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    Read the poem below, by Pamela Gemin. Then write your own letter to your younger self. Pick an emblematic period in your history, an image of yourself that represents who you are deep down, beneath the blows you’ve been dealt by life, beneath any negative messages you’ve gotten from your family or lovers or our culture. Picture that girl and think about her strengths, all of the internal resources she used to survive. Write her. Thank her. It can be in the form of a letter, a story, a poem…No rules, no limitations.


    I take it all back,
    each dirty, lowdown thing I ever said
    and felt and thought about you, honey,
    and all I put you through.

    I take back your Clearasil zits and Midol cramps,
    take back those cheap 4-inch gold plated hoops
    that infected your earlobes
    and snagged your silk shirts;
    I take it all back to the K-Mart for you,
    stand in the returns line
    with armfuls of too-tight bras, blue eyeshadows,
    Uncurl and water weight pills.

    I take back the menthol stink of those nasty
    fags you smoked, breathe in the foul clouds
    you blew out your bedroom window;
    take out the butts you double-wrapped
    in kleenex, sprayed with Glade,
    snuck out to the backyard trash can;

    take back the pink frosted lipstick
    and jasmine cologne you stole from Hudsons
    take back the drive-in nights
    you puked popcorn and apple wine
    out the windows of fast-moving cars,
    take back your dancing wild at the Bowl-O-Drome;

    your animal, rabid fear of touching
    and being touched; your fear of boylust burning
    bright as a thousand votives
    in St. Joseph’s vestibule;
    fear of the Lone Airborne Sperm,
    fear of the Lord’s cool hand
    set down hard upon your backside,
    fear of His crown of thorns
    set down hard upon your hairdo;
    take back your venial sins chalked up in fives
    on your blank slate soul.

    I take back your fear of fat, stronger
    than your fear of God, the fear
    that kept saying no thank you,
    none for me, please; that whittled you down and down
    with your chocolate milk lunches
    from 116 to 106 to 96 pounds
    that Easter you went to Florida;

    and even with studio-tinted cheeks
    and hair the photographer made too red,
    naturally wavy hair set straight
    on juice cans and Depot-Doo the night before;
    and even in spite of that goofy far-off someday look
    the picture pulled out of your face
    from God knows where,

    I can see it so crystal
    clearly now, decades too late,
    see your momma was all along right
    about you:
    you were one sweet bird,
    one inside/outside beautiful
    special girl.


    Wow!! Awesome poem! I can tell- this is going to be a great exercise! Thank you, March!!!


    I love it!! Several years ago, my mother gave us all a calendar for Christamas. It was one of those that you make with photos. She got creative and pulled out old pics from childhood. My calendar had my Senior Prom pic on December. I remember ( before I knew about SA) looking at that 18 year old girl and wondering where she went and what happened to her…. This is a perfect prompt for me.


    Thanks for posting this March. I will try to work on my assignment this week 🙂


    Here is a letter I wrote to myself this morning:

    Dearest Didi,

    You have a journey ahead of you. It will not be what you think it will be. It will not be pretty or perfect. But it will be divine. It will be timed just right and you will know when your lessons are learned and it is time to be free.

    When you come to what feels like the end of know who you are, who to trust, what to do, where to go, what to be? Then you will know it is time. It is time for you to step out into this world as a fully present and integrated woman that will bring a powerful message to the world. I know that you will want to regret the past to wish you could go back.

    To doubt yourself and ask, “Why didn’t I trust that small voice that has told me to run so many times before?”

    My darling, it was not the time. Now is the time. Now you are ready and you are strong and you are a force for the world. It is time to be all that you can be here on this earth. I love you and watched you hurt and grow. It is time to cleanse and clear your heart and life so you can be a light. A light that shines brightly to let others know there is a path through the darkness. The flame you thought was out has been growing over time and is ready to now burn at full strength again.

    Let this flame burn bright and vivid for all the world to see. They will see it and be drawn to it. It is time to be fully the woman you are so you may love and support other women to help them grow. You are beautiful and talented and it is time to share your talents with the world.

    You have a message inside of you. Now is the time to share that message. You have no idea the impact and power it will have. You are ready to be free and thrive in the world. Follow your divine calling. Even though your heart is broken it will not break, only bend and become stronger as you weather each storm.

    Your loving and supportive spiritual guide.


    I think that is wonderful Didi. keep reading it over and over.


    Didi, this reminds me of the Viktor Frankl quote (which I have tattooed on my right shoulder blade): What is to give light must endure burning.

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