Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    Me too and I know.


    Can we just end it here?


    Is that really it, your friend ran into joe and she might be in LOVE….what happened next?!?!?! No you cannot end it there?!?! OMG No way! So much for commitig suicide.



    WTF NO you cannot end it…..or is this how it ended? Are you telling me that psycho managed to screw you financially by threatening to kill himself and meanwhile he is out trying to pick up your friend????


    Ok I will finish it. It’s just Joe really sucks.


    I know. He does suck 🙁


    nap the snow has melted and my suitcase is still in the truck. you think im the only one who will show up on your door step to get the end of the story. so you dont have to feed a bunch of people again may as well finish it in a post…..
    much love katt


    NAP where are you? It’s time for more.


    Come on Nap….don’t leave us with this outcome? Do u want us all to be suicidal….PLEASE, PLEASE tell us that there is some bright spot….UGGGGH]
    You are a great little storyteller Nap…..this is like a bloody soap opera but so much more gripping BECAUSE this is real LIFE.


    Raquels eyes went crossed after she got off the phone.  “Are you okay?” Raquels lawyer asked. “No I’m not”.  Her lawyer had finished typing the decree and said shed be right back.  Raquel ate her sandwich even though she wasn’t hungry.  Raquel looked at the clock it was noon and I can’t wait to go home.

    The next 4.5 hrs were a blur.  Raquels lawyer was in and out of the office typing making revision or rewording due to Bitchildas requests.  It was insane, they were all trite and she just did it so she could bill stupid Joe for more hours.  At 4:30 it was finally done and signed by all.  Raquels lawyer walked Joe and Bitchilda out.

    When she came back she gave Raquel a   hug and they both had tears in their eyes.  ” Thank you so much; I know you did the best with what you had” Raquel told her attny.  “we really were lucky to get what we got considering the circumstances”  “I know” Raquel replied, said good bye and went home and went to bed.  It was a long day.


    THE END? HELL NO! This is just the beginning for our dear Nap!


    but what about angelina and joe


    Hi NAP,
    As much as i know this was a huge ordeal, like March scenarios, i think yours also cements the fact that you did the right thing. You were a great wife, mom, a great catch. However he never treated you like he should have. And this story of crazy and selfishness in this story further puts into place the FACT that you need to be away from Joe. I am so sorry for how we have all ended up here. But i always felt a certain level of certaintly and clairity and much less self doubt everytime he did something that I did not care for (to say the least). So NAP i think Joe wins the prize for craziest soon to be ex SAH for 2012. And your reward- you are now financially and legally free of him. Now he shows up at your house, call the cops.


    And thank you for writing all of this on your iphone. That is an accomplishment in itself 🙂


    Oh it’s not done yet there’s more. And Raguel will call the cops if Joe pops by! There’s still about 5 or so left. And it’s very interesting.


    And youre right Liza it is the beginning. Thank goodness!


    Raquel goes home and falls into bed physically and mentally aghausted.  She ends up falling asleep for a long time and wakes up to her cell phone ringing, it’s her lawyer.  “Meet me here at 8:45 then well walk over to the court house together, the Judge signs the decree at 9”. “ok” mumbles Raquel.  “this is on Tuesday, Valentines Day, don’t forget”. “I won’t” Raquel mumbles.

    Raquel has hardly ever cried since Joe kicked her out.  Her therapist said it’s likely her PTSD.  Well she cried all day Friday.  She wasn’t crying about the marriage ending, she was crying because she felt so used and screwed in the end.  She called her lawyer up, “I’m having buyers remorse ( not her lawyer, the settlement) “. Her lawyer replies it’s too late, you signed the deal and the trial was stuck.  “I’m not having buyers remorse, under the situation you came out better than the court would have done plus he’d likely gone in the hospital, and then all the money you would have paid out to go to court.  Your way ahead, I even brought it to the partners and they agreed”.  ” your going to have to let it go and move on Raquel”.  ” I know” Raquel says sadly.


    I’m waiting for -The End- before I comment. Sorry all.. I only read NAP’s posts. 10 pages is just too much catching up for one daty!!!


    Raquel woke up on Saturday crying and cried for the next 24 hrs.  At one point her mother called and said,  ” I can’t understand a word you’re saying because you’re crying too hard; but just know I’m not giving you any money”.  That made Raquel cry even harder.

    Then Angelina called, ” Lets go out tonight I need to get laid, why you ballin’ so much? ” Raquel tried to explain through her tears.  “Honey, I can’t understand a word you’re  sayin’, I just hope that Joe guy calls me tonight!”.  Raquel tried to tell her Joes phone number but Angelina said ” goodbye” before she had a chance to finish it.  

    Raquel fell asleep early and woke up Sunday feeling really good,  really, really good.  She had a great day and met her friend Cindy for dinner.  Cindy was a CPA and divorced 3 years.  Shed been dating this really nice lawyer for 1 year and was very happy.  “Raquel, you’re going to be just fine, I just know it !”. Raquel was happy she said that.  She thought to herself I will be.


    she was morning what should have been. when my first husband died my kids did the same thing


    Yeah, thats totally what i used to do. I cried about what i had hoped for, all the mistakes i made, all the signs i missed. Ugh. Not fond memories.


    I love you, NAP.


    Love you too ZG !


    This will almost be the end of the story…….and the beginning of Raquels new life……

    Raquel wakes up and her alarm reads 6:30 am.  She feels really good.  It’s Tuesday, Valentines’s Day, and it’s THEE  day!

    Raquel purposely set her alarm early because she’s getting all decked out today.  She showers, puts on her favorite body lotion and perfume, curls her hair, and does her make up to a T.  She got dressed.  She had bought a really cute long ( above ankle ) leopard skirt.  Joe hates leopard print.  A cute black top with a satin sash.  Joe hated it when she wore black because he thought she wore it too often.  Then she put on the cutest short black boots with a tastle, adorable.  Then the killer,  she had bought these emerald green drop earrings ( her divorce present to herself ). She looked amazing and she felt amazing too!

    She jumped in her car and headed for her lawyers office.  It was 8:45 and they met and  started walking over to the court house.  “you look pretty today” said Raquel lawyer.  “I feel pretty” said Raquel.  “how was your weekend”? Asked  Raquels lawyer.  “I cried all weekend, but I’m good now”

    As they got near the court house it was all back up with people on the outside stairs  “what is going on today?” said Raquels lawyer.  It was odd……


    What?? The suspense!!! You’re killing me!!!

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