Home discussions Sex Addiction the bullshit continues

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    Diane I like your flat head shovel idea alot plus it might ‘cure him’ of pulling any more of his BS. You thought it was an intruder….ooopsy


    This is all really helpful, especially with respect to the way the courts view things. Depressing, but helpful.


    sweet zumbagirl,

    not just the courts! i was amazed at how different i felt when i made the call to the domestic violence centre and told my story.

    how different i felt when i kicked him out of the house.

    how different i felt when i told him i wanted a divorce.

    when i rented a room as a safe haven.

    and how easy it is for other people to ‘get’ it when i say i did those things. i don’t have to say things were bad. they must be bad if i rented an escape room. if i divorced him. if i kicked him out.

    actions speak loudest. not just for those rat SAs, but for us as well.

    it can be terrifying to take real action. but on the other hand, so validating.


    and the power shift that occurs when we take action? incredible.


    Awesome post lisak


    LisaK—totally brilliant. thank you.


    I agree great post Lisa, thank you, so true.


    Yes, great post, Lisa! I remember the feeling of empowerment the day I retained my attorney. Well, both times actually…the first and second attorney (even though I didn’t see that coming after the first, lol). I even felt empowered after Part 1 of the depositions, and the only thing I did there was sit quietly and observe. Anyway, your point is so well taken.


    Dear Julie,
    I havent been online very much these days so missed the updates on your situation. I am so sorry that you are having to put up with all this shit. What a jerk!Sending you big hugs. Hang in there sister!

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