This is a MUST READ. It’s excellent and described my xh to a ‘T’ and I think it’s true of many SA. Please read this article. Thanks Katt for sharing. Such a great article and to the point!
Katt this is exactly it! spelled out exactly as it is!
Great find – I agree with nap it is a must read!
I emailed it to myself for my “horrid collection” it wouldn’t print
I third that. A must read. It reminds me again what my life was like with the SA. And for anyone whose h was diagnosed with anti-social disorder (i think a sociopath)…this applies. But i think for alot of what these buys do, a little sociopath lies in them all.
so far 4 of us married a psycho or something very much the same like joann says the sa is a symptom so now im thinking ive got to stop thinking about the sa
I have already read this…..I think I have been saying consider this?? I don’t say that they are all full blown psychos BUT a damaged or absent conscience explains alot more to me about these men than some concocted addiction theory. Just my 2 cents. Will have to pick up my platform later…when I have the energy.
Much Love, Karen x
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