and enjoy. If we stay with toxic people it only gets worse and never better. Think positive thoughts about yourself because you know who you are. You’re a loving and caring woman and that never changes. Keep moving forward even if it’s just a step at a time. Your life is a gift treasure it!
    Love, Napxo


    Hi Kelly. I’m so glad you jumped right in. Keep posting! Give us a week or two and we will have you on the “FUCK THAT” bandwagon! 🙂 You are headed in the right direction but it’s important to recognize that there is no “recovery” for him. Clearly he is an active “addict” going through the motions to try to pacify you. That is not recovery. You should take a look at JoAnn’s e-book on personality disorders. I just bought and read it. It was eye opening. There are some SAs here who are very clearly extremely personality disordered (Teri who posted above is one of those – her STBX H is without a doubt a sociopath. Pure evil) and from your description your man may just be in that group too. And as Nap said, focus on YOU (and your kids). The all important thing is to get you to a good place.



    Oh, Kelly, I am so sorry for all of the pain you have had with this man and continue to have. Please keep reading on here, and take advantage of all of those old posts, too. And keep posting. Tell your story, tell all of it, in your time frame. You will get stronger. Don’t keep his secrets, you will get stronger. You will make it, Kelly, our hearts are with you and our hands are reaching out to you.


    Hi Kelly,
    Welcome to the site. You’ll find all kinds of experiences here: some more extreme, some less extreme than your own. Whatever the details, what we experience is devastating.
    Courtney is exactly right: you cannot keep his secrets. We all understand that it probably isn’t safe to tell most people in your life, even those that love you. But you have to get it out. Hearing other womens’ stories and telling your own is totally necessary to saving your sanity and your soul. You’re going to be ok, and your boys are going to be ok too.


    Way to go Kelly!! Get it all out honey. Nothing your H has done will surprise any of us and we all understand exactly how it feels.

    Your H is so NOT in any “recovery” that it isnt even worth mentioning. You can be saved and you are doing the right things. Focus on you and ignore him.

    Most of the guys here were/are “great dad’s”. I thought mine was too. Great fathers do not destroy the mother of their children. One reason my H is still breathing air is because I won’t hurt the father of my children…..That is what great parenting is 🙂


    Oh, Bev. That was great.


    Dear Kelly,
    After getting beat up a bit ourselves this week, it’s really great to hear that our motley crew here has given you something good already. Delighted! And Yes, we have a bad/good case of survivor humour goin on that just breaks out and lets loose from time to time.
    Thanks for sharing your story of life with your SA. All I can say is “Damn, Skippy”.
    I don’t think you’re crazy. I think your freak outs are signs of your sanity trying to live with his insanity. It might help to learn about the connections between SA and PD’s (personality disorders). JoAnn has an ebook available that gives an overview.
    But the sisters are also correct in pointing you to your own life. Most of us spent way too much trying to understand our SA’s, the why did they do it, what kind of treatment is there, etc. But the really important piece of this situation is you–caring for yourself, knowing what you want, protecting you and your children’s financial needs and any other safety issues, finding a good support team for yourself (honoured to be a part of that here), but including a trauma-based therapist. We recommend reading the Barbara Steffens book that outlines the assessment of PTSD in partners against the hackneyed misogynist Carnes appraoch of labelling us all co-addicts and codependents. (Did I make my opinion clear enough?). The book has some layers of religiousity in the case studies that might not suit you, but the bulk of the book is worth the price and the read.
    Your husband may be a dormant phase that is just going through the motions until he cons everyone that he’s stopped, and then he’ll start again. Use this time to put your needs first and get your ducks in a row. You need to get STD testing ASAP (they lie about using condoms too), see a lawyer so you know your options, and start stashing money away in a secret acct that he can’t access. You don’t know how much of your money he has squandered on this already.

    It’s not fun but it has to be done.

    warm hug,


    Wow Kelly–I am so glad that you found this site! Fortunately I am no longer living in SA hell, but I can totally relate to everything you have written. I had 14 years (10 married) with rounds of discovery and apologies and all the other bullshit misery that goes along with being involved with these creeps and when I hit absolute bottom I was fortunate enough to find this site. I got so much love, support, comfort, advice (all of it good even though I didn’t always take it) and best of all laughter! You will find that the women here are exceptionally intelligent, accomplished, funny and compassionate people–amazing women who will stand by you! Welcome. 🙂


    Thank you all. I am at work so I can’t share much of what i’d like and need to now. @sheri.. i do work full time, running my family business (soon to take it over actually) so very busy. Baseball for both boys in total 5 nights a week, I squeeze in 1 therapy session A week (but could stand to go 7 days a week at the moment!) And the one great thing I do just for me is go to a boxing gym in the hood of Toledo m-f at 8 pm every night. I’m 40 yrs old and in the best shape of my life, but as we all know, we never feel good enough. With all that said, i leave my house at 7:30 am and get home from the gym at 9:30 pm .. hop in shower, kiss my kids, then to the computer I go until sometimes 3 and 4 am reading, learning, reaching out. Needless to say, I’m a little exhausted lately. But I have to keep my routine to keep my sanity. And I have to stay focused on what has happened to me, because one thing I’ve learned as we are so used to the treatment that we forget our pain quickly (a survival instinct I would imagine) and if I don’t continue my quest to find me , I will be right back in the same position again in no time. Anyway, I’m thankful to have found you all, I’ll be back tonight around midnight to post more.

    BTW… My SA and I are NOT married. At least I was smart enough not to marry a financial risk! We have to trust our gut and I always new to some degree. But also had hope. But we DO have 2 INCREDIBLE boys together.

    Now I grieve over the loss and realization that I will never have what I so desired with my SA … love, happiness, family, happily ever after. I have been fighting for survival for over 10 years now. I just didn’t realize it. And i allowed him to give me hope for us more times than i can count. Takes a lot out of a girl! And this girl is going to require a LOT of reprogramming! Cause damn! He really fucked me up… and he will continue to do so if I don’t get well in the head.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. xoxo talk to you all later! Kelly


    You sound so strong, Kelly. I hate what he has done to you, but he didn’t pull you all the way out of the game, thank God. You really are a fighter, and an inspiration to keep moving forward and put our energy where it will count.


    Yes, Kelly, it takes a lot out of a girl. Don’t be afraid to tell your story, with all it’s sordid details and all the “how could I be SO STUPID?” comments you told yourself over the years. We have heard it all and every single one of us gave our husband much more time and energy than a single one of them was EVER worth. Your husband sounds like a full blown narc, which is nothing better than a slightly higher functioning psychopath. They cheat because they can and get off on the of sexual attention, the chase, the possibility of getting caught and the thrill of fucking you over. They don’t care about anyone BUT themselves, and they feel that they are entitled to operate outside the normal societal rules that most of us adhere to. They are charming, often successful, ruthless to the core and their siren song is almost impossible to resist…UNTIL you come to understand you are nothing but a supporting role on the stage of their life. You are NOT crazy. You have been systematically abused by an expert and you are traumatized and beaten down. When you catch your breath, read Dr George Simon’s “In Sheep’s Clothing.” You will find your husband and many of the answers you seek in that book. Once you understand what you are dealing with, you will come out of any remaining fog and have a much better idea how to proceed. How do I know this, never having met your husband? Well, because I have met him… on this site , in the stories of countless other women who were
    hooked up with charming predators who did and said all the things your husband does and says. I doubt he is a sex addict, because I am not convinced such an addiction even exists? In any event, you are on the right track to know you must take your focus off of him and put it on yourself. I also know that task is quite impossible before you really SEE the kind of animal you are sharing a life with. We KNOW this guy. We pretty much know him inside out. We know what he does, we know what he says and we know how he gets away with it. We also know how to handle him and we will help you. We don’t even require access to his phone or laptop. 😉 Nothing you can say will shock us. No doubt you will get us all riled up, but you cannot shock us. We have heard it all. 😉 The HOPE in all of this is for YOUR life. The longer you waste figuring him out, the more precious time you lose throwing pearls before swines. But it is ok to tell your story in its entirety (necessary really) and to want to have some understanding of who you were with and what happened to you. Take a deep breath. Get some rest. This is a marathon, NOT a sprint. You have landed in exactly the right place. By the way, you are a very pretty girl. Hugs, Karen x


    THANK GOD you are not married to this dude.


    If you have been together over 10 years, I am guessing common law marriage applies. You need to see an attorney, I think. Especially before you take over the business? You may be all over that already.


    Yes… I must admit the horrible thought of alimony crossed my mind but I thought that might be too much info at this point after me just diagnosing him as a narcissist. 😉


    There is no common law marriage in Ohio and since Kelly mentioned Toledo, I think that’s where she is. That doesn’t mean he can’t/won’t come after her money and/or business but not as her common law husband. Kelly, I’m in Ohio too – Dayton. Grew up in Columbus. Buckeye through and through. 🙂


    Well thats good news….. 😉



    I think your awesome. I think you might be ahead of me on the healing curve. When my AW (ass-whole) is mean but when he does this I need you, poor poor pitiful me crap I suck. I guess I want to feel needed but on the other hand I am really afraid he will go off the deep end. Why do I care? Beats the hell out of me.

    I live in Florida, Married 22 years, busted my H with pro. About 6 years ago (think he used at least 18). I have two kids 17 YO boy 14 YO girl.

    You give good vibes. Im glad u joined.


    I actually look forward to getting time to come here to read and talk. I just want you ALL to know I AM reading and taking in everything even though I haven’t responded. I hope to have time this weekend to actually get some dialog going!

    I appreciate you all so much.


    Right back at ya!


    A late welcome to you Kelly, I don’t think I did that earlier. 🙂

    My H from best I can tell is only into porn. Claims to be sober since March last year when I kicked him out for near 6 mos. Right….slow hand clap inserted here. All the MONTHS I Eblasted him I only saw porn but who really knows right?

    My H like yours from the outside is an amazing dad. My kids adore him waaaayyyy more than bio dad. To hear him tell it he is THE best dad. His porn viewing was always when my kids were not home or at bio dads.

    Being a good dad by their definition is just that, the dad factor. What they fail to realize is that being a good dad also involves not killing the kids mother emotionally with words or harmful behaviors that destroy the foundation of the relationship or the marriage.

    Being a good dad is the total package.

    Their definition is the discounted package.

    I’m sorry your mate did all of this to you.

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