Home discussions New Members Welcome To Our New Sister, Amy45

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    Please give your usual warm welcome to our newest Sister, Amy45.

    Amy wrote this in her profile:

    Discovered my husband was using online porn and engaging in compulsive masturbation. After 3 years, I still feel traumatized and mistrustful. Want support.

    She also wrote this:

    Hi Everyone,
    I just joined and am looking for support. I found out 3 years ago that my husband was using internet porn and engaging in compulsive masturbation throughout our marriage. I have been in counseling, and I have grown, but I still don’t feel healed. I want to heal. I have read Barbara’s book this week and it has allowed me to feel the most hopeful that I have. For the first time I am able to understand that my feelings are not completely based on co-dependency issues, and that my responses are normal. I would appreciate any direction I can get from any of you on how to best utilize this forum. Thank you.

    Welcome Amy, I know you will find friendship, support and resources here.

    Hugs to you ~ JoAnn


    Hello Amy,
    Healing is long journey, Amy, but you are headed in the right direction. Welcome to the sisterhood, and I hope you find some help here. There’s such a steep learning curve on this whole thing that it can feel overwhelming. We are all at different stages here, so your questions and wonderings are never out of place. We have lots of opinions, experiences to share and learning to share. And sometimes we are very funny—kind of survivor humour I think. Take care, Amy.


    Glad you found the site, Amy. Kindred spirits abound.


    Dear Amy,

    Welcome! The best thing to do is read as much as you can on here…maybe starting with the member’s stories.They will break your heart but help you see we have all walked on fire and we understand your pain. Post and share anytime you want to or not…No pressure here. It is a safe place.
    Karen xx


    Hi Amy

    welcome to sos and I am so sorry that you found yourself here.
    I know you will find lots of love and support here, this was the best thing that happened to me in this whole mess. It’s like having a bunch of your own personal therapists! We have all been through a lot, our stories and worlds are different but yet exactly the same. Karen is right – go to groups to get the stories, or just jump in and ask at any point. We all share. Don’t find it too overwhelming, everyone here is at different stages since their d-days.


    Welcome Amy, So sorry you’re dealing with this madness. I know it’s overwhelming at times, but at least you don’t have to suffer alone. We get what you’re going through all too well. Looking forward to getting to know you! Take care of yourself, Liza


    Hi Amy,
    So glad you found us. This is a safe place with amazing women who simply “get it.” This SA crap is a lot to absorb and understand. Healing takes time; give yourself time to do it. Looking forward to getting to know you.
    Love, Julie


    Hi Amy and a warm welcome to our group of casualties. Its an amazing group and one reason that I’ve figured out why that is so, is that we are actually DEALING with the reality of this, instead of just pretending it doesn’t exist. A lot of women do that. best ~ Lexie


    hi amy sorry your here but i can tell soon you will feel at home. this is the safe spot that none of have had. this sa crap can suck the life out of you, we all know. each of us have a different story but we know.
    much love katt


    Hi Amy,

    Welcome! Hope you find some moments of peace with us.



    Hi Amy,
    Welcome and I hope you feel much comfort here. We share and learn from each other. I hope you find the support you need to heal.
    Love, Nap


    Welcome Amy!
    so sorry that you find yourself here. You won’t feel alone any more and there’s a lot of information that can be helpful in these postings. Do take care of yourself – this is the most stressful period of most of our lives.
    Love and strength to you,


    Welcome Amy
    I am so sorry you have to begin dealing with the rollercoaster that is sex addiction, but you have found a good place to feel safe and share aNything and everything on your mind
    my h is a compulsive mb too. Has been doing it since he was a teen and when stress of kids and a big job were added to the mix his behavior got out of control
    the site offers a lot of information, the women share wonderful advice based on experience, so dig in
    I’m sorry u had to find us but glad there Is a site like this
    take care of u


    Welcome Amy to our sisterhood,
    I hope you feel safe here with us. Take all the time you need to read, and when you are able to, share with us so we can hold you up.
    Love, Lindy


    Welcome Amy. Warm bugs. There is lots of support here. Sorry for your trauma but I hope the wonderful ladies are of some comfort.


    Thank you all so much. It is taking me awhile to figure out how to use the site. I was feeling down today and just figured out how to receive all of your comments. Thank you so much, the timing is perfect. I am especially in need of support right now because I am in one of the cycles I get into of not trusting and wanting to run away. I wrote in the stories section about findng some semen in my husband’s underwear a day or 2 ago, and how down that makes me feel, knowing that he has been masturbating. When I used to find this before the discovery of the porn, I would smile to myself and feel 100% confident that my husband was fantasizing about me. I just feel like that confident and trusting woman that was me has been murdered by porn, and it makes me feel exquisitely sad. I am so glad to have you to tell this to, it is the only time in 3 years I have not felt crazy. I shared some of it with my doctor not too long ago and she was surprised that “a smart, beautiful, happy woman like me would have such low self-esteem”. Thank you for being here.

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