Home discussions SOS Stuff Would You Want Auto Log Off On This Site?

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    Yesterday a Sister suggested that for security purposes that this site might have an auto log off after a set period of time, just like some of the banking websites have.

    Personally, that drives me crazy because I have at least two computers on 24/7 and I have at least a dozen windows open at any one time. Usually I am working with my programs and switching to different sites for resources, so when I get signed out it makes me crazy.

    BUT…I live alone and there are no security issues here. My main goal for this site is the confidentiality of all of my Sisters information.

    So, if you would like I can install and try a few different programs that will allow for auto log off after a certain period of time.

    Give your vote, yay or nay for auto log off. And, please let me know how long of inactivity should there before the log off is triggered.

    Oh, and in case you are wondering, it cannot be optional. It’s a site wide choice, each individual cannot set it themselves. So, either we all have it or we all don’t.

    Hugs to all. ~ JoAnn




    i think after 5 minutes. the few seconds it takes to log on will be worth it to me to keep my sisters safe. IMO we should only be logged on when we are reading or typing.

    it not only keeps our sisters safe, but keeps our children safe from material we may not want them to discover on a computer screen.


    I don’t need it and it makes me crazy too because I keep a lot going on my laptop. BUT, it is MY laptop and is locked the minute I close it and I always close it. Everyone has their own so there is NO reason for anyone to go near mine.

    It would probably be a good idea though because these SA’s cannot be trusted and you never know what lengths they would go to. I’m not sure on how much time should lapse. Whatever everyone decides, I am okay with it.


    I’m same as Bev as far as locking it when I leave it and the SA’s can’t be trusted. I am okay either way as far as security in my own home, but I do worry about to security breaches that have happened with other people. I admit, my biggest security fear is that doc e has a dummy account here or has someone who has set one up for him…

    So long story short, I am okay either way. As long as it doesn’t log out if I am in the middle of a writing a post (can it tell if we are writing and count that as activity?). Whatever, I can adjust.


    As the sister who suggested it, I am in favor of it. I don’t think I need it for myself- I always log out, even for a few minutes- but there have been times when my ipad didn’t log it out (don’t know why, cause I clicked on log out) and that surprised me. It’s an inconvenience, but I think it would protect us from those who perhaps underestimate the deviousness of their partners, the curiousity of children, the not-realizing-it-was-still-on happenstance, etc. There’s a reason why the banks do this- for security- which always means losing some freedom. But I vote, in this case, for security over freedom, because the stakes- although improbable- are high.


    I think the suggestion was to have the logout placed on the same page as everything else so it’s easier to see and logout if we choose to. I think relocating it so it’s visible for easy access would be a great idea.


    Just to add though, if you’re wanting the site to be a truly ‘secured site’ like a bank then you almost need to have it. Otherwise what happened the other day could accidently and easily happen to any of the 200 people on the site.


    I would prefer no auto logoff because I leave mine up and running all the time too since I am here by myself most of the time. When my H is here I keep it logged off unless I am alone.

    Teri, I have to say out of all the SAs, dr e is the one I worry least about having access to the site. With his monumental ego, there is NO WAY he could keep quiet about all the haters here who actively hope for his slow and incredibly painful death. He would be screaming from the rooftops about his need for security if he knew. But just in case he is here: dr e, I seriously HATE you and would cheerfully kill you myself if the opportunity arose, you nonhumanoid fucktard. And I would do it with a smile. I’d feel worse about killing a stinkbug and I hate stinkbugs. 😀 <- The smile is for thoughts of his painful demise not because I'm kidding.


    I was thinking of Victorias post about the location. Jo suggested the auto logoff per her post. Ok got it now.


    I am okay with it either way. As long as we don’t lose posts that we’re writing, as Teri said. I know how much that frustrates everyone already. My laptop is secure. No SA near it.

    I liked that little IP world map you used to have up on here, JoAnn. It was helpful to see locations of people visiting. What happened with that, were there problems? I used to worry about dummy accounts too, although not as much now.


    Like Victoria, I don’t mind either way. xoxo


    I prefer not to have auto log out but will go with the flow. I usually live alone so has not been an issue for me.


    Having been a victim of identity theft, I ALWAYS log out no matter where I am in cyberspace. However, the identity theft happened because I didn’t know I should log out, EVERY SINGLE TIME FROM EVERY SITE. If it is possible JoAnn and not too convoluted, I say go for it.


    I’ll put my vote in for a very prominent “log off” button that would appear on every page, if that were at all possible. Sort of like the emergency ejector seat on jet planes (please excuse my vivid imagination).


    I am game for whatever. Because I live alone I do not have to worry, my little guy is only 14 months so he can’t work the computer yet! lol


    Sorry, but we have to take the ‘Log Off’ button off of the table. It’s not possible with the complexity of this site and the forums. Sorry. If I could I would.

    But, to log off just put your mouse cursor over your picture or avatar in the upper right and corner and when you see the drop down menu just click on the ‘Log Out’ link. It really can’t be much easier than that.

    Working on the log off programs. They will require some testing. ~ JoAnn


    thanks for looking into this joann. i really think the safety of the sisters and their children is incredibly important.

    i don’t think i’m personally at risk. it seems that the time for DW to try to physically intimidate me is over. and i have nothing to hide from him. if he finds out i call him DW, so be it.

    all it would take is one sister with an abusive husband to go apeshit and attack her because of what he saw on a site. or to go after another sister. or to show up at a meeting of two sisters. or for one curious kid to suddenly discover what her daddy was really doing. or for one divorce case to get shot to hell because of what is discovered on the site.

    even if a sister thinks that their husband wouldn’t or couldn’t use their computer, remember how crafty, sneaky and untrustworthy these guys can be. how they can give the appearance of being in recovery. of being a good family man, and then in secret….

    many sisters still live with their partners. with men that have demonstrated that they are, or were, (probably are, IMO) liars and cheats. and they are in proximity to their partners (who are often forgetful and traumatized by ptsd) who, to be honest, are capable of god knows what.

    i think the inconvenience of having to log in again is nothing compared to the potential risks. we must protect our sisters, especially those that are new to the site, and those are probably the sisters the most personally at risk and the most likely to forget to log off due to ptsd.


    I think it is a good idea for the overall security of the site.
    Wish there was a solution the worked for everyone. That is just not how the world works. Every decision has trade offs.

    These are things I need to constantly remind myself about. Helps me worry less about making a mistake.

    JoAnn, you are one of my heroes. And, I don’t have many.


    🙂 Thank you Desiree.


    You are most welcome.


    I am not at risk either because I am alone here, but if it keeps the hood safe, I am all for it.

    JoAnn, I wondered though, how do you know who the new members really are? Couldn’t a man pose as a woman and get on here pretty easily? I found this site by Googling, so theoretically any SA could find it and sign up for SOS to see if their partner was on it, or what was being said by other partners. Just curious how you screen.


    Trish, JoAnn is involved in many covert ops and is connected at the highest level. She could tell us about her deep background checks but then she’d have to kill us. 😉 Seriously, I wonder too but I sooth myself by picturing her in a safe room monitoring a bank of computers hooked into all sort of monitoring stuff. 😀


    JoAnn, my account doesn’t have the drop down menu anymore. That disappeared a long time ago. Only way to log off is to click into the Home link that takes back to the log in screen. Not sure if it’s only my account, and it’s not a big issue for me. However, just letting you know of this problem.



    I will look into that problem for you. It could be a personal setting that you somehow inadvertently hit.

    I will PM you as I need your log in details to check it out.

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