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    well lets hes been out of the house since dec 19. he has been working on the other house for my daughter. he was really off the chain for weeks as i posted from telling me he wanted to rape me time and time again. to me taking the shotgun away one night because i had that gut thing going. a day or two latter he told me he had 4 shells lined up on his radio said he really had no recollection of doing it. i pretty much stopped fighting him i pretty much gave up on him, yet i would still bring him dinner. maybe i was wrong but it who i am i would feed anyone who needed food. well slowly i could see him getting clearer for a better word. there is a calmness about him. i do believe he without a doubt has a pd. everything i have seen over the past few weeks had validated this. his out of sight out of mind thing is so prevalent now. his thought process is odd to say the least.
    well he called me this morning and said he needed his service papers so he can go fill out paperwork at the va. he said this before so who knows,thought i do think he went. he said he needs to do something so for now he will do what he needs i guess. i do not know what the future holds for me or him. i did tell him time and time again i can not live with him as he is. i told him i let him back before and i can not again until he proves himself to me. not sure he will ever be able to do that with everything that he has done.


    Dear Katt

    oh please Katt for the love of life, stick to your boundaries– “stick to your guns” — but I see that you are doing that. Be thankful he is not in your home. YOu have done the right thing. He is not safe. Sexually or behaviorally. Have you done anything legally yet? Or just living apart?

    Do you have any messenger service where you live? they can possibly bring papers. Or, is there a restaurant or coffee house nearby? I would suggest meeting in public place. With threats like that, you cannot risk being alone with him.


    pam im not married to him


    I’m with Pam on this. Meet in a public place, have someone else take you there and watch if you’re followed home.


    Glad you didn’t Marry him Katt. thanks for letting me know


    Katt, please be careful…. Thinking of you, Liza


    hi ladies thank you for your concerns, he just left brought over his papers from the va seems to be a problem with his discharge after serving for 11 years he has to call someone tomorrow to see if he can get a wavier. he did say he would like to be admitted for a complete eval. who knows but i told him hes got a long road ahead of himself,he said i know but its time. thanks again and i am very careful
    much love katt


    Hi Katt,
    I hope his actions follow his words. You are a strong and wise woman.
    Love, Nap

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