Home discussions Thoughts the weight of it…

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    Oh Laurel, you are so sweet. Yikes, I’m gonna cry, and I already do enough of that. 🙂 Wow, I feel so much love from and for you all. (But lest anyone think I’m some sort of Mother Theresa, um, feel free to consult with my 2 kids. They have stories…oh yeah!) And believe me, I know Karen’s heart is in the right place. Karen, you are such an amazing person–I never feel hurt by anything you (or anyone on here) writes to me. I think right now, all any of us want, besides support, is truth.

    Flora, thank you for all of your wisdom (especially from your smart phone. Now THAT’s caring! :)) And wow, you are so right about the elephant in the room. If nothing else, I really want to change that cycle.

    Love you all!!


    Maybe one of our arty sisters could make us a button in the shape of an elephant with a big pile of poo on the floor labelled SA?

    Maybe we could then post it on our facebook pages and wear it on our lapels and see who is brave enough to ask us about it?!

    But Julie, be gentle on yourself. You were a child dealing with a parent’s alcoholism. You are now the adult. Trust yourself to know that your decisions are the right ones. If you are screaming inside you know you need to reflect and take appropriate action.

    God bless you x


    jos, I love the visual of that elephant: the new symbol of SA! 🙂

    Thank you for your words, and I am taking it all in.

    xoxo Julie

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