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I am married to a sex addict. My day of discovery came 18 months after we were married in 2002 when I walked in on my SA with a prostitute. Since then, I have been riding the rollercoaster that all we women here have been riding. I found this site, and it is saving me and giving me support that I didn’t know was out there. I have a million questions, and need a million bushels of support. Thank you ladies, God bless you all.

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About Me

I am going to be sixty years old this year whoa, can that be?

I have five grown daughters, three from my first marriage, and now two more from my marriage to my SA.

We have two grandchildren (seven and nine) from my youngest step-daughter, another new one this past year from my youngest daughter, and now we are expecting another one from my oldest daughter the end of this summer.

My husband and I work together six days a week at our place of business. Amazingly, working together we are a good team. The hard part are the ‘triggers’ (for him and me) here at work, as this has been the place where most of the acting out occurs.

My hope is that my husband will make his way through recovery successfully, and we can both be at peace.

My Story

I’m working on this yet. It’s hard to get the past eight years down on paper.