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  • #116972

    I have no idea what those initials meant. It was good, though.

    I saw a trauma specialist for the first time last week, I go back on the 20th.

    That’s all I can say right now, haven’t slept in 2 nights and sleeping pill is kicking in. I’ve been reading, not ready to post my story yet. It’s just all too crazy.

    Thanks again for your responses, goodnight, and good luck.




    We applied for that, it specifically said I am not a codependent and I don’t need 12 step codependent meetings. Yikes!


    Well it’s been coming for years now… I sat on the fence a long damn time waiting on his ass to recover or whatever. I wish I had found this sight 2 years ago. Thanks for the comments, ladies.


    My man picker is broke and has always been broken. I’d like a nice, hairy bull dyke Lesbian next. Absolutely no offense intended. I’ve been thinking about this awhile. Of course I’d move to a state where gay marriage and marijuana are legal, and we’d be happily almost gay forever after. I wonder if I’m too old to be arm candy. And yes, ladies, I really believe a bad enough relationship with a man can turn one gay. Or bi. Whatever. I’m babbling maniacally. FUCK ’em all.


    Love them both. Thanks for sharing.


    I’m so glad to have found this sight, been here a few days, read a lot, kicked him out. Feeling relieved and hopeful. Thank you Joanne & everybody. I can breathe.


    I read it. If only men came with Material Safety Data Sheets, perhaps in time they will. Warning: becoming emotionally involved with this individual is likely to result in years of heartbreak, broken promises, and even ass cancer. Beware – extremely hazardous, volatile, and perverted.

    I’m glad to have read this tonight. I think I’m ready to believe it. Next therapy session should be interesting.


    Oh – that is a supportive, admiring, and loving comment. Really.


    Wow. Joann said “fuck that.”


    What a great idea, start a support group! Maybe one day, soon. Sending love and strength waves your way.


    Hi Cheryl,

    I’m very new here, too, and learning to navigate the sight. Hate that we had to meet here. I’m very interested in the 100 BFFs, though. 🙂

    Take care,


    OMG. Your story is hauntingly similar to my first year after DDay. Unreal. And the responses from other members indicate this is not unusual. OMG.

    Speechless here. I’ll be back. (((hugs)))


    Hi KK, I got worried about the deleted user, too. Glad to hear it’s probably a glitch. I’m SO PARANOID. Thanks for the welcome, and I’m not happy to be here but so glad not to be alone for a minute.

    Now… to read your story.


    Eggar! Too funny. At least his wife was able to serve the Men in Black some warm lemonade. I need the mind erase thingy procedure.

    Bram Stoker’s Dracula, one of my all time favorites. I have (had) a close friend whose husband is a doc & we called him dr. Jekyll and/or mr. hyde depending on the day or minute. It’s a small world.

    The sight I got the warning from is I was a member for almost 2 years. I was on the reconciliation forum, where they warn you “name calling will not be tolerated.” May be a great sight for stronger people, perhaps I’m still too raw and take everything to heart. Her name is Skank, to me. I wanted to say MFPOSSFRHUFDB etc.

    Everything makes me cry. Everything. I don’t mean a little tear, but an earth shaking, I can’t move, have to run to the bathroom and turn on the water and howl into a towel for 20 minutes.

    At least I’m out of the bed most days now. Some days I leave the house. Not much. My kids tell me to toss him, he’s beyond hope. They think I’m crazy to still be here.

    My shrink says all this is normal for my situation and timeline. His shrink talks to my shrink. They agree there is hope. HA.

    I start with my own counselor (in addition to my shrink) in 2 weeks. He’s seeing an SA certified wonder doc that has taken a special interest in him. She’s a psych, former director of a SA program famous people go to. My pervert husband is part of her research program and gets extra stuff at a big discount. I had so much hope 6 months ago.

    We are self employed, uninsured. $$$$$ has been spent and continues to be spent on drugs and therapy.

    So many heartbroken & betrayed. I had no freaking clue until it happened to me.


    Hi all, thanks again, I’m afraid to be too hopeful after what I’ve experienced on some other forums, but here goes… I received a stern warning from an admin on a sight recently when I referred to his most recent skank as “Skank.” Yet its ok for the cheating partners to whine about how much they miss their affair partners while supposedly working on reconciliation. Love the nicknames, by the way. Dicksprout! HAHAHAHA. Wormtongue – LOTR? I need the cheat sheet.
    I’m still shellshocked, I think, and scared of everything, my days are one trigger after another. I’m off to look for the name-calling forum and the cheat sheet. Thanks again for the welcomes, I really need them. More would be great. 🙂


    Wow. Thanks ladies. It’s after midnight here. I’m pleased and surprised to receive welcomes already.

    Where do I tell my story? It’s been 2 years since DDay 1, about a year since DDay 2, and I realized yesterday that… this might be it. He’s a pervert. Can I say that here? I’ll be reading and trying to find my way around the sight.

    Thanks –

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