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my partner is sex addict,found out July 2010.

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About Me

I’m 49 mother of 5, 3 sons 31,21,14-2 daughters 25,22 and 1 granddaughter who’s 3.

My Story

I was married for 20 years I tried to divorce my first husband but he wouldn’t allow it. He died 3 years ago,we were not together but in his head we were married. I have lived with my SA for 5 years he was my best friend for years before, he knew my life with my husband, he was more of a father to my kids that their own father was. He knew my story and he still accepted me,hes never raised his voice nor his hand at me.He gave me hope that one day I could live a normal life that my kids could see first hand what a real man is. I wanted my sons to know that woman have value,I wanted my daughters to know that real men are out there.I have so much to figure out that I really have no beginning to write my story but the real scary part is I see no end to it either!!!!