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    Ok I have been hopping around this site, trying to avoid what is really going on in my life. There is a lot so I am going to try on cover it without rambling on and on.
    1. first grand daughter born last week! she’s a keeper! she was born on the year anniversary day my h cheated with golf soul mate. a day I was dreading, which has now been frosted over with a blessing.
    2. my h said he is done with therapy, he thinks he is fine and it is nothing but a big tattle tale session. He can “fix” himself simply by making the right choices. We did not get to full disclosure yet. we are about $5 to 6 thousand into this…might as well quit now. (intensive, lots of out of network counseling, most of which he lied through~what a waste)

    3. He has been out of town most of Sept. When I was in Ind. sunday I noticed he sent me a message that he left for the week early sunday. This made no sense so I abruptly left. (~JoAnn you know the “I cant go anywhere thing”) I think I passed him just north of Lafayette.
    I asked why he needed to get there so early. Packer game at 3pm, bull fucking shit. he left my daughter home alone, when he has been home a total of 8 days in Sept! he could have listened on the radio and spent a nice Sunday with her. ok. Yep he’s trying.

    4. I called monday night, and asked if he is doing the craigs list thing again. he said no but he was looking at porn and thinks its no big deal. also dirty movies in the hotel.

    5. (last week) he keeps begging me to forget the past. He promises with all his heart he can fix this himself by making the right choices. He swears he will not cheat me ever again. I am afraid he will screw me over in a divorce financially and cannot let my guard down, so I told him PROVE IT! we will divorce, he will give me 50% of everything. He will not touch my island property, or my LLC that was and early inheritance simply to avoid taxes when my dad dies. He will handle this divorce with honesty and integrity and then………he can date me and we will go from there.
    it will cost me health insurance. and taxes. but I can’t possibly believe a thing he says until I have it in my hand. I said I would wear my ring, we can attend all kids functions together, no one needs to know. He can rent the third floor in our house. Then maybe…..just maybe if he treats me right I can START to trust him again. He totally agreed to this.

    6. he has been gone since last Sunday, gets home tomorrow and now thinks we can work this out completely, no need for the divorce. He will go to therapy and now do what they ask of him. yeah right. I am so tired of this. It has been a year and I want off this roller coaster.
    what did deb call this….? Mindfuckery???



    YES! Mindfuck!

    he will go to therapy and do what THEY ask of him.

    is that so??????????

    Isn’t it fun, when we’ve cracked the mindfuck code and hear the REAL meaning behind the lame, empty words and promises they don’t intend to keep?

    there is a way to know if he’s doing CL, but its painful when they take a nibble… but it doesn’t matter, as we well know… SAs can’t look at porn and dirty movies. beginning. middle. end.

    THEY CAN’T HANDLE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could go on… but I like your plan. Divorce, let him prove that he truly loves you… and that IF he can walk the talk… and then you’ll see…

    just not holding my breath… but you will be FINE. Are you kidding? you could have men wrapped around the block… for days… hubbie, will get trampled in the stampede…

    awww… oh well… 😉


    Hi Heidi,
    He leaves early and then TELLS you he is looking at porn? He sounds like my husband? Mine is also promising the world and alluding that it can ALL be different? Do I believe him? HELL NO. I am thinking of a little post nuptual thing myself as a guarantee for having to give anymore of my life to his insanity BUT I digress.
    So I remember u mentioning your island ect. Is your primary concern financial? If so why not try to lure him into the divorce thing. Once you get what you want or need….then you can just stay divorced if you want to? If he will not go for that then you know you do have a battle on your hands and you then have to decide waht to do about it. As long as you are sure you are leaving if he doesn’t get better or serious about recovery (sure doesn’t sound like he is)…then you have nothing to lose by pushing for him to prove his sincerity by granting u the divorce on your terms? I would suggest he doesn’t have to go to therapy as long as he grants you the divorce. Hate to say it BUT sounds like screwing u in a divorce may be exactly what he plans….otherwise he would give you what you want? Karen xxx


    thanks Lexie, I’m not holding my breath. So sad as i have tried for a whole year and he still starts every convo with deny, lie, minimize. every time.
    Karen ~ my gut told me to hit the road Sunday, how dare I do something for myself……he will show me. The gut knows. He has always been so jealous of any thing I have ever done. For years I couldn’t even talk to my sister when he was home……he would throw a fit in the back ground……you see all attention must be on him, if not, look out. and the ultimate…he will go have sex with someone else.
    I don’t know how to fix this. And I do not trust him.

    A lawyer said the post nuptial agreement will not hold water in court. I am getting another opinion.


    So Heidi,

    Are you saying you left the retreat early Sunday because you thought your husband might act out in retaliation? Maybe I am not following you…..? Karen xx



    There is only one way you can “fix” this! Get the hell out!!! Because as you know, HE cannot be fixed!!! Ugh, I really got pissed off reading this!! What a jerk!!!!!!!! 

    I wish we could have talked about this on your way home Sunday, when we were on the phone (on your way to Chicago)! I had no clue!! We will have to chat!!! 

    What a jackass!!!! Ugh!!!! 


    Dear Heidi,

    And the ultimate “he will go have sex with someone else” I will let you in on a little secret? One day he will do that to you once too often. You will STOP caring, You will reach a saturation point of pain. When you do…he will lose ALL his power and be the big nothing that he is? I know this Heidi. I have lived with your husband. BIG HUG Karen x


    Amen, Karen!!! 

    I am divorcing “her” husband as we speak!!! Lol…. Wonder how many lives they have? 

    Nine, ya think?? 


    Oh Heidi, ugh, I read this and think, can’t we just all have another big get together this weekend? Sigh…He doesn’t sound like he has much promise. I’m not great with the legal stuff at all, but from a “save yourself” standpoint, I love the idea of going through with the divorce and then starting over if that’s something YOU want. Although I say screw wearing the wedding ring. But that’s just me. 😉
    Love you lots!! Julie


    Yep Karen I now know that when ever I had something going, or I was doing something without him he would make me “pay” in some way. I thought he was irate because he just missed me, or didn’t want to deal with kids. He has to be in the middle of everything. He takes over every convo.
    when we went to counselor one of the first things I said is I cant go anywhere with out him. And I didn’t know why ~ He denied and lied and blamed me. Now he has admitted it.
    I have canceled more trips (plane tickets bought) than I have gone on in the last 10 years. He always found a way for me not to go. He wouldn’t even delay a trip one day to go to my son’s best friends funeral (very sad one).

    I am living with a person that has quirks. I always thought I helped him deal with his stress. I fed the monster and his ego, loved him unconditionally, I am more patient than anyone I know. And he had affairs with people I knew, sex with strangers, window peeping problem, and a boob grabbing problem (accidentally on purpose) and more.
    I don’t know how to fix this without loosing myself even more.

    He called this morning and can’t wait to see me tonight. He said he is going to be the husband he should have been all these years and that I deserve so much more, and he will never stray again. I am silent, no response when he says this stuff. zero trust. If I open my mouth he will start twisting my words. sigh. I am going to push hard for my divorce and you can date me plan.

    Oh and he is going golfing with the guys this weekend instead of closing our cabin. I have to be here for homecoming sleep over. I will go up next week, and close it up, drain all the water(crawl space), cover and winterize the boat, huge job, (yep I am mechanical) winterize the batteries for the solar panels, take batteries out of vehicles and stabilize the gas in everything. etc etc And he will go golfing.

    but he is trying.


    Sorry ladies ~ I have to stop using this site as my journal!


    No you don’t!!!!! It’s a journal with feedback…SOS in a nutshell!! XOXO



    I’m so angry at how you’re being treated right now, I’ll try not to curse to much 😉

    Right, porn is no big deal…UGH!!

    Seriously though, I think you are handling this very well. I think you have sat back and really put some thought into it and your plan sounds like a good one. Is there anyway to divorce him yet hang onto the health insurance too – my neighbor put that in her decree because his insurance rocked (military). I think wearing the ring gives him hope and you’ve given him plenty of that already…just a thought – but it’s a visual that will be missing that he can see (or not see) each and every day.

    As far as the whole “forget the past”..D did that during his first false disclosure. Hello bullshit! I told him that there was no way I could forget the past, that I had to be able to work through it…and that was when I thought there was one online affair with some porn thrown in for good measure. Geez, I wish!

    Actions speak louder than words, and when chose to leave to go watch the game, or whatever he was doing, he chose himself over time with your daughter. So, it seems like he has a lot of work ahead of him if he’s sincere about recovery.

    I think you’re right in getting a second opinion, getting all your little ducks in a row and protecting yourself and your kids.

    But, most of all – a big congrats on your grand baby!!!!


    Dear Heidi,
    One line from your incredibly awful marriage jumped out at me “He would make me ‘pay’ in some way”.
    This is what I lived with and finally used those words to express it just a week before I came home from my sabbatical to discover his porn all over the computer. And when I called him at work about, I could hear the pleasure in his voice. I was paying for my sabbatical. And that was the end of the line for me.
    If I remember correctly this a classic sexual/intimacy anorexic characteristic, but I’m just not sure if that really doesn’t just mean narcissism. Mine still makes me “pay” —without any awareness of it. But he has fewer opportunities now.
    Your SA needs a wake-up call, and you need a real life. Go get it.



    You are so lovable, and he has so mistreated you over and over and over again. It is completely disheartening. You deserve to be cherished, loved, treasured, valued.

    I hope you can continue to detach both emotionally and physically. I hope that your strength continues to grow. You are such an incredible person…it seems like he doesn’t even know you.

    As SS mentioned…porn, ok??? Lusting and masterbating to OTHER WOMEN…yikes…that sounds like foreplay to an affair(just my opinion).

    Congrats on grandbaby!!! I am glad you got to be there for the baby! and at the retreat!!!! love, b


    Dear Heidi,
    Your husband is not in recovery or even close to it. I hate to keep harping but intimacy aorexia sounds alot like Narcissism to me and so does your husband. There is little to be done with a narc Heidi and your life has more purpose than to fill up the holes in him and to take his constant abuse. My guess would be to expect him to try to screw you in a divorce. Your ONLY hope may be to use what he is against him. They can be maipulated back through their ego once u fully understand what you are up against. I have lived with the pay back thing my entire marriage without realising it. When I FINALLY was able to put all the pieces together and see what he was doing to me so deliberately and methodically it chilled my bones. These men are dangerous Heidi…..the ones that need to “get you” ? Step carefully dear heart and don’t believe his endless BS no matter how much your poor heart may want to.
    BIG HUG Karen x


    heidi so sorry i to know about paying the price. its more from my kids though, i think i know its from the way their father treated me. sometimes the apple dont fall far from the tree.please take care of your self we have all learned the hard way. unless we take care of ourselves we are good for no one else. i feel if we look out for us the rest seems to all fall into place. your kids are lucky they have you. kiss that new granddaughter, she is a gift. you now have a day to celebrate.
    love kathy


    Thank you all for your comments. Karen and Diane you are right on the money. I listened and responded totally differently when he got home last night. And mr. lovey dovey, i am going to fix everything exploded with anger because I didn’t take the bait. And he got nasty. He insists he does not have a problem and the porn/masturbating was because he wanted to see if it would still “work”. He just doesn’t get it. SO we had a hugely important game last night and he walked in and sat down next to a women that he always flirts with (I have asked him for 2 years to knock it off with her). they talked the whole game, This morning when I asked him why? he said he knew they were getting carried away (her h even gave him a dirty look and they are friends) but he didn’t know how to move with out being rude. heck, lets not hurt her feelings, or try to preserve her marriage. plus an hour earlier he was promising me the world.

    He canceled golf and went to close our cabin (had to, the boat is coming out of the water), and said he will go and take care more of my shit this weekend!!!!!!

    So imo he is:
    a narcissist
    Intimacy anorexic
    sex addict
    love addict ~figured that out this weekend ~ thanks deb!
    porn addict
    binge drinker
    super competitive asshole

    and refuses to believe any of it. He told me that he is going to be just fine. I need to record our discussions, he talks in circles.



    Dear Heidi,

    If you haven’t already (you probably have) please read up on narcissism and protect yourself. My husband is quiet and unassuming. As I tried to figue him out I kept coming back to narcissism but he didn’t seem to fit the profile of- in you face, over confident ect ect and he usually didn’t rage. I didn’t know there was a sub category? When I finally stumbled onto the shy narcissist I felt like it finally described him. He is seethingly passive agressive and needy. He also responds with anger if you call him on his BS. He too DOESN’T want a divorce and never did. He also loves to pay back or “get you” BUT mainly with a back door approach. He used those little girls in Asia to torment me for 4 years and I will NEVER forget what he did to me in there…behind my back but with my gut screaming? I can so RELATE to what Diane said about hearing the pleasure in her husband’s voice knowing he was hurting her. These men LOVE the game Heidi and that is exactly what your husband is doing with you. Playing a game. The talking in circles, the messing with your head, the BS, the back and forth, the dangling you on his string, the saying one thing and doing another, the playing with your feelings and the push and pull. It is all part of the game. He doesn’t think there is anything wrong with him because he actually DOESN’T think anything is wrong with him. As I understand it…that is the hallmark of a disordered personality…that they think everyone else is the problem. Your posts really bother me because I have lived with so much of what you are describing.Narcs don’t cheat because they are sex addicts usually( though it is possible to go together), they cheat because they don’t care about anyone else. They take whatever they want and they take it at your expense. He is playing with you Heidi and he still has you in his spell. Maybe I am personalizing this….but I don’t think so. Your list….that is a narc in my honest opinion and they cannot be fixed dear heart. I hope I haven’t said too much. Karen xx


    Thank you Karen. It is so hard when I see the nice, sincere him and then I see the monster. It is conflicting and at sad times I wish I had an ounce of faith in him so there would be something to reach for. He is so nice/mean. ahhhhh.

    he called me from the island, sitting on the giant beach alone watching the dog swim and he was crying for everything he is about to loose. My family’s cabin walls are littered with kids goofy projects (mine included) and he is feeling crushed. He feels it is his last trip out there. looking so hard for sympathy!

    shoulder shrug. he acted out so many times up there.
    he ruined a lot of it for me too. people I knew, guests we had up, twice my nephews girlfriends (*he was twice their age). saw most of our friends naked. I now know why he threw a fit when I was going to spend $ on blinds. I am such a fool.

    My dad (who has the goofiest sayings) would tell me to go chew on a bucket of nails. I don’t really get that ~ is it because your mouth would hurt so bad that you would be mean as hell, or would you spit nails at them!! all I know is he has been saying that to me my whole life. Maybe I should give it a try!



    I understand EXACTLY how you feel Heidi. It is exquisite pain coming to terms with the fact that it is “all about them?” I know the charming, kind side SO well, but you do have to admit that doing what he was doing at your family home is so so cruel and a kind person would NOT be able to do those things over and over? He has hurt you so much…what right does he now have to ask for your sympathy? That is the thing about them…they fuck up your life, they ruin everything, they then minimize everything they did by NOT taking responsibility and saying there is nothing wrong with them, usually they blame YOU or( in mine’s case) MY response as the problem, and it just goes round and round and when you CANNOT STAND another second of it…..then they beg, cry, swear to change ect ect and then the entire process begins all over again. Don’t you think?? 🙁 I think you know quite abit of my story? It isn’t pretty? My husband has actully said these words to me in the past “In my opinion, I thought you always made too big a deal out of things.” WTF is that Heidi?? I’m having radiation for 6 weeks. I come home for one weekend during that time. I arrive Friday evening and leave Monday morning. Friday before I arrive a hooker gets out of my bed. Monday night after I leave another one gets back in my bed- BUT he thinks I made too big a deal?? I rest my case. Karen xx
    PS if you met him and you didn’t know ….you would think he was a kind, unassuming, self deprecating charmer who was CRAZY about me. 🙁


    Oh yeah… he’s a narc. 🙁 sorry honey… very tough, because of that intermittent reinforcement thing they do so well. I know there’s a book out there called “Divorcing a Narcissist” and I found this, just now




    they are so messed up. Yes he tried to blame me today for his behavior. I told him he is 100% responsible for this mess. I was faithful, and always available. I hope one day I can shake myself of all this.
    Karen ~ I know I have read your story, but funny thing about me is when it is so awful I have to pull back and try to not think about it. when we got together is when I absorbed the stories. OUCH. and I fell asleep during the sharing time. So much pain and for what??? They have wasted wonderful, they get what they get.

    Lexie I will check out that book. I keep adding to my kindle so the kids don’t see what I am reading. I look forward to the day I can smash that thing!



    So heidi,

    I am guessing you have told him you want to proceed with the divorce? I understand about the “ouch” I used to think I was the only one living with a person like this. AND I was very happy for many many years? I thought he was immature, ADD and a pain in the butt sometimes BUT I didn’t think he was capable of lying,cheating, and just being a massive abuser. Once I joined here and read the stories….I was astonished and overwhelmed by the stories. Just unbelievably cruel and deliberate. Yes and wasted. You keep asking for what? My answer? Not for anything of any value. sigh Karen xx

    PS Lexie I did some reading on Dr Irene a few times quite some time ago. It took me looking at books ect to realise that alot of the passive things my husband did were actually emotional abuse?


    when he called from the beach, I told him I need a divorce. I am afraid he will screw me over, although the lawyer I met with said they consider a long term marriage 15+ years and we are at 29. He said even if I got a job/went to school etc he would still have to pay me support.
    ~I told h to choose a path. if he screws me over, he is erasing all of us, as 5 kids will take my side (on their own accord). If he is fair, we can go to all family functions for the rest of our lives at the same time without stressing everyone out. his choice. not to mention that I could tell everyone the things he keeps trying to convince me are no big deal any more!!! (which I don’t want to do because I don’t want it to shadow over my kids, and I want him to make lots of money. That is why I keep telling him now— go to work honey, they need you! (he is working 70+ hours a week all summer).

    K – I should go back and read your story, are you able to work your marriage out or are you on your way out?

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