Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    Raquels lawyer gives Joe, Bitchilda, Raquel and herself a copy of the decree with attached work sheet. So each had their own copy to refers to.  The decree represented all the hard work Raquel and her lawyer did last week in writing it.  They even had to pay someone to travel two hrs to get a property deed from another towns courthouse.  The decree was perfect and ready to be signed by all.  Raquels lawyer tells Bitchilda to go first.

    The first thing Bitchilda does is hold up the typed degree and tears it into pieces.  “I don’t know where any of this came from!” Bitchilda says obnoxiously. Raquel jaw drops and Raquels lawyer is silent.  What seemed like eternity, Raquel looks at Joe and said ” this was the settlement you and I agreed on!”. Joe just kinda smirks and says ” I never agreed on anything.”.  “you told me last week to have my lawyer write it up, we spent 6 hrs on it and even had to send someone out of town.  This cost about $1500 in lawyer time.”  ” Shit happens” says Joe.  ” Yeah shit happens! replies Bitchilda.  Raquel could not believe what was happening.


    that bastard if it was me i would have wished him dead, how the hell could raquel not jump across that table and choke the shit out of him but if i remember right she had a back up the subpoenas ya right shit happens


    Ugh. I figured Joe would do that. Wasting your time. What a loser. Who does this…ohhh thats right an SA with a PD.


    ok nap its been 10 hours and 14 mins and 100+ posts and im sitting here waiting. i got up in the middle of the night and f-ing checked the site to see if you posted more, just kidding. but it did cross my mind at one point,lol. come on nap what happens. you need to become a writer im telling you, you are good, no great.
    much love katt


    “Oh and by the way, my client is suicidal and will likely have to be hospitalized” says Bitchilda.   “He’s had a previous suicide attempt and was hospitalized just 2 yrs ago”.  ” He’s never been hospitalized with a suicide attempt!”  says Raquel “That was for a panic attack I have the hospital papers”.  “Oh is that your “anxiety” making you say that”, Bitchilda says snidely to Raquel.

    OMG!  He’s playing the suicide card.  Raquel saw what was coming and so did her lawyer.  In a matter of 5 minutes Bitchilda had insulted Raquel 5 more times.  Finally Raquel told Bithilda off and said she was going to write a complaint letter to the bar about her insults about her PTSD.  “Oh honey, you don’t have PTSD and you know it!” laughs Bitchilda.

    Raquel was livid.  Her lawyer took her out of the conference room and into her office.  It was only 9:20 am and Raquel was already out of the conference room.  “I’m going to tell them you are too upset to return” says Raquels lawyer.  “She’s going to get worse as time goes on.  She’s a bitch and a snake ” So I’m going to go back and try to see what I can do” said Raquels lawyer.  We have to negotiate today because quess what shell do on Tuesday, trial day?  She’s going to have him admit himself to the hospital and weve had all the experts here and have to pay them all, plus the docket is so full the next trial dates would not be until at least June.”.  Raquel sat there in shock in her lawyers office. Her lawyer left to go back to the conference room.  She knew now Joe was a true sociopath and so was his lawyer!


    im speechless


    I know Raquel was too


    What’s so sad is how Raquel was drawn back in to play his game. It was so wickedly conceived and executed, yet she was duped again. These are some really hard lessons with the SA–just how our good will and trying to do the best thing is used against our own best interests. Is anybody listening who is still trying to work really hard and be nice, expecting that to work?
    HOnestly, the best behaviour I have ever gotten out my SA since D-day was when I cut him off and did not negotiate or compromise.


    jaw on the floor…


    Unbelievable….lesson to be learned. Well, NAP, I guess the only good thing here is that you have some amazing writing material for the book that you will publish someday. Raquel’s story has scared the bejezzzis out of me. This is movie material. I hope that her lawyer got somewhere with Bitchilda, but I fear that he/she didn’t.


    Raquel sat in her lawyers office alone.  It was right across from the conference room and her lawyer half shut the door so they couldn’t see her.  Her mind was racing and she couldn’t believe the situation she was in.  She decided she would never speak to Joe again and they would NOT be friends after the divorce as he wished.  That lousy SOBMF Raquel thought.  What a fucking rat!

    Raquel sat for about 45 min before her lawyer popped in the room.   “Geez! She’s wanting to change everything!” said Raquels lawyer.  “Please, if you can try to get as much back as you can!” cried Raquel.  “Im trying my best” and them she left the room.

    Raquel meanwhile grabbed a pencil and paper.  To get all her witnesses here for the trial and pay everyones fees for the 2 day trial, it was going to cost about $10,000 and that was without her lawyers fees for 2 days in court and prep time.  Raquel had already paid her lawyer $22,000 to date.  She felt sick to her stomach and the tension and anxiety was sky high.


    i wonder if at any point she thought it would have been cheaper to hire a hit man. just a thought i feel so bad for raquel damn these men not only do they suck the life out of you then they go for the last breath in us…….


    Raquel made sure to keep the $500,000 life insurance policy


    Yes totally, a movie. Still reading and watching.


    About 30 mins later Raquels lawyer buzzes back in the room.  “okay, I got you this and this and this”.  ” I think we may be able to get more”   “Gosh I hope so!”. It was hardly anything compared to the original agreement.  PLEASE tell them I’m so upset I can’t even talk hardly, which wasn’t too far from the truth.

    Raquel starts doing the math, what she has so far is only a quarter of what they agreed on.  Raquel had lots of confidence in her attorney and just hoped they could make headway.

    If he was suicidal should he already be in the hospital.  This was so low down and dirty Raquel could hardly see straight.  She also felt like a big fool for falling right into Joes master plan. This whole thing made Raquel want to throw up.  It was now 11;00 am and Raquels lawyer comes in the room with the news.


    ohhhhh i am on the edge of my seat!!!


    Holy f–k…what a psycho. Many of you think I am “too hard” on them….I think not.


    Raquel lawyer sits down at her desk and said “this is it, this is all they are going to do.  They’re done, but I got you some more things”. She reviewed with her what they were.  They quickly did the math and it came up to be 2.5 yrs of a property support alimony agreement instead of 4 yrs which was the original agreement.  Raquel lawyer reviewed the options with Raquel regarding how the judge would see it and also if he goes into the hospital on Tues and all the money that would need to be paid out.  Plus the amount of property agreement was based on when he had his 6 figure job, which would likely be greatly reduced by the court since he has no income.

    They decided to tale the deal because of all the future legal costs eating away at what was left.  Raquel felt Just OK about the deal but understood at this point it would be foolish to do otherwise.  Her lawyer did a great job at getting things back that Bitchilda
     had removed.  Whew, Raquel felt a sigh of relief that it was finally over.

    Raquels phone rang it was Angelina.  “You want to go out and celebrate tonight, I got me some new perfume, it’s Dead Sexy and I can’t wait to try it out! “. Raquel was too overwhelmed to talk Angelina so she told her shed call her back later.

    Meanwhile Raquels lawyer tell Raquel they need to move fast and not let Joe and Bitchilda leave.  She was going to order lunch in for the office to keep them there.  “why?” questioned Raquel.
    “She’s known for changing her mind” responded Raquel lawyer.  Oh shit! 


    My God……I cannot believe this guy


    There more!! Wow NAP this was a huge ordeal.


    Joe and Bitchilda agreed to stay for lunch and remained in the conference room together.  Meanwhile,  Raquels lawyer gets the office girls to take everybody orders and they ran out to get the food.  The office has 5 lawyers and 5 staff members; plus with Joe, Bitchilda, and Raquel, that was 13 for lunch.  “Who’s going to pay for the lunch?” asked Raquel.  Her lawyer didn’t answer.  Oh fuck, I am, thought Raquel.   “I better not see this lunch on my bill!  I don’t mind feeding you all but I’m not feeding that asshole and his dick lawyer!”. Again her lawyer said nothing and was busy typing away.  I can’t believe I’m feeding all these people!


    I hope they put Viagra in his sandwich so that he gets convicted of raping someone in the mental hospital…..oh yeah, that’s right – he doesn’t need Viagra because he’s an SA. No need.
    I have to say, NAP, your story almost makes me want to stay in misery with my SA. I would hate to have to go through this further humility. Your SA takes the cake….oppps, that’s right, who needs cake when he took your soul.

    I have no doubt that you will have the last laugh. At least you are free from this loser – and your strength and humor will be a role model for the rest of us for years to come.



    Raquel decides to call Angelina back while her lawyer was typing and waiting for lunch.   ” So hows it going are you rich yet and did you get the shirt off his back?”. Asks Angelina.  “Hell no ! I’ll have to explain it later, it’s a long story”.  ” i met the neatest guy last night at the club, he was sooo charming and treated me like a queen.  We danced and danced.  I think I might be ‘in love'”.  ” Oh shit Angelina don’t tell me this bullshit, how can you be in love after one meeting?”.  Meanwhile, her lawyer is still typing and pretending not to be listening to the conversation.  The food arrived.  “Sorry I have to go now are you going to date this guy?”.  “Well see, I gave him my number even though he didn’t ask, his names Joe and his teeth are kinda messed up.”.  Raquel hung up and thought oh crap, Angelinas never met Joe, surely not!!!  


    I have a wish for Joe–a raging case of genital warts!


    you have got to be kidding angelina and joe…. fate sucks

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