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    My husband and I both come from the most dysfunctional families. His father started giving him playboys to look at when he was 8. Always with the instruction of, “Don’t tell your mother.” There are computer programs where you can allow someone else to get into your computer and use it remotely from another computer. Recently his Dad did this so my H could fix some problems he was having. What he found was a slew of teen porn. His mother is bipolar. She’s been married 6 times. When he was a teen she always confided her relationship problems to him. From the time he was born till he turned 18, he had moved 22 times. His mother has never out right said so, but she has said enough to surmise that she and his father were swingers. They divorced when he was 11 after his mother had an affair with his father’s best friend. He didn’t find out any of this till about 5 years ago. So it is amazing how he imitated his Dad’s life. His first wife was a bipolar woman. They were swingers and she had an affair with his best friend.

    My family was into extremes. At one extreme everything was so strict. Food restrictions like you can’t imagine. Any grade under an A got you grounded for MONTHS. We weren’t allowed to have friends over. We dare not even mention a holiday, including our birthdays. They weren’t celebrated And it wasn’t religious reasons. We were catholic. Which ADDED to the rigid guidelines. I went to catholic school. And they really do physically punish you there. That’s not just a stereotype. We didn’t see my father’s family and it was as if my mother’s didn’t exist. I am 41 and am still meeting family members I never knew I had. But you can’t allow people “in” to see your real life when you are that dysfunctional. I lived with an aunt for a year when I was 5. To this day I don’t know why. Although I suspect it probably had to do with prison.

    My mother was physically disabled, bitter, and wanted everyone to suffer right along with her. She was an alcoholic and a coke/meth addict. My aunt claims she was paranoid schizophrenic. But a cocaine addict and a paranoid schizophrenic are interchangeable. Mostly I literally lived in my walk in closet to hide from it all. My Dad just ignored it all. At the other extreme, my father was a truck driver. And my mother would go along. By the time I was 11 and my brother was 12, we were left home alone for two weeks at a time very frequently. My mother would ground me for 6 months at a shot and I’d laugh. Who was going to be there to enforce it? We lived in the middle of nowhere. My entire childhood was so isolated. I left home at 15. And never looked back. My father died at 44 and my mother at 51.

    My brother is now a coke addict too. He has an IQ of 185. Which is INSANE. And what good does it do him? I haven’t spoken to him in 6 years. Our relationship was really close as kids. All we had was each other. But he has been in and out of my life for the past 25 years depending on how bad he is into drugs. I finally couldn’t take it anymore when in a coked out drunken state he made sexual advances towards me. I closed the door on THAT relationship fast. See ya!!!

    I got married at 18. 8 years and 3 kids later, I got divorced. My H slept with my best friend. (what the hell is wrong with people?) There were no second chances. Good riddance. He and my ex friend got married. He left her for the woman he was cheating on her with. He has 5 kids with three different woman and he has abandoned all of them. He hasn’t spoken to our 3 kids in 8 years. But not before he put me through hell. Using the kids to get at me whenever possible. He told me I could end the whole nightmare if I would just take him back. He was married at the time! And not to me! It took him 7 years after we divorced to finally walk away and leave me be.

    Then I got in a serious relationship. Although I had no name for it then other than “fucked up”, his sex addiction makes my current H look like an amateur. He was violent. Extremely unstable. I liked my life too much to leave. I convinced him to join the military. Took the engagement ring and told him how wonderful our life would be when he got out of basic training. He left and I RAN. All the way from PA to Texas. I’ll be damned if he didn’t get hurt, get out on a medical discharge and move to Texas. We had a daughter together and thankfully he found some girlfriend in a vampire cult in California to go live with and do drugs. (I swear I could not make this shit up!) My current H adopted my daughter when she was 4.

    I’m just going to throw in here that I have been stalked four times (all leading to police involvement – and three were strangers.) I was jumped by three guys once. I came out unscathed. Not sure how. It was truly a blur. Although I do remember biting one guy in the testicles. Which is pretty humorous all these years later. And lastly, I was raped once by a virtual stranger. Karma was on my side though and he was killed in a motorcycle wreck a week later. My best friend told me I need to change perfumes or something because who knows how to explain how I attract these guys. It’s not a “I’m so hot” thing either because I’m so NOT. lol

    Due to a wicked custody battle with my ex husband and another one between my current H and his ex wife, I have been given intense psychological evaluations twice in my life. Amazingly they can’t find a single messed up thing about me in my profile. My psychologist told me it was quite remarkable that I’m not dead, a drug addict or in prison. I do have an awesome sense of humor though, in my humble opinion. Oh, and I was diagnosed with the same disease as my mother 4 years ago. Life is not kind! There had better be something REALLY frickin great in the next life. Whatever it is.

    So I guess the moral of the story is I am tough. I can’t be “broken” easily. The whole codependency BS makes me want to vomit. My mother. My brother. My ex husband. My ex boyfriend. I see dysfunction and I RUN RUN RUN. Far and fast. I guess some would say I can’t cope and run away from my problems. I say it’s just plain smart. I am not weak. I am not needy. I am not a pushover. I don’t even consider myself particularly nice. I think because I grew up in isolation, I never get lonely. I never get bored. I don’t get offended. I don’t even get irritated much. I consider myself unshakable. I am even keeled. Maybe I’m just numb. Who knows.

    Here is the kicker… in spite of or maybe even because of all I’ve just typed… I have been a positive upbeat person. I love my life, my family, my home, my husband and my marriage. I honestly have considered myself a lucky and blessed person. So many people have had it so much worse. The people here are a good representation of that. Everyone has their own horror story to tell.
    My story of my H isn’t as bad as so many of yours. (I’ll save that story for another day and another chapter) But after all I’ve been through, I feel like I’ve finally just had enough. Maybe it’s the straw that broke the camels back? But I loved that man so much, trusted him more than I have anyone in my life, let him into my very well insulated world… and now I’m on antidepressants and anxiety medication. And for the first time in my life I feel broken. Just plain beat down.


    Hi Kim,
    Wow. That was a hard story to read.
    Are you still seeing an psychologist? My concern is for your feeling broken and beaten down. Sometimes we are the last to realize we are past our limit. Do you have your own job and a safe place to live?
    light to you


    Hi Kim…who do you lean on – confide in – cry with?? I had the same experience with so-called best friend so I know it’s hard to trust, but I hope there is someone there for you because it sounds like you just discovered that you are only human and enough is enough. God bless you. L


    That’s it, Kim! It’s like someone keeps upping the ante. I had an alcoholic father, was molested by several adults during my childhood, lost my sister at 24, was beaten by a boyfriend from a “really nice family,” date rape, etc. etc. Then there was my first marriage. Survived these things and so much more and THIS has been the worst, most devastating thing in my life. Maybe because our husbands knew our histories and STILL…?


    Oh Kim,
    I read your story and wondered how can this poor woman keep on keeping on? You are a strong woman, but I’m not surprised that you have reached the end of your rope. Honey, enough is enough, you need to rest now. I was one of those people who always saw how much worse others had in life than me, and so I thought I was one of the lucky ones too. We aren’t lucky, we are just survivors. Survivors have limits too, and you have reached yours.

    I’m glad you have found your way here. We have loving arms to hold you up. We have loving arms you can lean into, and soft shoulders for you to rest your head on.

    Hugs and love for you.


    And, Kim, thanks for sharing your background and all you’ve survived. You’re amazing, and he’ll never deserve you.


    hi kim
    i know your story, your life. ive lived my life thinking -it is what it is, but i am slowly -very slowly learning that it does not have to be. you wrote;”But I loved that man so much, trusted him more than I have anyone in my life, let him into my very well insulated world… And for the first time in my life I feel broken. Just plain beat down”
    i to have felt this i knew i broke the day i found my daughters pictures in his lunchbox. that was july 2010 and its taken me along time to try and find myself, but i can promise you that this is the best place to be, these woman will be here for you 24/7. if i didnt find joann and her sites i do not know how i would have survived this nightmare. i have lived through hell many times over in my life, yet this by far has been the worst. nothing in my life had prepared me for the damage that my partner has caused.
    much love katt


    I do still go to the psychologist. I feel like I am spinning my wheels a lot though. She asked me what I wanted. I told her “peace and indifference.” She has this triangle she whips out. You are the persecutor, the victim or the rescuer when you are “in” the triangle. When you start feeling like a victim you are supposed to “step out of the triangle.” I get the whole, whoa is me… poor me victim complex. My H has a class A case of it. But hell… sometimes you really ARE a victim. So excuse me if I’m gonna chill out in the victim corner of the triangle now and then.

    My life is in a holding pattern. I gave up my business 10 years ago. With 5 kids between us, we decided it was best somebody stay home and manage all that. And he made enough money. So now I need to get back in school to catch up. Technology and software change too quickly.

    And March… that is exactly what it is like. When I hear people say, “God only gives you what he knows you are strong enough to handle”; I think, “I wish God would have made me a weaker person then. They must have it easy!!!!”

    I have/had two close friends I would normally talk to about this. One I posted about in another post. I didn’t confide in her because my H had her on an agenda list for someone he’d certainly LIKE to act out with. She has since committed suicide. My other friend I disclosed just a little to concerning porn and quickly realized her sympathies were with my H and not me. Apparently she likes a healthy dose of porn herself. She also seems to have some pretty messed up ideas about infidelity. Our friendship has fizzled out since all this started.

    So as for support… that’s why I’m here! So thank you everyone. Particularly for reading my long winded post. I guess there is a lot to say when you think somebody might be listening.


    the reality is… I think that a good many people don’t understand any of this… There is so much misinformation and preconceived erroneous notions… or this…

    Sometimes, people just get really creeped out and figure maybe its catching? better stay away. So, not exactly what we had hoped for.

    Thanks for sharing your very difficult story honey. You have a great outlook and I think it goes back to nature and nurture. Your basic personality is sunny and positive, and that’s what shines through, all of the ugly crap!

    BTW, no post is ever too long.

    or too short.

    its as long or short as it needs to be.

    love ~ Lexie (sometimes Laurel– lol)


    Thank you for sharing your story with us. You have a great outlook and love of life for all that you have been through and truly suffered. I admire your strength, courage, and self respect.

    The triangle you described from your therapist is also the triangle of the “cycle of abuse”. I hope your h is not hurting you in anyway. Please be safe and you are very wise.

    Much Love, Nap


    Dear Kim,

    You have certainly had quite a life. It does seem as if certain people have more than their fair share of suffering and I don’t know why that is? I am glad you found us as we understand how you feel about the SA and you can talk to us about anything. Many of us have dealt with various wounds in our lives but I think many would say nothing has impacted us as badly as this nightmare. Karen xx


    Dear Lylo,

    I am so happy to see you! Karen xx


    Me too Lylo, always love your posts.

    Much love, Nap

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