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    I will be sticking it out with my crappy Walmart job. My crappy Walmart job does have some advantages at this moment in my life. First, it’s a no brainier……so I don’t have to worry about my PTSD symptoms messing up my job. As time goes by the PTSD are subsiding. Hopefully, by the time I find a “real job”- they will be a mere ghost. Next…..the hours give me an opportunity to look for better jobs and complete volunteer training.

    I will be training this week (Friday) with my county’s family justice center (Domestic Violence unit) mostly office work/phones- one day a week. I will also start training for South Carolina Guardian ad Litem next week!!!! I served as a Guardian ad Litem for the IN courts. It was one of the most profound experiences I ever had. I loved each child I was assigned to! And I did my very best to make sure every child in my case load – was safe, cared for and advocated for.

    These 2 volunteer opportunities….are right smack dab in the middle of where I want to be with a career! And…..I get to help others- in meaningful ways. I am going to put one foot in front of the other…….and do the very best I can! Apart from helping others…….my hope is that I will meet new friends/colleagues, learn new things………………. and meet a network of people in criminal justice/social services.

    I know where I want to be……I am trying to find a pathway to get there. I have to reinvent myself…..start over…….begin anew. That’s ok! I have lots of time now that I ditched Dancing Dick. More mental energy too. I can stick it out at Walmart until I can gain enough steam from my volunteer positions- to land a job in my field.

    Thank you all for your help with my job dilemma!!!! You Sisters rock! I think Lynn Chloe might be on to something when she reminds me that a better job is on the horizon. I just have to do the leg work of getting myself connected.

    OH!!!! I just learned that people 60 and over can go to state funded S. Carolina colleges for free!!!!!!! There are some stipulations…..but the tuition is free!!!!!! I’m 59! Found this out yesterday when I went to see a counselor for support with the PTSD symptoms!

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