Home discussions Dating Tips for my business date with the CEO

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    I am thrilled for you Harmony. You deserve fun.


    Fun, yay



    Yes Karen it has been a long time since I had mentioned the word fun, wow, it is amazing where have I been in the last two and half years,,,I guess in the swamp

    So any way back to the fun , thank you sisters for your kind words.

    we met at a restaurant he chose, a Thai restaurant, I arrived on time he was already there, we talked about different things , our lives, our children, schooling,,,,,etc., he was reserved and listened a lot, asked a lot of questions about my life, my family, we did not talk at all about our ex,

    He grew up in a large family with 7 siblings; he was interested in becoming a pilot, but failed the test for vision, so he pursued his graduate degree in business administration,

    He talked a lot about his children he has three kids who are my kids age ( his are 6,5 and 3 ), he has them 50% of the time, he has a nanny and his sister comes and stays with them periodically who he said helped a lot .

    So before the end of the meeting I discussed with him a project I am working on (actually I had made a power point presentation that I printed and gave it to him), he said that the corporation is very highly interested in my work, and that they are looking into different venues and that I will definitely be part of the direction that they are going into,,, he was somewhat surprised that I had worked on that presentation and said he was impressed,
    So overall, it was just a friendly meeting with no reference to anything beyond work, so I am hoping that I will develop friendly relationship with him that revolve around work and our kids, especially that we have kids who are the same age .


    That sounded like a great meeting….

    I’m glad it went smoothly.


    This work week has been crazy for me and I’m way behind in reading posts. I’m so happy your lunch went so well and he is so impressed with you and your work.
    Love, Nap

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