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- This topic has 24 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 13 years, 3 months ago by
November 29, 2011 at 9:59 am #4028
ParticipantWas that the movie when Carrie’s head went spinning around?
In honor of Heidi, and hopefully she can be supported here, I thought we could all share our PROUD (or not so proud) moments when our SA pushed us so far over the edge…we snapped! (Think of Zumba kicking in the bedroom door he locked) 🙂
I’ll start….
The veterans will remember this story… But we have lots of new sisters!!
Before D day, I purchased an awesome Christmas present for my SA. It included concert tickets to Kenny Chesney, Zac Brown, gosh..I can’t even remember the rest… But 5 awesome bands at Lambeau Field (SA loves Green Bay, WI and Lambeau Field) so it was a double treat! The concert was in June of 2011. Months in advance, I made these plans with another couple (good friends of ours) and we planned out a whole long weekend up there and then I surprised my SA at Christmas. (6 months before concert). My D day was in January, 2011. I never said shit to him or let on that I knew anything as I gathered up evidence for months! (not an easy feat)! With the help of my SOS sister’s and a good attorney, I filed for divorce at the end of May. (married 17 years). The concert was less than 2 weeks away. I felt SO BAD for my friends that willingly bought their own tix and planned this nice long wknd with me. I served SA myself, to keep him from the humiliation at work) (don’t ask me why!?!) A few days later, I asked if he was going to concert and what about other ticket? He said “I’m taking someone”.
I said…. What about our friends??? (the other couple). At this point we had not told anyone we were getting divorced yet! He said, I called them, told them we were getting divorced and asked if they cared if I brought “a guest”.
I fucking LOST it!! I mean, for ONE HOUR, I had an out of body experience. I screamed at him at the top of my lungs (completely uncharacteristic) This is when my head started spinning around!! I could NOT believe that he was not only replacing ME that fast, but with my CHRISTMAS PRESENT, and mostly, that he would do that to our friends! Not only was the shock of divorce bad enough, he asked to bring a fucking DATE on a 4 day wknd!!! Who DOES that????
An SA does…..
No consideration for anyone but theirselves! I was devastated! Yes, I had filed, but this really blew me away. I almost threw my cup of coffee in his face, but I didn’t. Instead, I yelled, and screamed, and cussed like nobody’s business…for an hour straight!! I took my arm and swiped it across our island in the kitchen, sending everything flying!! I was literally seeing RED for the first time in my life. He finally sat in his stupid recliner and told me to “let it out.” Seriously??
I screamed in his face and called him every name in the book! 17 years worth of screaming, I did in that hour. I seriously was NOT myself, I was Carrie!!! It was empowering, yet very scary at the same time. It’s the crazy making we always speak of and it was at its best!
I went on to steal the tix that night and blah, blah…but that’s another story for another time! That was the night, that for one hour, I can honestly say that I was insane!
Would anyone else care to share an insanity moment??
PS- I love you, Heidi!!
November 29, 2011 at 10:18 am #23275silver-lining
ParticipantI have no clue why this posted 3 times and now I can’t seem to delete them!!
November 29, 2011 at 2:45 pm #23276hadj608
ParticipantSl you are such a sweetheart!
Girl you have come a long way and I am proud of you! Thanks for being there!Hugs
HeidiNovember 29, 2011 at 2:51 pm #23277cindy1111
ParticipantHi Silver,
I take this topic very seriously and I think it is a good idea to share these things. I beleive it will help us all not to feel like we are really crazy. I am not proud or happy with my actions when I found out about many of his activities. I share them to help others see that sometimes a “normal” person can have an emotional meltdown when all of our senses are being over loaded.
I sat listening to my SA tell me about some of the things he had been involved with. He asked me to let him talk and not ask any questions while he was giving me this information. I tried to get clarity on a couple things while he was talking and he got very angry and told me that he was done talking about it. I encouraged him to continue with his story and bit my tongue for the remainder. I had a feeling that this may be the one and only time that he reveals some of his behaviors, so I tried hard to be calm and listen. While he was talking I had a little mantra going on in my head which was telling me to be calm and listen, be calm and listen, be calm and listen…………
I am not really sure how long this went on, but it felt like a long, long time. One thing that I did ( which I was not sure at the time why I did it ), was take notes on what he was saying. I have ADHD and I can listen better sometimes when I doodle on paper. It just helps me concentrate. This was making him kind of angry. He asked me several times to stop writing while he was talking. I just told him that I needed to do this. (It was just all really odd because I have never taken notes before while he was telling me things. He was not used to that and it made him feel like I was not listening. I can’t explain why I felt this need to take notes, but I am so glad I did. After taking time to research Sex addiction and the specific personality traits that go along with it, I realized that I was protecting myself by taking notes. One of the things that happen when my husband and I try to communicate is that he would say things that I took literally. In the past, I would bring up something that he very clearly stated in a previous conversation and he would claim that he never said that, or that I understood it wrong. Somehow, I knew that this would happen and I wanted it to be on paper what he was saying so that later he could not say I heard it wrong. YAY ME!!!!!
Anyway, along with many other things, he was saying that he had to do the things he did because I did not provide him with enough sex. He tried to blame me for his actions and basically tell me that I did not measure up to what he needed sexually. He told me that I was so critical of him over the years and that he needed something to build up his self esteem. He said that he always felt like it was the kids and I against him. He said that I never included him in our family, so he could not even be the father he wanted to be. He said that when he went away on business trips that he did not even feel welcome back in his own home.l……………….. Well, this just put me over the top. What you need to know is that I am by no means perfect, but this does not describe who I am or the kind of wife I have been to him. I would really like to know what marriage he was in because, it sure was different then the 27 year marriage that I was in.
I think it was around the time that he told me that I did not let him be a father that I could not take it anymore. I got up walked over to him shook my finger in front of his face and this devil came out of me. I said “How Fucking God Damn Dare You”
over and over again. I started shaking and totally lost control. I started throwing things and breaking things. Anything that I saw I threw against the wall. I literally was having a meltdown. Now what you need to know is that I have never in my life reacted so violently. My whole body was shaking like I was having a seizure or something. It was so weird. I have never been as close to crazy as I was at that moment. I feel like after experiencing that moment that I understand crimes of passion. I really did not have control of myself. It was like somebody else took over my body. It was temporary insanity. I remember that he came around the back of me and wrapped his arms around me like a big bear hug. It was kind of like a hold just to try and calm me down. I calmed down a little and took off out the front door just running down the street into the night. It was dark and we were in the country. I ran and ran and ran, until I realized that I could be in danger because of the wild animals that are in that area. I turned around and ran back home. I told him to get away from me so he went into the bedroom. I sat on the couch in a catonic state for about three days. It was just crazy.Well that is my crazy story. It hurts and it was terrible.
November 29, 2011 at 3:40 pm #23278silver-lining
ParticipantWow, Cindy! First off, [BIG HUGS]!! Your post made me cry like a baby!! It’s interesting too, because you all know how far I have come and I mean every word of all I have posted. I AM so happy and I feel so strong and I have wonderful things going on right now and I am SO GLAD it’s over!!
BUT…..just writing my post last night and reading yours this morning…well, I think this may be another learning curve for all of us, but…the way it makes me feel..how can I say this? It lets me know that I am NOT magically healed, that the pain DID NOT completely go away, and this is an issue I will most likely be working through for a very long time. But at least I recognize it and will continue to see my therapist and continue to feel the pain and do it anyway, and not stop addressing it until just maybe, I can put it to rest.
Girlfriend, I related to your post in so many ways, it was eerie. My SA also said many of the same things. Didn’t feel at home in his own house, it was always me and Sam against him, uh, I didn’t do enough housework, (if you saw my lovely home you would just crack up at that one, oh lists went on). Unreal.
Also, I too, had an out of body experience and also was shaking uncontrollably! I don’t have a violent bone in my body and I have never cussed him out. We never even fought. That’s why I screamed 17 years worth. So honestly, I could completely relate to your entire post and I think we bring up good points. It IS crazy making and they do this to us. I hope the new sisters can learn from this and not feel so alone or CRAZY! It is the SA’s that are crazy.
I collapsed in MY RECLINER when I was spent and just sat there staring into space for hours. I was petrified by what had just happened and the feeling that something had taken over my body. One of my first thoughts too was how I understood crimes of passion….exactly…. I wanted to kill him myself in that hour.
So, you are not alone in your experience or the pain you still feel and I realize how hard it is to put it out there and I thank you for sharing with us. It even triggers me to read it and many other posts but I am going to continue to plow through this thing until I can know in my heart of hearts that I am healed. It may never completely go away. After all, like you, I was a wonderful wife and falsely accused of every BS excuse he tried to throw out there. I didn’t deserve those pathetic explanations and neither did you. No wonder we lost it!
I love you and appreciate you and am so glad you are back to posting. It will help us all in the long run!
And Heidi, I love you too! Thanks for sharing your story! Hopefully, we will hear from others and once again, learn and grow from our individual experiences!
Much love to all the sisters,
November 30, 2011 at 5:20 am #23279zumbagirl
MemberThanks for this forum, SL! I’m dealing with so much more bitterness & anger lately. For months it was sadness, and then anxiety over possible future acting out. I’ve finally come to a place of clarity with who my SA really is, and my anger is really coming to the forefront. That’s why I need to get back to therapy. It’s alot of emotion for one person. Like Lexie says: a death and a fuck-you all at once.
November 30, 2011 at 5:36 am #23280kmf
MemberDear Silver, I thought this was a very pertinant post and both yours and Cindy’s are so,so sad. 🙁 I will have to think long and hard because I have acted insane or ended in insane situations so many times I have lost count….
Dear Z girl, bitterness and rage were my constant companions for so long…it was like they were my 2 best friends.I think you NEEDED to get angry because you needed to see what he was really doing to you. I hope your anger will take you where you need to go? BIG HUG Karen
November 30, 2011 at 6:06 am #23281silver-lining
ParticipantThanks Karen,
You’re best! When you have had time to consider what you would like to share, please come back to this post and do so! I hang on your every word anyway and will be interested in what drove you over the edge. I hope others share as well. If anything, so none of us feel alone and especially for the newer sisters…who are in the beginning stages of this horrible nightmare… I NEVER want them to feel like THEY are the crazy ones and I never want any sister to do anything she would regret later. (Easier said than done!) They may never regret doing something really rude to the SA, but they would regret going to the slammer, all the expense involved, getting a “record”, all the extended family fallout that would follow, consideration for the kids, etc. It is simply not worth it-even if it feels good at the time! Ok, we can understand THAT, why can’t SA’s??
I need to go back and watch the Burning Bed, just to live vicariously through beautiful Farrah. (RIP) 🙁
I have always loved Carrie Underwood’s “Think Before He Cheats”…. I would like nothing better than to take a Louisville Slugger to both headlights of this stupid red corvette (midlife crises) sitting in our garage. That could be a nice little gift on my way out! Lol… But then what? Go to court and have to pay for it, humiliation from family, neighbors, etc.
But seriously, we need to talk about this and educate everyone so if they find themselves in that potential situation, they can step back before its too late! Once you snap, it’s over!
Love to all!!
November 30, 2011 at 7:37 am #23282silver-lining
Miss Zumba Girl, informed me tonight, in the midst of my weepiness over leaving my home, that it was not CARRIE whose head spun around in Exorcist, but actually, a little girl who additionally threw up green vomit in the middle of the head spin. Carrie, on the other hand, was not only a different movie altogether, but apparently had her own separate issues as well. Head spinning was not one of them, however.
This Poster regrets the error.Thank you, dear soul sister, for making my tears disappear. 🙂
November 30, 2011 at 7:45 am #23283ksondy
ParticipantThe little girls name was Reagan.
November 30, 2011 at 7:50 am #23284silver-lining
ParticipantImpressive, Kim! Was her vomit really green??
November 30, 2011 at 9:42 am #23285ksondy
Participantyep. She vomits green. Among many other things. That is a freaky movie for sure. Google pictures of her from the movie. Gruesome.
Carrie was a Stephen king book turned movie about a girl who is teased in school and then is asked to the prom by the school hunk as a joke. At the prom she exacts her revenge through some bloody telekenisis. So she is totally an appropriate character for this thread as well. lol
I’m completely non violent but each of the men in th three serious relationships I have been in have drug me down so far that I became insane trying to get free.
Husband #1: He called me a f’ing bitch on a very regular basis. One day 7 years into our marriage he said it and I snapped. I punched him in the face. He had called me it one too many times. He proceeded to pick me up and throw me accross the front lawn. I landed on the picket fence and shattered it. When he came charging after me I grabbed one of the pickets that had broken off the fence and swiped it through the air. It slashes his wrist. He like to tell people I stabbed him. Exaggeration. I told people that he crossed me one time too many and now he has the scar to show for it. We were both arrested for “assault by strickimg, beating or bruising.”
When I was with my b/f, who was a SA, I very regularly felt like I was loosing my mind. One time we got in a huge arguement over personal ads looking for men that I found online. I slapped him and I grabbed the baby and he car keys to leave and he tried chasing me down with a knife. I got the baby and I in the car with doors locked before he caught me. He jumped in front of the car and I purposely hit him.
Another time I was so angry at him because he threw a punch intended for my face. He missed and hit the wall right at the stud. Broke his hand in 5 places. I was PISSED. I chased him through the house like a mad woman. Try to hit me?!! I’m gonna kick your ass. He actually jumped up onto a table trying to stay out of my reach. In the end I made him wall the 3 miles to the hospital to get his hand set. I wasn’t going ro drive him.
My current H and I have had a peaceful relationship. We agreed no raising your voice, swearing or name calling allowed. We only disagreed twice a year or so. My
h hates contra ration.In the past year and a half there have been so many heated screaming battles. I don’t even remember what I was freaking about sometimes because I’m too upset to hold the thought.
I’ve been packing my boxes so many times. The day he confessed to a small portion of what had actually been goig on, I sat there just silently crying into my hands while he spewed his hatred in defense of what he’d done. While he minamized it all. Blamed me. In so many ways. He made me feel like some ugly old shriveled up witch. After he ranted on and on all these cruel and hurtful rationalizations for his f’d up behavior, I caught him totally by suprise. I calmy looked up and in a split second slapped him accross his face. He left the house. I texted him telling him to come back that he was a wimp and he should come fight like a real man. I was completely prepared to fight him and hurt him to the extent of my ability.
November 30, 2011 at 10:23 am #23286silver-lining
ParticipantWow!! And I thought my head spinning, screaming, cussing episode was something to write about! Daaang, girl, don’t let ME get on your bad side! I had to enlarge your profile pic to look for your mean side!! Nope. Didn’t see one. Huh. 3 men in your life have made you THAT crazy?? What are the odds? Looking back, can you see the red flags from early on (such as frequently calling you a fucking bitch??), and realize now that you should have left before you ever got in too deep?
Thank you for sharing, Kim. I was hoping this would be an interesting and educating post. We all have so much to learn. What are your plans at this time? Surely, you know that you are NOT an ugly, shriveled up witch, but I definitely think its time to hit the road! And hey, how ’bout a nice guy next time?
November 30, 2011 at 3:15 pm #23287ksondy
ParticipantThe first guy was just full of himself. He thought he was god’s gift. When we divorced I bought this t-shirt that said, “I divorced for religious reasons. He thought be was god and I didn’t.” He was an asshole. I was young. That’s the only excuse I have for marrying an ass.
The boyfriend was in DEEP in his sex addiction. It didn’t take too long for me to figure it out. He hid a lot of it but what he felt was “acceptable”, he didn’t hide. Problem was… The stuff wasn’t acceptable. For instance, he’d openly look at porn for hours everyday. I’d walk in on him masterbating to porn frequently. There was no, “oh shit”, zip your pants and close computer windows. Nope. He’d continue what he was doing and not even acknowledge I entered the room. I stayed with him only long enough to figure out a plan to leave him that didn’t involve him killing me.
So I THOUGHT I wised up when I met my H. He is the one I get confused about. For the life of me I can’t figure out what signs I missed.
I’m not mean. lol I just refuse to back down and let a man intimidate me. That hits a nerve with me and I get all high and mighty like: who do you think you are???
I can definitely see where I went wrong. With my first H, he was my HS b/f. Cute popular jock in school. The entire relationship was shallow. I haven’t spoken to him in over 7 years. But at the time, over 6 years after we divorced, we both still reacted to one another like teenagers. So immature. It was bizarre.
The second b/f I also knew early on. It was just a matter of making that escape and biding my time. My first H was a goody two shoes pretty boy. The b/f was the complete opposite. That was the initial draw. Didn’t last long because it’s a stupid reason.
As for my current H, I STILL have a hard time looking back and figuring out what I “missed”. I know what my therapist says I missed but I don’t feel like they were signs he was a SA or signs that he wouldn’t be a committed H. An example… When he was in his early 20s, he’d party it up with his friends, live the young guy lifestyle. He admitted to the strip clubs and sleeping with strippers. He didn’t brag about these stories. And to me it all seemed normal. Young single guy in band trying to score with hot woman. That sounded typical not like he had a “problem.”
At the point where I met him, he wasn’t a young 20 something. He wasn’t in a band. He was far from the partying type. He was a divorced dad who quit the band and went back to school, got a good job, had custody of his daughter and was driving the ultra responsible Honda accord.
I didn’t even see “signs” when he was acting out. Maybe love really IS blind. I prefer to think he’s just THAT good at putting on a show. I was completely fooled for 9 years. Believing the entire time that he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. That makes it VERY difficult to trust anything he says now. I can’t “go with my gut” because I think it’s broken!!! lol
November 30, 2011 at 3:50 pm #23288diane
ParticipantDear Kim,
you are not an old shriveled up old witch. You are beautiful. As far as the “fight or flight” instinct goes, you have more of the “fight” than the “flight”. I can understand you trying to figure out how you ended up in a relationship with an SA—how did you miss the signs—especially if when your therapist points them out you still don’t see it as a sign. I understand that. Its really not obvious sometimes when we focus on their behaviour. In this new relationship I was worried that I would miss “the signs”, so I’ve been more focussed on my own behaviour. What am I doing? Why? What does that suggest? I think its most important understand our own signs—of insecurity, of need, of downsizing expectations, of excusing others, of not asking for what I want, of not sharing my feelings, of withdrawing. Those are some of mine—yours might be different.The worst moment I recall with my SA were when I would just get so insane with his insanity that I would scream myself hoarse. That didn’t happen too often. But my SA had a history of doing something that made me snap one day. In all the houses we lived in, I would try and have a garden, and invariably he would mow it down with the lawnmower, or “weed” it and remove all the things that were growing nicely. Now amount of talking, yelling, would get through to him that his need to destroy this one little joy of mine had to stop. He would just come in pleased with himself and then look mystified at my rage. However, he loved to grow sunflowers—reallly really tall ones. So the last house we were in, I again tried to have a garden. I planted pussywillows which are my very favorite thing. They were coming along nicely, the buds growing and ready to burst forth in their soft fur. I went outside one day, and found he had taken the shears to “trim” some bushes and cut off every budding branch of the pussywillows. He was in the garage. I went in and screamed myself hoarse. He looked at me as if he was innocent and had no idea why I was upset. As I stood there I knew what I had to do. I went to the back yeard where his 8 feet tall sunflowers stood and snapped everyone of them in half. Then I waited for him to see them. He didn’t. So finally I just nonchalantly told him that I had trimmed he sunflowers for him. He looked stricken. And went outside. I think it is only time he ever got it. And in that moment I realized a terrible truth, that until you did to him, he simply would deny his behaviour and how it hurt me. I remembered that. And I still believe it. Unless He experiences the pain, he doesn’t engage what he did, how it affected me, and start to wonder why on earth did he do that? He spent the next two hours digging out the sunflowers and removing all evidence.
I’ve thought of that as I began this new relationship. I didn’t do it to get any response from him. But I think about the sunflowers sometimes, and wonder if my being intimate with another man is the only way for him to actually engage what he did to me. Too bad, but its too late. I’m with someone who loves to garden.
love you all,
D.November 30, 2011 at 4:11 pm #23289ksondy
ParticipantDiqne, You should send him a birthday card with sunflowers on the front 🙂
When I am feeling old, ugly and useless compared to the young hot co-eds he loves so much, I try to remind myself that these girls wouldn’t give his middle age ass a glance unless she needs the money and he’s paying. I’ve even told him: they might think your first chin is cute but I’m not thinking they’re gonna much like the second one you’ve grown.
November 30, 2011 at 7:34 pm #23290silver-lining
Cheers to Kim!! Good one!!!Jackass.
November 30, 2011 at 8:21 pm #23291nap
They use split pea soup in that movie, it’s all chunky and green. The wierd part is that’s my favorite soup!November 30, 2011 at 9:06 pm #23292silver-lining
ParticipantEwwwww!!!! >:)
November 30, 2011 at 10:01 pm #23293diane
ParticipantWhat was surprising to me is that I found the violence of destroying something that mattered to him, very satisfying.
I felt I actually connected with him at a real level. Sad, but true. Oh, elsewhere I posted about the hammer I took to his mothers stupid china 25th anniversary gift that came a year late. I think we created book titles out of our various escapades on that post. It was very funny. Mine was “if I had a hammer….oh wait, I do!”
Let’s call the exorcist “the split pea special”. Kim, yours can be “Don’t Fence Me In” and “When A Good Slap Will Do”. My sunflower story is “A Garden Variety SA”, or “Don’t Mess with My Pussy….willow”
November 30, 2011 at 11:46 pm #23294cindy1111
ParticipantWow, I am so touched by all of your stories. We have all gone through so much. I feel such a connection to all of you. It does help to know that others understand this level of crazy. I am not happy to know that you have had to endure this kind of pain, but thank you, thank you, thank you for being my friend and understanding me.
And also, what I love about us is that in the midst of our sorrow, we can find something to smile and laugh about. That is truly indicative of the nature of each and every one of you.
Diane, I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the sunflower story. I was right there with you as you went out there and snipped those bad boys off. I felt the crunch of those large stems as they broke. yyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss
Oh oh, my head is spinning. And by the way, that was the scariest movie I had ever seen in my life when I first saw it. No kiddin, I thought I was having a heart attack when I saw. I was so afraid to see it ever again in my life. When someone would bring up watching it, I would just say “NO WAY!”. Since than I have seen even more scary movies, but for some reason they just never had the impact of fear that The Exorcist had. Or so I thought……. so last summer my daughter and her boyfriend wanted to watch that and begged me to watch it with them. I had told them how scary that movie is and prepared them to be scared out of their minds. To my surprise the movie was so slow and not scary compared to movies I had seen since. Goes to show you what a first impression major impact will have on someone at a young age. It is no wonder that some of these SA’s are so impacted by porn at a young impressionable age. The thrill of seeing those things for the first time can leave an impression on your mind that can distort what reality is.Interesting.
November 30, 2011 at 11:46 pm #23295cindy1111
ParticipantWow, I am so touched by all of your stories. We have all gone through so much. I feel such a connection to all of you. It does help to know that others understand this level of crazy. I am not happy to know that you have had to endure this kind of pain, but thank you, thank you, thank you for being my friend and understanding me.
And also, what I love about us is that in the midst of our sorrow, we can find something to smile and laugh about. That is truly indicative of the nature of each and every one of you.
Diane, I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the sunflower story. I was right there with you as you went out there and snipped those bad boys off. I felt the crunch of those large stems as they broke. yyyyyyeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssss
Oh oh, my head is spinning. And by the way, that was the scariest movie I had ever seen in my life when I first saw it. No kiddin, I thought I was having a heart attack when I saw. I was so afraid to see it ever again in my life. When someone would bring up watching it, I would just say “NO WAY!”. Since than I have seen even more scary movies, but for some reason they just never had the impact of fear that The Exorcist had. Or so I thought……. so last summer my daughter and her boyfriend wanted to watch that and begged me to watch it with them. I had told them how scary that movie is and prepared them to be scared out of their minds. To my surprise the movie was so slow and not scary compared to movies I had seen since. Goes to show you what a first impression major impact will have on someone at a young age. It is no wonder that some of these SA’s are so impacted by porn at a young impressionable age. The thrill of seeing those things for the first time can leave an impression on your mind that can distort what reality is.Interesting.
December 1, 2011 at 4:25 am #23296ksondy
ParticipantOMG Diane, I’m cracking up. Particularly at the pussy willow one!!!!
Now I know why, despite peas being my favorite, I could never bring myself to eat split pea soup.
I had so much fun with my next door neighbor and the Exorcist once. I knew she was watching it that night so I planted a baby monitor in her couch and kept saying things into the other end from in my house. Ok… you know… maybe I AM mean.
You reminded me of a hammer incident I had. I think I’ll just let that one lie before you all think I really am nuts.
December 1, 2011 at 5:35 am #23297zumbagirl
MemberJust to add a little semi-lightheartedness to this post, here’s a very relevant song from one of my favorite musicals, Chicago: http://youtu.be/IiKx3JbJwt0
December 1, 2011 at 6:52 am #23298ksondy
ParticipantI love it. That’s going to be my new favorite song. I’m going to play it good and loud for my H to hear. Particularly because of the first verse… he KNOWS his gum chewing drives me INSANE. He’s a gum addict as much as he is a sex addict.
In the months leading up to my divorce from my ex there was this song on the radio by Kim Stockwood called “You Jerk.” I sang it in my head for so long. I’d walk around humming it all day.
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