Thank you fellow sisters for all of your guidance, support. I am a newbie member. My H. was caught a few months ago as a SA. I’m going out of my mind trying to cope with this. We have been married 30 years and I have had no prior knowledge. I have been to one therapist which really didn’t help. The $ money was just going out the window…(money pit as you say) I have stopped. I’m having serious anxiety attacks, no sleep,worried all the time of the legal consequences which are coming up. My H is now in therapy at our hospital and has a well known Dr. of the field.He attends group sessions. I have attended 2 special spouses meetings. The meetings and Dr. appointments are all about him! I’m a nobody. I get the impression from the Dr. that they want the spouses to be all supportive but you are of NO IMPORTANCE – only a mechanism to deal with their problem. I’m already fed up with this…The Dr. gave a really bad report(too much info overload) which will be submitted to the Crown. It doesn’t look promising at all. My trust in the whole system has gone down the tubes. I have no trustworthy supportive friends or family who can help. My25 daughter has been here for me, but it is becoming too much to handle. Any good suggestions and thoughts on this.