Home discussions Sex Addiction mind movies or worse ????????/

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    yesterday when my partner and i were together he touched my hip. it was like someone shut down my brain and my heart started racing and i was sitting there watching him with his whores. i can not shut it off. i know exactly what he did with them because hes done the same things over and over to me. so i never did see with my eyes but i know in my heart and soul what he did. i do something to keep me busy but the moment i stop it plays over and over. i was up most of the night, i cry at nothing. this is so much more then that feeling or flashback type thing its so real. like it is happening in front of me, how fucked up is this. im scared that its so real feeling yet i know its in my head. im getting sick to my stomach, this shit gets so real sometimes. PTSD right,,,,,,,,,,, any ideas how to get past this??????


    I wish I could say something that doesn’t sound like a cliche, Katt, but I think only trauma treatment and time. I don’t have any other ideas because I am sure that what you are feeling is what happened. Of course, if you believe you can always pray too. I am sorry for your pain, Katt. Karen xx

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