You have seen some real idiots Teri.
Have you ever called Dr Minwalla? As I read your post I was thinking how angry this would make him. The first time I talked to him we talked for over an hour. He told me the type of therapist I need to find, He said make sure they:
specialize in emotional abuse
understand addiction
understand ptsd
And then he offered to call who ever I found and explain to them what they are dealing with!!! He was so angry with the help I wasn’t getting (your situation is worse than mine). Your anger is real and deserved. And he will validate it. He was not trying to sell me anything, he genuinely cares.
After that conversation, I decided to go to his intensive no matter what it cost. His costs vary on your travel costs. He charged me $4000. Worth every penny, it’s when my switch flipped. I left there thinking this is where my h needs to go, now I don’t give a shit if my h goes anywhere. This is his sick problem, I wont be dragged into it anymore.
Print off this article to give to your therapist and request that they read “Your sexually addicted spouse”.
You have a right to request that they educate themselves, if they wont, move along to someone who will.