Home discussions New Members Wecome To Our New Sister, Laurenbutterfly

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    Let’s open our arms and our hearts to our newest member, laurenbutterfly. Here’s what she wrote in her profile:

    On June 6, 2011, I discovered (the worst way through a returned letter) that my husband cheated on me with my best friend about eight years ago. She lives in a different country where I was raised. Far worse has been learning that they kept in touch by e-mail, phone and skype for all these years and that he went to visit her in January, 2010. In February I discovered his extensive Cybersex activity including posting my nude photograph on-line. Recently he has admitted massage parlor activity, various kinds of acting out with past girlfriends and friends etc. All things considered I am doing pretty well now thanks to therapeutic support, friends, one family member and an extremely helpful outpatient intensive at the Institute of Sexual Health in L.A. Still I welcome more support and exchange of information.

    Laurenbutterfly also wrote this update:

    I am about to travel to L.A. to participate in a formal, clinical disclosure with polygraph at the Institute of Sexual Health where I greatly benefited from a four day partners intensive. Before the intensive I was mired in depression and misery. After the intensive, the depression pretty much went away and the misery was greatly reduced.

    I know that I am interested in how these intensives work, and the discussion of disclosures is a hot topic here, so I anticipate some great comments here.

    Welcome laurenbutterfly. If there is anything I can help you with please don’t hesitate to ask.

    Love and hugs ~ JoAnn


    Hi Laurenbutterfly,
    thank you for joining this company of women, and I look forward to hearing about your time in LA, and how it unfolds.
    We will do our best to support you.


    Welcome Lauren… Glad that you found us and that you are feeling better due to support and an intensive. I too, will look forward to hearing about your experience.

    My best,



    Hi laurenbutterfly and welcome! It is wonderful that you left the intensive feeling better – I hope that you get better and better. We are here for ya!

    ~ Shaken


    Hi Laurenbutterfly,
    Welcome and please post if you’d like. We learn from each other and support each other. I too am interested in your intensive and how it goes for you. Sounds like the first one was very helpful.
    Love, Nap


    Hi Laurenbutterfly, glad you found us not glad why you had to find us.
    {{hugs}} Jac


    Thank you new friends for your comments, much appreciated. I will gladly share information about the disclosure. I will be flying to L.A. tomorrow. It starts on Monday morning. One of therapists (who I met in August) has contacted me and we reviewed the (long) list of questions that I expect to be addressed by my husband in his disclosure. We also talked about support for me during the process. I am very fortunate to be able to stay with one of the women that I met at the Partners Intensive in August. I have three more soul sisters from that experience. I felt completely safe at ISH in August and know I will feel the same way again. The clinical staff are very caring, experienced and supportive. As a therapist myself I recognize superior work when I see it. Love and strength to us all. Laurenbutterfly


    Hello Laurenbutterfly and a BIG welcome to you. I am glad you are doing well given the terrible circumstances that bring you here. I will also be very interested in hearing about your next experience in LA and I am glad you will have familiar support for your disclosure. Karen xx


    Welcome, Laurenbutterfly! I’m so sorry for your pain and trauma. I’m so very glad for the support you are getting, esp. in the next few days!! Best wishes and keep us posted.

    Love Julie

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