Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    OMG…I just read this thread all at once!! I can’t take it!! NAP, where are you????


    Did she jump his bones- right there on the table???
    Oh!! I HOPE so!!!!


    Oh for crying out loud…we are desperate )


    NAP, I hope you have insomnia, find your Iphone and keep writing….I’m sitting here waiting!


    Meee too!!! 🙂


    Angelina and Raquel hate cheaters so Raquel slips Angelina a note on a napkin.  “MY WORD!” screams Angelina.  “Are you married too?” she stares at Charlie.  Charlies in shock because he thought he had a good thing goin”.  “Yes” he says sheepishly.  ” GET AWAY!!!” screams Angelina and Charlie and Tony jump up and run out of the bar.

    Angelina started crying “I can’t believe I kissed a married man, I feel like trash”. ” You didn’t know” replies Raquel.  “This is so sad because I really liked Tony.  He probably was married too”.  They both were so upset they decided to call it a night.

    Driving back home Raquel couldn’t stop thinking about Tony.  He seemed so nice and was a gentlemen but you never know.  When Raquel got home, her cat attacked her as usual.  Then Raquel got ready for bed.  She had a nightmare about Joe all night and woke up in a panic.


    OMG …when you go out, its hard to not find creapers. Its seems the creapers are the ones who are on the prowl at the bars and clubs. The plot thickens.


    poor Angelina and Raquel….because even if Toni isn’t married he keeps dubious company and that would scare me off……GAWD…is this what is waiting for me….a loony husband/ a few cats or/ creepos?? 😉


    I know it’s terrible.


    My brain is kinda wack but I’m going to try to write more. I’m sorry if I’m frustrating anyone, plus I have to wait sometimes til I feel the creative vibe……. Just be glad you weren’t married to me for 25 yrs.


    Japanese Proverb:
    When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.


    That’s really good March, my h never had any friends and still doesn’t so what do you think that means???


    Probably means he has no character.


    Raquels stomach is in knots.  The supenas have been sent, the witnesses are all on stand by awaiting the outcome of Thursdays meeting.  The trial date is the immediate Tuesday, Valentines Day.  This is almost too stressful but Raquel takes her antianxiety medication as prescribed and tries to go about her business until Thursday.

    Meanwhile, Monday afternoon 3 days before the meeting, Raquel gets a distress call from Joe.  ” I didn’t know who else to call ( he’s hyperventilating) but I just needed to call someone, I can’t live anymore, I have nothing to live for I’ve fucked everything up and I’ve lost everything”. Hes totally despondent and Raquel spends the next 45 minutes telling him a bunch of lies so he won’t do himself in.

    The whole thing was surreal.  Raquel remained calm during the whole ordeal.  He would keep saying to her every 5 mins or so, “Please keep talking to me, don’t hang up.”. The whole thing was intense and finally Raquel calms Joe down and tell him he may need to check himself into the hospital.  He said he’s been having these thoughts for 3 days now.  Little did Raquel realize she played right into part 2 of his masterplan.


    OMG….I have a feeling I know where this might be going..


    Here is another saying I just found:

    ‘If you want to know where your heart is, look to where your mind goes when it wanders.’

    That can not be a good thing??? That might mean we are all doomed…….if it is true?


    nap please this bastard i would live to meet him someday. i dont know what to say but i hate this waiting game so please dont let us start the week this way i need to know i just do really i do WHAT HAPPENS ON THURSDAY


    Hmm Karen … Mine goes to work, kids, to do list and sleep…

    SA kills slowly eh?!


    Raquel wakes up Thursday morning a bundle of nerves.  She immediately takes her anti anxiety medication so it will be in her system at a therapeutic level when the meeting starts.  As she drives to her lawyers office her mind is  swirling so much she does even remember the drive.

    It was determined the meeting would take place in Raquels lawyers office.  Raquels lawyer was in a practice with 4 other divorce lawyers, they were partners.  Joes lawyer was a lone practicing attny.

    The office had a nice big conference room that was enclosed with glass walls.  It had a door for privacy.  It was located I’m the middle of the office.  It was nice and not too big.  Just right for private discussions.

    Raquel walked in and immediately headed for the bathroom….


    Wait, what happened with the men?!?! Not to get side tracked.


    Wait is one of them bitchilda..or an attorney at the office?!?!?


    Flora you need to read pages 5 and 6 to see what happened to the men and also the phone call she got from Joe.

    Next posting you’ll figure out the attnys whoa girl your getting ahead of me:)


    Raquel comes out of the bathroom to find Joe and his lawyer, Bitchilda, sitting and waiting in the conference room.  They were sitting next to each other.  Bitchilda, unfortunately got hit with the ‘ugly stick’ after she was born.  She was quite unappealing in appearance to be nice.  She was really ugly.  She had the personality to match.  When she spoke, you wanted to jump out of the nearest window.  Her voice was a combination of a whine, a screech, and a nag.  It was basically really annoying.  Plus she was totally obnoxious and super, super dramatic.

    Raquel sees her lawyer, they enter the conference room together.  Raquel sits directly across from Joe, who no longer looks insane, matter of fact he looked pretty spiffy.  Raquels lawyer sits directly across from Bitchilda.  The clock reads 9 am sharp!


    is it possible him and her could be doing– no never mind sounds like shes one of the ones my partner has used in the past who knows what goes on behind closed doors


    I’m betting he’s going to use the nice things she said to him, while she was trying to save his life, against her.

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