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    So glad to hear there is a shift in the paradigm worldwide. I wish there was a way to publicly educate before the crisis drives the abused to professionals.


    Victoria I think you are very sweet to stand against DV. We have conceded that infidelity is a form of abuse. It is strange to me how a sister can say you allowed the behavior. I didn’t allow it anymore than anyone else has. I believe that what has been written has been purely out of love and concern, but how can a sister say that I am allowing abuse when she is still married to an SA unless she really believes they are in recovery. Anyways… I know I have been abused, I am hoping to make changes. I had a therapist but not one that specialized in trauma.


    sot, i understand your confusion and hurt. perhaps it is possible to think this instead of what we allow in our lives?

    setting boundaries can protect us from abuse.

    as you know a boundary isn’t about controlling what another person will do at all! but rather what WE will do. what we will accept. what we will permit to happen around us. in that sense, if we do nothing in the face of abuse, we can let unhealthy behaviour be near us, hurt us.

    sometimes setting a boundary means that another person begins to respect that. not because they want to change, but rather because they don’t like the consequences that we enforce (and we must enforce them) when the boundaries we set are violated.

    and sometimes, they continue to abuse us, no matter what boundaries we set, no matter what conseuquences we enforce. that is when we must accept this reality and remove ourselves away from the abuse, to whatever distance makes us safe.

    that may mean sleeping in the next room. it may mean a therapeutic separation. it may mean divorce, it may mean no contact.

    but without firm and definitive action on our part, IMO, the abuse will continue unchecked.

    have you contacted a domestic violence center in your area yet? have you mad the call? i’m giving you a loving gentle nudge, and i’m not asking you to do something i haven’t done myself… reach out, get support, sister. xo


    I love you Lisa. I have not called. I will not bother to waste your time with excuses. Do you know in 2009 when I tried to sleep in another room he burned the bed. Yep took the bed out in the back yard and burned it. My point to the other sisters is I know I am allowing my abuse; Do u (not Lisa) know you are allowing yours also? I will get there. This is a promise to my sisters and myself.


    I’m curious, where are you located?


    Florida U.S.


    SOT I’m so sorry that you are in this situation I understand your difficulty to move on. Many of us haven’t moved on for various reasons. I believe that in time you will get where you want to be. Plenty of self care will help you. Perhaps start with some boundaries that are not about your husband but rather more about your self care. Very recently I went away with 8 girlfriends. One night I couldn’t cope with the noise or having so many people around me and I could feel myself imploding. I exuded myself (tiredness) and went to bed. I was discussing this with my counsellor and he said I was setting a boundary for my own self care. These kinds of baby steps might help you calm yourself so you can work on the big stuff.
    I have to say when you posted our husband is a Dentist I felt like I’d been stabbed. Another man in a ‘caring’ profession who is so cruel to the one most important to him. My daughter is a dentist too. She is the most beautiful, caring girl and she comes home often talking about the different patients and what she does to care for them. It is hard to fathom how a member of her profession could lead such an immoral life.


    SOT I’m so sorry that you are in this situation I understand your difficulty to move on. Many of us haven’t moved on for various reasons. I believe that in time you will get where you want to be. Plenty of self care will help you. Perhaps start with some boundaries that are not about your husband but rather more about your self care. Very recently I went away with 8 girlfriends. One night I couldn’t cope with the noise or having so many people around me and I could feel myself imploding. I excused myself (tiredness) and went to bed. I was discussing this with my counsellor and he said I was setting a boundary for my own self care. These kinds of baby steps might help you calm yourself so you can work on the big stuff.
    I have to say when you posted our husband is a Dentist I felt like I’d been stabbed. Another man in a ‘caring’ profession who is so cruel to the one most important to him. My daughter is a dentist too. She is the most beautiful, caring girl and she comes home often talking about the different patients and what she does to care for them. It is hard to fathom how a member of her profession could lead such an immoral life.


    cat, i like that, boundaries for our own self care. i find i’m doing that more and more. and it helps!


    Me too Lisa. My husband will be the first to tell you that there are some crazy people in the dental profession. I am glad that your daughter enjoys her career choice. My H has never really liked it. His 1st girlfriend went to be a dentist, so I think he did it more to prove something to her. The strange thing is that patients loooove him. He will not hear it though. When the front desk girl tells him how much the patients brag on his work it goes in one ear and out the other. He wont accept it. I am not the weasel I was in 2009. I am not where I should be, but not where I was either. I will get there. Like the sisters say, (Cat, Courtney & Lisa) baby steps.


    SOT who says you need to be ‘somewhere’ at a particular point in time. You are really too hard on yourself. You have referred to yourself as ‘the village idiot’ twice that I know of. I think you are a great girl. Take your time. You will know when it is time for change. Our brave Lisa didn’t separate straight away. She waited until she had the strength and resolve to extricate herself.
    I don’t doubt your husband’s patients love him. There are many doctors and emergency services SAs. I often reflect on something Meg posted. Her husband is a heart surgeon and he has held many hearts in his hands but he didn’t look after hers. Absolutely heartbreaking.


    SOT who says you need to be ‘somewhere’ at a particular point in time. You are really too hard on yourself. You have referred to yourself as ‘the village idiot’ twice that I know of. I think you are a great girl. Take your time. You will know when it is time for change. Our brave Lisa didn’t separate straight away. She waited until she had the strength and resolve to extricate herself.
    I don’t doubt your husband’s patients love him. There are many doctors and emergency services SAs. I often reflect on something Meg posted. Her husband is a heart surgeon and he has held many hearts in his hands but he didn’t look after hers. Absolutely heartbreaking.


    Too true:-(


    Awe. How sad.

    Thank you Cat. I just think I have been paralyzed with indecision for years. I initially hoped his whoring around was a one time thing but it wasnt. It sucks!!! You live with what you allow is kinda BS from my standpoint. I sat up his business worked hours in it in addition to my job. Now if we divorce he gets half of my 401 and i get half of his business but he doesnt have much ambition to make a ton of money so the business doesnt have the value it could. Also he has never helped me out a nanosecond at my job but he gets half. My daughter would have to come see him even though she cant stand him without me there to run interference.


    SOT, if you want to address me or give me shit, you can just say Karen. You know who I am, I know who I am and everyone else sure as Hell knows who I am. 😉 I don’t do kid gloves very well and I don’t expect anyone to put them on for me. In hindsight, perhaps instead of saying you allow the abuse I SHOULD have said you allow your reaction to his abuse? Of course ,there is absolutely no way you can control where he puts his penis and I am well aware he is attempting to use all manner of psychological warfare to hurt you and to keep things exactly as they are? You are correct, I am still married to my husband and you are also correct that he is not likely in any kind of recovery. I don’t believe in recovery so even if he were in it ,I would likely not register it? But you are wrong that I also allow his abuse . I don’t allow his abuse because I don’t give a shit. I don’t care what he thinks, what he says or who he fucks. I cannot say for certain what he does r does not do and I can honestly say I don’t give rat’s ass. Why? Because I am a hard bitch? NO. I loved him every bit as much as you think u love yours. BUT when I finally found out his game, I STOPPED kidding myself that we had going on was love. I learned to NOT love what was poison. I learned to love me to the best of my ability. I also have a child with a disability- he is on dialysis and is VERY adhd and is not independent. I m financially dependant on my H. If I were not, I would be long gone. I would NOT be sitting around listening why his fucking hookers is MY FAULT. What a load of crap, SOT. We all do what we have to do? But whether you stay or go he does NOT own your mind or heart. Yes, it is VERY painful when they cheat but once they do it enough, YOU eventually make a decision whether you are going to take it on as your burden or not? You absolutely cannot stop it o control it. He will do whatever he wants do…No one can stop him. BUT what you can control is how you react to it? You can decide that you will no longer be hurt when some animal hurts you and your children with his bullshit and his fucking other people. It is disgusting and you do not have to keep reacting to it. Eventually you KNOW what he will do and you know to brace yourself…until you can remove yourself from it completely? He doesn’t own your heart or mind. He wants to make you think he does, but he doesn’t. I am not telling you that you have to go. I am simply telling you he DOES NOT own your heat and free will. You can stay and still keep yourself from him. Anyway, there are many wonderful sisters here who can help you feel safe and secure in ways I cannot. You should simply take what you need and leave the rest….especially if it is too harsh for you (like me). That is the beauty of this forum…u can be yourself, u don’t have to bullshit and you don’t have to accept other’s bullshit (like mine). You can just cleave onto any of the sister’s messages and let them lift you to a better place? There are actual Goddesses here. By now you KNOW I am not one of them, but I am still rooting for you all the way despite my lack of finesse. Love Karen x


    Wow Nellie. What in the world are you talking about Karen? There are plenty of married women on this site. Bev, Liza, Me, You and there are some at different levels. I do not believe in HIS recovery. I gave up on that a long time ago. I am being abused by his BS but other women that think there husbands are in recovery (I am not mentioning any names not because I do not know everyone) might very well be being abused with deception. So there are different levels of hope and abuse. If you aren’t fooled any longer than you aren’t being abused. Do you think I am not financially dependent on my H? We bought this house on his income. Now I either have to leave my son or be dependent on my H for the next few years. I am no longer fooled by my H either. I think that is why he acts out in the DV controlling ways. There are other sisters that my heart breaks for because they really believe that their H will get better. I just want to tell them to run, but that is not my place because if someone had told me that 7 years ago, I wouldn’t have listened either because I loved him and I believed him. Two that I can think of I might be wrong but I think one Andrea76 and the other Just4Kids. They are fresh and just starting out with this shit storm. Hell Dr. E is still abusing Teri and she is divorcing him. I just do not think it is a fair statement to say you live with what you allow FUCK THAT!!! You live with what you have to until you can afford to do better or until you can make the best for your kids or in some cases until they leave you. I am sorry that I hurt youand that it should like I was talking about you. Love back Sheri


    I will say that I feel like I am getting stronger with the help of the sisters including you Karen. Even though I don’t like the statement you live with what you allow it is true on some levels and it also makes me take a good hard look in the mirror. Unconsciously maybe??? I allowed him to brainwash me into owning some of his stuff. I am learning a lot and am trying to read some of the books to help me learn the tricks they use.


    I am sorry that your son has ESRD. That is really difficult. Is he on a transplant list? From what I understand transplants can be worse than the dialysis?


    Yes, he is on a transplant list and yes…..I know a transplant is likely NOT a catch all solution. He is here now, he is healthy now and that is so fleeting and I love him NOW. To Hell with these losers and their issues? This is NOT to say they don’t maim and hurt. They certainly do. I KNOW how it all hurts and how it all ends SOT. Anyway, they are NOT all that now are they?? I mean there is a life outside these men of pain isn’t there SOT? We are all doing the best we can but we are not just feathers in the wind either? We are capable of saying “this man or thing hurts me repeatedly so I will pull back to a safer place? Fuck that and all that good stuff SOT? I am in your corner and my own no matter how it sounds? Love Karen


    I think the thing about we are treated how we allow ourselves to be treated and also the one about how no one can make you feel anything (which wan’t mentioned before but this discussion reminds me of) can be helpful or hurtful.

    They can be inspiring and motivating to look for changes in your life to deal with difficult people and situations. This is especially true if you are caught in a pattern of repeated difficult situations that are causing you much difficulty. I have used this kind of thinking when dr. e kept drawing me into arguments to deflect from his behavior. I had to learn to not take his bait. That was the only way to stop the arguing.

    But they can also make you feel you are being blamed for things that you cannot control. Because they are only completely true in an idealized world where people can just sever ties and walk away from any relationship. It ignores the reality that many of us are dependent because of finances or will be tied to them for years because of children and that legally we have really few good options. And of course if someone does something bad to you, you are going to be upset.

    But as Karen pointed out (and NAP earlier), there’s more than one way to not tolerate. It doesn’t have to be about leaving although it can be. It’s also about taking back your power, setting boundaries, and having some control over your life.


    Sheri I think what Karen is saying that you CAN stay in the marriage but in order to survive you must learn to detach from him. Learn to love yourself. Learn to care for yourself. Ignore his crap and focus on the good, gifted, capable person that you are. You probably feel like its been a long time since you have seen that girl but she is there. Xxx


    Karen, you flat out lied back there. You are too a Goddess. One of the most potent ones we have because you speak your truth ALWAYS. It may not be what everyone wants to hear but it is REAL and it is yours. Truth is hard and often hard to recognize in this insane SA world we are forced to inhabit. As you said in your post, Karen, the beauty of a discussion forum is that you are free to pick and choose which truth and which advice works for your individual situation. You don’t have to heed it all. You can’t heed it all because there are too many differing viewpoints.

    I have said this before and I will probably say it again. This is a DISCUSSION forum. A Sister starts a thread and anyone who is interested weighs in with their own perspective. That is what a discussion is. It is not about everyone agreeing with what the original poster said. If that is what you are looking for, I suggest starting a blog and controlling the comments. We have plenty of Sisters here who read but don’t post and that is more than okay too. But if you DO post, expect truthful and sometimes painfully honest responses from the other Sisters who will respond from wherever they happen to be in their life and on their journey at that particular moment. That is the nature of this forum. Take what is helpful, ignore the rest. The reason the ‘hood is such a life saving miracle for many of us is because of that sometimes painful truth that is offered here. That’s why we are here. It’s not for everyone, however. Each Sister needs to determine whether this place is right for her journey. The ‘hood is what it is, and I for one, hope it doesn’t change.

    That last part was a general statement, not intended for any specific sister. This however, is intended for Karen so I am NAMING you, dear Sister. Karen, I love you and have the utmost respect for you. Keep on keeping on.


    Agreed! Karen, and all, please, please, please don’t apologize for speaking hard truth! I need it and it takes being shocked and jarred enough to turn this crazy mind-train around to going the right direction and not off the freaking cliff!!!!!


    I appreciate you ladies, I really do.

    To echo what Daisey said this is a discussion forum. I hope that nobody does not say what needs to be said or share her truth. I need to hear from Karen and Nap. Likewise, please do not get offended if someone does not agree 100% with it. Both people should feel free to discuss things. It helps me to work things out in my head!


    So sweet Cat.

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