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    And, to that diatribe, I should add that I don’t know if I can continue to do it. It is simply taking into consideration all the facts and evaluating them to the best of my ability. I could absolutely be wrong.


    “Sometimes, it just is not all about me” I know why you do what you do Bev…or at least what you tell yourself. I don’t think I really know why I do what I do…I think I need to find that out. Seems to me….after an entire adult life of being duped…..it is not a bad thing if we decide SOMETIMES it can be all about us? Our lives count…not just as mothers ….but as human beings. Just saying……


    Well…I get that part. I don’t know if I can do it and sometimes I worry that I would want to even consider doing it? Makes me worry about myself. 😉 LOL


    Sharpie, anyone?


    Wren- I’m going to be 50 in December and h is 51.. He has been addicted to porn and eyefucking woman since before we married over 29 years ago.. He just forgot to tell me. He of course is behaving at the moment.. Working hard and begging me to stay that he loves me blah blah blah. Well good for him that after 29 years of not respecting me and screwing around now he is in love. Don’t I get to decide anything in this marriage??? Why is it that we look at the SA to change and decide whether we stay based on them.. Why not based on is and our needs. Seems to me my h made his choice and apparently choices for me and our 6 kids without asking what we wanted. I would of chosen monogamy if asked. So now that “I” have a choice I’m not going to compromise my life for my SAH.. Yeah for him that he wants to behave .. He is about 29 years too late for me to care.. But I totally get the confusion. I think of my kids who want us to work it out of course. 29 years is a long time to be with someone and starting over is scary.. The grass may not be greener on the other side.. But I doubt it could be any browner either..
    Did I make sense or should I take a shot and try this again lol


    Great list, Diane. I agree completely with what you’re saying about trauma impacting stay/leave. I would add here that being in trauma isn’t insanity per se, even though it can feel that way, it’s an injury more than anything.

    My thoughts are:

    Further relationship abuse adds a significant layer to the trauma.

    Specifically peer support is a major factor. Can fall under what you’ve covered with isolation. However, the ability to connect with fellow survivors is massive. Trauma is disconnecting and dislocating — it can get much worse if the partner doesn’t have a safe place of understanding.

    While partner healing isn’t dependent on SA recovery, ongoing active addiction after D-Day can increase the trauma.

    Level and type of PTSD if developed: there’s PTS, Chronic PTSD, Complex PTSD. Believe this can affect how easier/difficult it is to think clearly and make decisions in order to get out.

    Validation. This obviously extends across the landscape of the entire SA minefield — friends, therapists, family, institutions, society. Invalidation is considered a crucial factor in trauma worsening.

    In addition to the partner’s ability to find good professional care and treatment, there may also be internal barriers — shame, denial, feeling the stigma of being with a SA, etc.


    Caligirl preach it sister preach it!

    Victoria–excellent additions. Perhaps this is one of those lists we need to gather up and put somewhere we can reach for it in a search.


    Perhaps it is one of those lists that you just shrug off and get on with your life ? Why are we constantly whining? It is fine to acknowledge that the pain and agony is there but is it really necessary to wallow in it?

    I have never seen so many people in one spot so willing to wallow in the hell that SOMEONE ELSE CREATED.

    Get a clue. You married a fucked up person. He sucked. You have kids and finances and history. It is NOT indicative of how you live the rest of your fucking life.

    Stop immersing yourself in the filth. Let it go and let it be their filth.

    I am so not speaking to the new sisters that just had their discovery. I am talking to the old sisters ( me included). Please God…let it go.


    Sorry Diane, I was on a tirade and I probably should have deleted the whole post. I was not talking to just you. JoAnn has my permission to delete 🙂


    Nothing spoken from the heart should ever be deleted. It’s all part of our truth.

    Sisters, speak your truth whenever it needs to come out. We all need to hear it because some of us know it but are afraid to speak it. Seeing it written here gives us the courage to allow it.

    I love you Bev. ~ joAnn


    I am getting on with it, but I still whine on and off because it still hurts. Doesn’t define me, doesn’t run my life. It’s just nice to say how I feel to people who get it. I would hate to think because I’ve finally successfully divorced the SA I’m expected to suddenly have everything all worked out and never doubt or hurt from it again. I’m not good at pretending everything is okay when it isn’t. I’ll sure tell you when things are good, and also when they’re bad.

    New sisters seeing that you can whine and hurt and STILL be moving forward is instructive. You don’t have to wait until you don’t feel the pain to move forward. And moving forward will improve the situation but it is no promise of freedom from the pain. Wherever you are moving, no sister here chose this filth. Moving through and away from it is not a straight shot and nobody got directions to the exit ramp.

    Letting go of their filth does NOT remove the trauma we experienced. It is a start, but surely not the end of the clean-up process.


    You just made me cry. It is MY truth.

    Love you too Jo……always.

    Apologies to new sisters. Please do not take this as personal. I was so pathetic when I first learned the truth that I was immobilized. You are all going to be okay. I promise that you are. There are VERY few on this site that resists improvement. It gets better and you become more clear.


    Bev, I hear you! Every time I get crap from doc e and it knocks me off my feet for a couple hours or a couple of days I wish to God I could just let it go and move on! But it gets in my head, and my heart starts pounding, and I can’t breath or think, and I have to actively work through it until I can let it go. But damn it, I am going to get there.


    Well Wren…all I can say is “Welcome to the Sisterhood. You asked.” LOL I love you girls.


    I hear you too Bev, loud and clear. We say all the time here to focus on our own healing and not on the SA but the truth is (and this is MY truth), if I am dwelling on all the wrongs my H did to me, all the trauma I suffered then I am not focused on healing OR on myself. Wallowing in the trauma keeps the focus squarely on the SA and his misdeeds. When my focus is on myself, my children, my puppies ( 🙂 ), or something outside myself, even if it is just being here and communicating with all of you, then I feel much more at ease and at peace. When I sit and think about how my life didn’t turn out how I wanted it to, I feel sad and miserable. So as much as I can, I choose to focus on the present and the future, not the past. I CHOOSE not to wallow. That doesn’t mean that the pain and hurt doesn’t catch up with me sometimes, but it is not the primary focus of my life.

    Teri, you are not going to get there – you ARE getting there. You are incredibly brave and even when you get knocked down, you get right back up. You are not wallowing, you are surviving. There is a huge difference.


    Well, 2 of you understood. Daisy, you have it down. That is exactly what I am talking about.

    Teri, You don’t know it maybe, but you have it too. Of course it knocks you back. Why wouldn’t it? You are NOT choosing to stay with doc e and make your life a misery novel. You are actively trying to divorce the pos and protect your child. You have my utmost admiration for whatever that is worth. I think you are a saint for not killing him…..


    Lynn, sorry, I did not read ypour post until now. Of course we are all allowed to whine. Good days do not mean the trauma did not happen. I am not advocating that we all ignore this. I am simply saying that we are grown women and we have been dealt a really ultra shitty hand. Do the very best you can with it. Do not wallow in it. Do not let it define you or your life.

    We have sisters on this site that refuse to move on. It’s not about posting some shitty thing the SA has done. It’s not about posting that you are struggling in whatever way. It IS about never letting the damn thing go and accepting that, yes, this happened to you.

    You can quote and site and read and research all you want and guess what? IT DOES NOT CAHNGE ANYTHING.

    This is my way of telling all the sisters that I love and care about that they MUST find a way out of the whining, poor me hell. I truly understand the pain. I wish that I did not. But whining incessantly about it will get you no where fast.

    Girls, search long and hard but find a way out of the swamp.


    Lynn, I would not characterize what you say here as whining. You JUST got divorced (yea!), you have had issues with your children and with finances. Talking and/or venting about those issues is NOT whining. Your life is not at a standstill. You are moving forward, moving on. You are not communicating with your ex (I LOVE writing ex instead of STBX), or trying to get him help. You are focused on your own life and healing your trauma. If, three years from now, you are still stuck in some sort of relationship with SJ I will be the first one to tell you that you are wallowing and need to stop. But I’m pretty sure that isn’t going to happen. 😉


    Okay, well, maybe I’m NOT wallowing (you guys are great) but I still do not want to give him one more damn minute than I have to, and I get frustrated with myself for letting him get to me!

    And I will agree Daisy that Lynne, you are not wallowing at all. You have been working your ass off to move forward and dealing with some real hardships along the way.

    We all know the real wallow-er is Bev, and she is just projecting it onto us so we stop calling her out on her purse addiction. 🙂


    So true…so very true Teri 🙂

    Unequivocally, Teri and Lynn are NOT whiners!!

    I whine and I want my damn purse!! It’s NOT fair 🙂


    It’s not, agreed. You deserve two purses, and the shoes, too.

    We all do.


    Damn straight…

    And I’m going to whine because it’s been 2 years and I STILL CAN’T HAVE A FREAKIN’ DRINK ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!

    I deserve purses and shoes just for that!


    OMG ..Teri, I have NO words to make up for what you have been thru and what you are going thru….

    I do know that you deserve a cocktail on a friday night and you most probably need a purse and shoes 🙂


    I need a purse big enough to put a brick in…


    Perhaps if you could drink he WOULD be dead by now, Teri? 😉 That would be good so maybe you could twig the law just a bit? God knows he does. Asshole.

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