Home discussions Divorce A short story: ‘Take the Stairs’, Author: NAP

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    As Raquel and her lawyer approach the court house they see all the people lining up to get in, Raquel says “Oh it’s Valentines Day, I bet they are all getting married today!”.  As usual, Raquels lawyer ignores what she said and gets on her cell phone to somebody “What’s the deal with the big amount of people waiting to get into the court house, oh, ok that makes sense” she hangs up.  “Was I right?” Raquel asks. “No, it’s a criminal docket day, these days are the busiest days of the year at the court house”.  Ok no big deal thought Raquel.  Wrong!


    This is seriously unfunny nap…


    Ok I’ll stop.


    Don’t you dare! You started this and you alone can finish it, and finish it you must.
    Wait a minute, though, I need to put the popcorn on and get comfie for the next installment.

    ps. I love Raquels resilient romanticism in that last frame—thinking its busy because It’s Valentine’s day and people are getting married. This, my dear sisters, is why we got sucked into the big black hole!


    If people are finding it offensive, I don’t wish to continue, I understand.


    Continue!!!! Please!! And Diane is so right…you are such a romantic!! xoxo!!


    i don’t think jos is not liking the story? i think she is thinking to quit the story is not funny….i hope…


    I think this is a truly great way to tell the story. Keep going! Get it all out.


    Diane-You made me think about a picture I have on the wall called “Footprints in the Sand.” I told ms-lindy about it, but in my opinion, whatever faith one holds onto, or even a higher power of their choice, it is always so uplifing to read. If anyone is interested, just google “Footprints in the Sand..


    Yeah, I can’t speak for Jos, but I think she was teasing you, NAP, and speaking of the situation Raquel was in. Keep it going, girl…we’re all waiting!!


    i meant its seriously unfunny having to wait so!!! having a love hate relationship with the story as I think we all are – never really been one for murderous thoughts but I am having them and its not for you xx


    Ok I misunderstood will get right on it!


    As they approach the stairs, there were people everywhere and not just ‘any’ people.  Hoodlums.  Everyone Raquel looked at looked like a mass murderer and if they weren’t one they were going to be.  It was s scary.  Even the women looked like violent criminals.  Some had babies with them and they looked evil too.  “I have a pass so I’m going to go on in” Raquels lawyer told her.  Gee thanks, thought Raquel, as she clung to her purse and said three Hail Marys.  “I’ll meet you inside”  “okay” said Raquel.  If I’m still alive.

    Raquel noticed a nice man standing next to her on the stairs.  “I’m a lawyer, and I forgot my pass, so I’m waiting to get in just like you”.  “what kind of law do you do?” asked Raquel.  ” I’m a civil attorney and he went on to explain what type of law it was.  He asked Raquel what she was doing at the court house.  “I’m getting divorced today!”. Raquel said with enthusiasm.  “luckily I’ve never had to go through that my wife is my best friend” ” you’re very fortunate said Raquel, my soon to be ex is a sociopath”. 

    The line started moving and Raquel got closer to the entrance.  ” I did divorce law for 20 years then I had to stop”. It gets so nasty it was making me sick” the lawyer told Raquel.  ” I don’t miss it at all”. Raquel finally understood why.


    Raquel enters the court house and her lawyer is waiting there inside.  Raquel had to put her purse through the metal detector.  “. We need to go up to the third floor” , “Ok” said Raquel.  The court house is jammed packed with people.   It’s hard to even walk around.  As they headed toward the elevator Raquel said,  ” I never read it”.  ” Read what?” asked her lawyer.  “The decree” responded Raquel.  ” I can’t take you in front of the judge if you haven’t read it!”


    WHAT?! Don’t keep us waiting!!!


    “Why didn’t you read it?” asked Raquels lawyer.  ” His lawyer made you type 11 revisions, by the end of the day, my eyes were so crossed, my brain  was fried” answered Raquel.  “plus I cried most of the weekend my eyes were too swollen shut to read it”.  They found a corner of a packed bench and her lawyer hands her a copy to read.  ” read this and read it really well, I’ll check on our wait time” she leaves and walks into the sea of people.    Raquel sits and reads the decree.


    Raquel forgot she was all decked out and the next thing she knew a bunch of male hoodlums were standing around her staring at her.  Oh crap,  “excuse me, do you mind, I’m reading my divorce decree!”.  “what’s that? “one of them asked stupidly.  “Never mind it’s over your head” Raquel said politely.

    Raquels lawyer returned and said the judge was ready for us.  “Do you have any questions about it?”. ” no” replied Raquel.  “oh yes I do have one, let’s say the numbskull never gets a job and I end up with a good one, could he get alimony?”. “Nope.  It’s a closed alimony agreement, he cant”.  “Good” said Raquel.  They head into the judges private chambers.


    Hi sisters,
    The story is almost over, I promise. What do you think of it?
    Any feedback is appreciated and welcome.


    This is the best reading I’ve done in a LONG time. I’m sorry and hurting for the truths that are there, but your writing is stellar. Have you tried to get any work published? I think you have a gift. And that’s the truth.
    Love ZG


    Hi NAP,
    I love the story as well. I love the way it is written, and quite frankly for good or bad, wish my life was so exciting. But life is in the perspective of how you look at it, and you have an exicting perspective on what detail to share and not share. I love it. Really a great short story, even though we know its your story.

    Love ya NAP,


    ZG and Flora,
    Thanks so much for your feedback. You’re both sweet. I have enjoyed writing it and I guess I have a style, it’s rather rough however a start. Never wrote anything before.

    Love you both, Nap


    YOUR GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!


    If this is a ‘Short Story’ may the goddess help us!

    I need to increase the size of my data bases.

    We need a sequel NAP.


    Thanks dear Katt and Joann!

    As the story goes….


    The judges chambers are really just her office with a room attached with a small conference table.  It’s the same judge they have had all along and Raquel thought she was really good and fair.  She was probably around the same age as Raquel. Plus or minus a couple years.  She didn’t have her robe on and it was a lot less formal than the courtroom.

    The judge sat at the head of the table, next were the 2 lawyers across from each other, then Raquel and Joe sitting next to their lawyers and across from each other, and a court reporter at the end.  The meeting got started quickly.

    Raquel couldn’t even look at Bitchilda or Joe.  She just sat there with her head held high.  She was so happy this bogus ’25 year marriage to this unrelenting sociopath’ was finally ending.  She felt excited and it radiating from her.  Joe was giving out a whole another vibe, the ‘I’m a worthless piece of shit vibe’.  You could feel his blahhhhhness in the room.  Then it started……..

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