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    My attorney sends him a letter to enquire whether he paid the maintenance into my account as per the court order. He responds that he does not have the money. The electricity reminder to his mum that was causing her so much trauma is now being handled with : your client can fetch the money from my mum. The damn nerve. I am going to save my energy for the divorce matter. In fact I told my attorney to just leave everything until the new year. I will have a time of rest over the festive season and beyond and then take this up again once I am well rested and energised to take on this monster again. How did I manage a marriage of 27 years?? I must have been an angel or in a trance.


    Ugh!!! So sorry Gail!


    You are wise to pick your battles and have them on your on schedule, Gail.

    It is hard to imagine how they were were worth the trouble, isn’t it?


    No kidding…
    He’s such a jerk, Gail. I’d sit out in front of his church on Sundays with a cup and a sign that says “Husband won’t pay child support.”


    Yes Gail, how wise you are to pick your battles AND pick your rest times? Enjoy your Xmas. There will be time to deal with him later. Rest assured HIS Xmas will be spent in anger and frustration no matter HOW he tries to spin it. The very BEST Xmas for you and your kids, is you get to spend it without HIM! Hugs Karen


    Thinking of you Gail, so sorry. You sound like your managing it well though. I really hope so.

    I like Teri’s idea- I might try it! lol


    I’m with Teri… Seriously.


    Thanks for covering my back, as always my sisters.

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