Home discussions The skank!

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  • #162845

    Evening sisters

    So today I was thinking about how well I was doing with regards to the skank and hating the fact that she is still living and breathing the same air as me.

    A few months ago I blocked her on my phone so she cant send me anymore messages and I thought that was a good move.

    So this afternoon when I’m feeling relatively good a message pings on WhatsApp and yes you guessed it, its from the skank.

    Basically she says that everything I wrote in my divorce papers about her is a lie and I am a pathological liar who needs immediate help! I’m thinking, so she’s saying that whilst sitting next to MY HUSBAND!! She is totally deluded!

    Anyway I thought of replying something back but I hold off so that I can think about the shit that she has written. I phone a friend and she spends an hour talking to me about it. At the end of it I block the bitch from contacting me on WhatsApp and decide that the whole thing is very boring.

    After a while I realise that I am now safe in my own home. She cant take my home or my work away from me. She can be as mad as hell but what can she do – absolutely nothing! I have a ton of evidence against her so I can always prove that I am not lying.

    I thought that by divorcing the maggot and not giving the skank any grief about running away with him they would just shut the fuck up and leave me alone – but no life is never that simple is it!!

    Funny that I am starting to move on with my life but they cant seem too!

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