Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    ok 🙂


    Well Raquel has to wait 5 days for the meeting so she decided to do some shopping over the weekend.  Out of nervousness and not necessity, she accidently ends up buying a whole new wardrobe.  Ooooops!  It was all 60 percent off so she didn’t let it bother her too much.  Plus she had 30 days to return, always a life saver.

    She made plans with a girlfriend, Angelina for Sat night, a restaurant club kinda place called “The Do Drop In, But Dont Fall Down”.  It was the towns hotspot and known for singles.  Angelina was divorced and her ex husband just got out of prison, so it was also a celebration, kinda.

    After dinner, Angelina and Raquel head to the bar room where there is music, dancing, and karaoke.  They find a nice cozy table and order a couple beers.  Raquel lights up a cigar, takes a puff then the unthinkable happens!


    damn i hope she meets someone- this is the most exciting friday ive had in 2 years


    Is that f–ker Joe there at the club?? Nap girl….u have a real talent. 😉


    WTF Nap!!! I gave you the tools you need!! What are you waiting for??? What the hell happens next???

    Lol, Katt- the most exciting Friday…. 🙂


    Hey NAP, i am still loving the story. Can’t wait. The plot thickens. Shall we try to place bets??

    Lets see is joe there with a young skanky girl, or does raquel meet someone? Or is it totally unthinkable, and not even one of the logical options??



    Angelina was very attractive.  She looked much younger than her age and shed been divorced 5 yrs and hadn’t found the right man.  Raquel had a unique beauty about her.  She was very curvaceous, especially in the boob area. Together, they were able to turn a few heads.

    The waitress delivers their beers, and while chomping on her gum says, “No charge, them 2 guys at the bar paid for ya”.  She puts the beers on the table.  Raquel asks ” Are they good looking?”.   ” I’d fuck em” responds the waitress, “Plus they must have dough, they paid for ya beers!”. She turns and walks away.

    The bar room was kinda dark and smokey so it was hard for Angelina and Raquel to get a good look.  “Do we need to thank them?” Raquel asks.  “I don’t know proper bar etiquette, I grew up in the country” replies Angelina.  The next thing they knew 2 men were standing by their table, asking if the could join them.


    Ohhhhh sounds good.




    DANG IT!! Then what?????


    Angelina and Raquel looked up to find 2 really handsome men.  They were pleasantly surprised!  The one man was about our age and bald, very good looking.  He was dressed nicely and right away took a liking to Angelina.  “High testosterone, he’s bald” Angelina whispered in Raquels ear.  He sat down next to Angelina and it was instant chemistry.

    The other man appeared younger yet he was still very good looking.  He seemed to like Raquel and sat down next to her.  “I’m Tony, what’s your name doll?”. ” I’m Raquel”. “Wow that’s a beautiful name, did your mother give it to you?” ” I guess she did I never really asked ” said Raquel.

    The bald guy introduced himself as Charlie and said they were in town on business and looking for some “fun”.  “You came to the right table then” Angelina said flirtatiously.  It had been a while since Angelina had had sex, about a week, so she was acting frisky.  Charlie loved it and flirted right back,

    Meanwhile Raquel was unsure of her guy. ” How long you been smoking them cigars?” he asked.  “Oh since I was 5” Raquel joked.  But Tony didn’t seem to get it, he just smiled.  “let’s dance” Tony announced and they all headed to the dance floor.  “Love Shack” was playing…….


    Warning: Remember, this story is fiction, the names were changed to protect the guilty…….Hope you’re enjoying it. Raquel is quite a gal!!!


    yes she is


    I LOVE Raquel!!! <3


    Hmmm….if its fiction, why change the names, Nappy??


    SL that question proves your IQ is greater than 100.
    Smart cookie !!! Actually it’s mixed fiction with non fiction with a few embellishments added.


    I’m really hoping Raquel doesn’t Welch on this opportunity.


    Oh you are on a ‘role’ today Diane.


    You’ve got to forgive me. It was just this once. I feel horrible about it. Please please, give me one more chance. It didn’t mean anything. We can move past this. I’ll never do it again…..wait a minute….that’s another script entirely….


    Good God, I cannot be single and go to a club because I am ready to vomit with nerves just reading about Raquel! Dance, flirt…..OMG what if he wants her to take her clothes off? 😉


    i say hell with it karen starting to get to that point


    Tony was a great dancer.  He had all the right moves.  She started to think ‘this guy is really cute and sexy’. Then a slow song came on and he held her really close.  He was strong, handsome, and smelled soooo good,

    Meanwhile, Raquel notices Angelina and Charlie are not on the dance floor. She glances over to the table and sees they are ‘making out’.  OMG can’t she control herself.  They were hot and heavy and Raquel and Tony stayed on the dance floor.  They danced, and danced and were really having fun. Then a slow dance came on. ‘let’s dance this one’.  So she did and it was heavenly.  He took the lead and they danced really close.  She felt a real attraction to Tony and he seemed to really like Raquel.

    The music stopped for a break and they returned to the table.  Angelina looked all disheveled and she reapplied her lipstick to try to look decent.  Tony and Raquel were busy talking and laughing. Everyone had had about 3 beers by now.  Then it happened, Raquel felt Tonys hand on her leg under the table, on her thigh.  Holy moly thought Raquel  , what should I do?  Then she realized something really strange it wasn’t Tonys hand it was Charlies!!!


    Are you makin this shit up?????


    you are kidding?? A f–king SA??


    please please please give us more. im living through raquel i wont be able to sleep tonight not knowing how she handles this

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