Home discussions Relationships What are your bars?

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    Hi all,
    My therapist said this to me about a month ago: “The door is open, yet, you are putting up bars so you wont get out” What are your bars?


    1. the fear that there will be no human intimacy in my life.
    This is reason why we keep at it some times. We’re so starved for intimacy we’ll take it any way it comes.

    2. the fear I can’t manage life on my own.
    So, diane, what have you been doing for the last 18 months?

    3. I won’t have anyone to love.
    Someone else posted that one of hardest losses is not being loved, but for me it’s not being able to love someone special.
    So, if this really matters to me, I have to get out there in life and be with lots of people.



    1. Habit
    2. Guilt
    3. Fear of repeating same pattern


    I almost would have to say what are not the bars? The same bars that prevent us from leaving a dysfunctional relationship are the same as leaving one that is just okay.

    responsibility, family, family lost because of the divorce, financial, kids, loss of time with kids, financial, household, stability, care of children….it goes on and on.

    Yes the door is open, it is always open. But deciding to walk through it is an entirely different thing; its no easy task. If it was easy, all of our therapists would be broke and would have to find another profession.

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