Home discussions Sex Addiction Make specific requests or let him take responsibility for his own recovery???

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    I actually understand how you feel B trayed. My husband still has the ability at times to make me question if I am waking up from a bad dream? If they were NOT good at this tactic we would not stick around so long. Is probably VERY true that he doesn’t want to lose you. The problem is it may have little to do with your needs and everything to do with his? I don’t think it is an accident that MOST (not all, but most) react to the news their wife is leaving them by crying, begging, promising and being charming and loving.You would think they would welcome the freedom so they could do their thing undisturbed but inevitably they try to hang on to the woman they lied to, cheated on and abused for years. Very weird but also very typical. I don’t know why so many react this way BUT I suspect it has something to do with things that are NOT necessarily good for us. Still…I do understand that you hope this time a miracle will occur. SIGH That is ok. Take your time and breath deep. BIG HUG Karen xx


    Thanks Karen. My husband never wants to do this stuff again, so that complicates things a bit. He is not itching to act out; he says he hates himself because of it. I just don’t know if I can live with him, knowing what he has done. It just seems like too much for me to bear. It is so sad; we have great love for each other and many other positives in our relationship, but 20 years??? That is a long time of betrayal and living a complete double-life. I do not understand it. He was at the altar each week, in ministry (volunteer) for over 20 years…it just does not make sense to me.
    Thanks Karen, B. Trayed

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