Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    Hi all,
    As I said, I’m not going to devulge the gory details of the 9-5 meeting on Thursday. As a form of expression, this story will symbolically be what it felt like and to release some of my pent up anger. The story is fiction, names have been changed to protect the guilty.

    Joe decided to get out of court and get out of his responsibilities he had to come up with a master plan. If he didn’t his wife would get what she deserved after being loving and faithful for 25 years. Except of course when she was PMSing, which was only 3 days out of the month.

    Joes wife was the whole package. Sweet, kind, smart, loving, funny and very, very sexy. Joe liked his wife ok but prefered the attention of random women instead. He would do mean, passive aggressive crap all the time to Raquel. Raquel often felt hurt, neglected, ugly, and starving for love and attention.

    Well Joe gets the craziest lawyer in town to represent him in his divorce. Bitchilda. Joe decides to quit going into work as his master plan, without income, he won’t have to pay 6 yrs of support alimony to Rachel. He gets fired as plan but it was for cause, no vacation, no severance, nothing out the door. Judges hate men who do this and Joe realizes he needs another plan do he and Bitchilda come up with one.

    Part 2 of this short story is forth coming ……


    CONGRATULATIONS NAP – Just read your post, and am so happy it is pretty much over. He wants to continue to be friends after all he has done. I hope only in his fantasy world!!
    Things will get so much better for you now, and you will finally be at peace. That must be such a wonderful feeling!
    Love and hugs.


    Ok Nap,

    You have my FULL attention now. Please continue…..
    Karen xx


    nap plase is this chapter one of how many i hate cliff hangers my fucking life is a cliff hanger.


    Oh NAP, I can’t even imagine the depths of your betrayal… but I just KNOW that whatever it was (and I know it was totally a cluster f*ck) you’re so far above the pettiness that you will survive and FLOURISH. Please never forget how powerful you are… you are MY ROLE MODEL. Love, Liza


    Yes please. Love it. I love your story telling. Protect the guilty…too funny. I always thought the convenient loss of job was too good to be …lets just say…unplanned. Totally. Wonder how often this happens as a ploy…he loses his job..she jumps in to rescue him and be together and save him…because he has fallen on bad times. Its another bad thing in the relationship to keep her hooked? Wonder if its a ploy sometimes. Alot of these men sure seem to lose their jobs alot. Hmmmm. Makes me think.

    Can’t wait for the rest of the story. I assume there is an end presently…as you are divorced.
    Love ya,


    Ok to continue……..

    Raquel meanwhile hires the best attny in town. Shes just super and she has great reputation and is well respected by other attnys and the judges.
    Raquel becomes scared because even though she’s educated, she has not worked full time in 18 yrs. Her layer assured her because he was fired for cause, the judge will have no sympathy for Joe.

    Meanwhile Joe is working part 2 of his master plan. He drops over to Raquel beautiful new home and starts to drop off gifts at the doorstep. Raquel thinks WTF????????, but keeps the gifts because they are nice.

    Joe starts showing up every Sunday unannounced crying and basically looking like shit, for lack of a better word. He’s lost alot of weight, teeth are black chip falling out and has anxiety out the roof. He apologized, says he misses me, and that he’s really fucked everything up. (no shit Sherlock).

    To be continued……. Katt not sure how many just writing as I go along.


    damn you nap god how i love you so help me i will show up on your door step with the cigars- just kidding MAYBE


    nap im getting out my suitcase………….


    Hey Katt, Id love to see you too. I think this summer would be best for me. Maybe we could meet in Ashville? How far is that for you? I think we could get others to meet too!

    PS I’ll bring cigars too!


    OMG!!! So What happened already?!!????? Yikes!! I can’t wait to find out!!!


    Count me in FOR SURE!!! I want to see Katt again and would loooove to meet Nap!!!


    OMG Nap…I think you should forget law and write mysteries.
    🙂 Karen xx


    Ok as the story goes……

    Joes behavior is becoming irratic, he’s either crying or is in a rage. He’s popping over to Raquels house about once a week, unannounced. This makes Raquel very anxious and told him to leave shortly after he arrived. Joe said he hadn’t slept or ate in a week, was totally anxious and wanted to lie down in Raquels bed?!?!?!. Nope she told him to go to the ER because he looked like he was dying. Joe left. Before he left he told Rachel he hoped they could remain friends. (hello, earth to Joe come in please, Joe, you there?)

    To be continued…..


    ashville set the date ill make the arrangements god do i need to get OUT of here


    Tell me the story!!!!!!! I’m dying here, NAP…..

    And btw, I’ll be in Ontario in late August. I’ve been to Asheville before. Hmmmm. I wonder if I could swing it?


    Oh yes Ashville, let’s plan it….Diane you have to come and I can’t wait to smoke a cigar with Katt and meet SL and hope her enthusiasm will rub off on me

    The plot continues……..

    Raquel, being above average IQ, not much but a little, starts thinking……..well if he wants to be ‘friends’ maybe she can get him to settle the divorce before trial.

    So Raquel call Joe and he agrees to meet her at the local bookstore to discuss the details of the settlement. Joe seems very happy that he and Raquel were speaking again and at one point ever tried to hold her hand (puke).

    After 2 meetings with Joe at the bookstore, together they decided on a property settlement. What Joe didn’t realize there was also going to be an alimony settlement. When he heard this his sweet caring hand holding personality change to bawling like a baby. He was too upset to talk about it and ran like the wind out of the bookstore.

    To be continued……..


    I would have liked to have seen him cry.


    Dear Nap, did I say mysteries? I meant thrillers. 🙂 COME ON…GIVE US THE REST and I will get to bloody Ashville too. Karen xx


    Good grief NAP don’t stop,
    this is the best sex some of us have had in a long time.

    okay, excepting my new love.


    Nope! Pretty sure I have been having better sex than THIS, lol, but NAP PLEASE –

    WTF….. We need to know the rest, dang it!!

    DID YOU HEAR DIANE AND KAREN?? THEY ARE CONSIDERING Ashville!! I doubt they WILL if you keep dragging this out!! They will prolly get discouraged and quit SOS altogether!! They may even come after YOU Nap!! Kinda like Kathy Bates did in that one movie?? What was it??? Where she takes a sledge hammer to that dude’s ankle??


    OH YEAH – MISERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yikes!!! beware Nap!! Finish the damn story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ok sorry I couldn’t get on when JoAnn changed the format and we talked on the phone and she’s a very lovely person, Larry wouldn’t give me his cell phone number?!?!? JoAnn you’re as sweet as pie, loved talking with you:)

    As the stomach turns…….. the story in it’s uncensored glory…….

    Obviously, Joe thought he was off the hook on alimony since he lost his job and the thought that he still had to pay something to his wife of 25 yrs, well, basically, scared the shit out of him.

    Meanwhile, beautiful and smart Raquel decides to give Joe some time to absorb the unintended pain she inflicted. So she goes about her business of vacuuming and other simple things she enjoys.

    Joes in panic mode. He’s realizing his plan of quitting his job didn’t work. He must think of a new master plan. Joe, having a below average IQ (way below), comes up with one and shares it with no one not even Bitchilda.

    Raquel is so unaware of what is about to unfold.

    To be continued……


    nap suitcase is in truck but we are getting more snow. i can only drive forward and can not drive in the snow so until then i have to wait for you…… you should really think about a writing career


    Hey Katt we have a group started for Ashville maybe more of the sisters will jump on board 🙂

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