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My partner (we do not live together) has been diagnosed as a SA. He has a life-long history of porn addiction, is a compulsive liar, was diagnosed with a personality disorder (BPD) five years ago. I recently found hard-core porn videos in the recycle bin of his computer, contrary to his claim that he had put filters on to prevent such downloads. He claims to have no recollection of downloading this material. A year ago, he claimed to have no memory of signing up to a dating website. Do ‘blackouts’ really occur in SA?? I’m skeptical, to put it mildly. A year ago he didn’t believe he was ‘an addict’, this week he is in therapy with a sex addiction counsellor. Do I believe that he is dedicated to recovery, or is this just another ‘temporary crises’ and another fire-brigade action on his part? Again, I’m skeptical.

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