Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    I’m in for Asheville.


    Alright March!!!! So is SL, Diane, Karen, and Katt!!!

    Anyone else???


    ok nap is this the start of something…. if so we need to really start a new post THIS post is your story im waiting on the edge of my seat


    i bet she forgot so i thought i would kick this up
    love ya nap


    I’m havine trouble writing long posts with my iPhone, I will keep trying so sorry


    Raquel had just finished her beer and cigar when she realized it had been a whole week since Joe ran out of the bookstore bawling.


    “Shit!” I need to call him so we can finish this alimony agreement the trial is set only 2 weeks away. The trial was going to be expensive because many of Raquels witnesses were Drs and some were from out of town including her childhood friend


    Raquel calls Joe and he agrees to meet her at the bookstore. This is their third meeting, each lasting about 2 hrs. Joe shows up at the bookstore as planned but he’s different now.


    Hes very odd acting, hands shaking, and hyperventilating. They reviewed the property settlement and Raquel made some concessions, just a few he didn’t like. They were fairly minor so Raquel felt ok about them.


    Then, Raquel laid out the Alimony settlement to Joe. He immediately put his hands over his face, bent down on the table and began sobbing, loudly. Raquel was so embarrased everyone in the bookstore was staring at them. Raquel was perplexed, she didn’t know what to do.

    To be continued…….


    thank you nap this should hold me for awhile ok now did she laugh, feel bad, or knew without a doubt she was doing the right thing for herself. that at that very moment what was she thinking………………


    Back by a popular demand…..

    Raquel sqwirmed ( sp ?) in her seat as everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at them. She finally tapped his arm and asked him softly if he was okay? In a snap, he quit sobbing then BANGED his fist on the table and YELLED ” What about the children!” at the top of his lungs. People got up a ran out of the store. It was so unreal.


    I think I have the perfect actor when this novel becomes a hit movie (no, not George–you get to keep him for yourself).

    I think you should suggest Jack Nicholson for the lead part and rename his nutcase character ‘Johnny’ and give him an axe.

    Raquel should be played by Sandra Bullock (how appropriate) and she can kick Johnny’s ass out in the snow and let him die in the maze.


    I think that’s spot on JoAnn!!! You’d be a great movie caster.


    Yes I have to agree…..only Jack can do justice to the imitation of insanity required for this part.


    Nap- type your post on the yellow notepad on your phone (should be one of the icons) When you are finished copy it (click click) and paste in the reply area of the post! It’s so much easier that way! I know these IPhones can be sensitive on the site- but if you type it all out in the notebook- it wont keep interrupting you like it does on SOS!! My son (God love him) taught me that little trick!


    How do you move it from one place to another? I guess the paste part? Thanks SL I’m not computer literate.


    Yep! Type it out, then tap, tap somewhere near the top and hit select all and then hit copy. Then go to the blank reply on the post you want and tap tap and hit paste! It will all appear!


    First off thank you SL for the great tip will make future posting so much better!!!

    Joe was in a rage; his eyes just glaring.   People around either left or were waiting for the next unexpected turn of events.  “What children?” Raquel asked quietly.  “0ur children!” he YELLED and pounded the table so hard things flew off.  “What about our children?” Raquel asked.  “who’s going to take care of them!”   Joe screamed.

    “Our children are 22 and 19, there is an education trust for them, what are you talking about? “. Raquel said the court doesn’t address kids over 18, unless there are special needs involved”

    Joe put his head down on the table and said just give me a few minutes to gather myself.  Raquel sipped her Carmel mocha and waited………


    did it just hit him they were of legal age, at times i dont think these guys are part of real life, or could he have thought that was all he could hang over her head. for he knew you would go to the end of the world for your children.
    nap i love how raquel has held her head high, she is one hell of a woman….
    luv ya nap


    Unbeknown to Raquel, Joe was scheming his master plan while he had his head down.  The icing on the cake.  Finally, after what seemed like forever,  Joe raised his head and said very calmly that he could continue.

    Raquel didn’t let it show but she was totally blown away by his behavior.  One minute crying, the next enraged, and now calm as a sleeping baby?   This guy is more fucked up than i thought, thought Raquel.

    They spent the next hour going over the Alimony settlement which Raquel had brought.  After much discussion and changes here and there, both felt they could live with it.  Joe agreed and told Raquel to have her lawyer write it up and send a copy to Bitchilda and we would all meet to sign.  

    Raquel left the bookstore feeling very relieved and good about their settlement.  She thought it was fair for both of them.

    Joe insisted on walking Raquel to her car in the parking lot.  Raquel said it wasn’t necessary but Joe oddly insisted.

    Her car was parked a ways out and they walked towards the car.  As they came 20 feet from the car Joe abruptly stopped, turned around, and walked away.  No goodbye, nothing.  What a dick Raquel thought.  Little did she know.


    Thank God SL showed you how to send a longer post Nap 😉


    I know, I’ll be forever grateful 🙂


    Raquel spent 6 hrs the next week with her lawyer writing up the decree.  Everything needed to be very specific and accurate.  It also needed to include the settlements that Joe and Raquel agreed upon.  Raquels lawyer sent it to Joes lawyer.  

    The decree was sent on Weds, a response was asked by Friday because supenas would need to be sent out in case it still needed to go to trial, which the date was set in less than 2 weeks.

    On late Friday afternoon, Joes lawyer calls and tell Raquels lawyer “were close”.  A meeting was set the next Thursday at 9 am.  Raquels attny goes ahead mails the supenas just in case.  Raquels flat stomach is in knots.  What does she mean were close???????

    Make some popcorn the best part is coming up……………


    my god you should be a writer.

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