Home discussions Relationships Should you tell people about your spouses sex addiction?

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    I did not tell my children 13 years ago. I protected them and I protected my husbands reputation by not telling anyone. They are all in their 20’s now and they know. I told the 2 younger ones and he told the two older ones. One son got married on Saturday, one is getting married October 5th and one is proposing very soon (the ring is ready). My daughter broke up with her boyfriend of a year on Sunday. He is a really nice guy, but suffers from depression and anxiety related to a child hood trauma. She decided she did not want a relationship with someone that might end up like her father. She might be the one with the daddy issues – I hope not. my kids really do seem OK. The boys have fallen in love with wonderful girls and I have every reason to believe my daughter will find the right guy eventually. She turned 22 yesterday – she is still so young. They are angry with their father and they are having a hard time reconciling the dad they love, with the dad that has a sex addiction. There is no easy answer. Because I have been so unwilling to be dragged back into the black hole, they have had to know what was going on this time. I do not regret telling them. I would give anything to be able to undo the hurt, but they remind me when I find myself apologizing for this mess, that I have nothing to apologize for. That Dad did this. I have had nothing but love and support from the people I have shared this with. I have been surrounded by good listeners, and most do not offer advice or opinions. it has been very good for ME to tell and this time around I am taking care of ME!


    My kids know we are separated (obviously). They know about what they believe was his first affair (actually his second) because my son apparently overheard us talking about it on that DDay and told his sister. They never said a word to me until just recently when my daughter asked me flat out if we are seperated because Daddy had another affair. I said yes. I will not tell them about the SA unless I feel it is necessary for their growth or healing. It is clear to me (and to my H) that he has lost their respect and admiration. To me that is the worst price he could pay for his crimes against his family. Nothing I could do will ever punish him as much as that fact.

    I’ve mentioned in other posts, I have told no one. If I tell my mother she will tell my brother and he will tell EVERYONE. He has absolutely no filter or common sense. I’ve only told one friend that we are seperated and while she was sympathetic, she hasn’t reached out much since so I’ve just let it go at that. I can relate so much to Trish’s cautionary tale of how not telling isolated her but the truth is, I don’t have a support network out there so I’m not sure who I would tell anyway.


    You tell us Daisy! We are your network. Daisy have you found you isolated yourself like Trish described?


    Yes, I do Catherine and I thank God every day for all of you and for my therapist. Yes, I have isolated myself but it wasn’t a huge stretch for me, I’m kind of a loner by nature. I’m at my happiest when I have my nose in a book.


    I don’t consider it a huge stretch. It’s just I have no energy for people. It’s all too hard getting out there and pretending like life is OK.
    I was wondering how your daughter was doing. Have you discussed things with her since you confirmed what your son had told you? Has she had further conversations with her father?


    She is doing pretty well Catherine. I know she is angry and disappointed with her Dad and with me, she swings between being mad that I can’t magically fix everything and make it the way it used to be and being mad that I have stayed with him. I told her she has a right to be angry with both of us and it didn’t matter a bit if her anger with me is irrational in that I can’t do both. 🙂 I told her that she could tell any of her friends about it if she wants. I wanted her to feel open to talking about it if that is what she needs. She had a long phone conversation with her Dad after she spoke to me but I don’t know what was said. I’m guessing she didn’t express as much of her anger at him when she was talking to him but enough got through that that call warrented two sessions with his therapist. She told both of us that Dad has to be the one to discuss this with my son. I have tried to talk to him (my son) but he absolutely won’t hear it from me. However, he has been very kind to me in his 20 year old boy/man way and is taking care of his Mom in his own way which I deeply appreciate. I know there is resentment and anger under his surface as well but he keeps his feelings buried very deeply. Only his Mama knows what a sensitive heart is hidden under all his bravado.


    Funny that children probably have the same feeling as us. Anger that we can’t fix everything, anger that it happened, anger that it can’t magically be undone. Your children sound so lovely and I’m sorry they are hurt too. Your husband sure had ‘the package’ (loving, intelligent wife, beautiful children, warm home). Didn’t he stuff up!


    Trish, thanks for answering. I was trying to see if you had it to do over would you have told them the first time. I am trying to gain insight to my situation by using yours.

    I would absolutely tell my kids if they were older now. I know it is devastating no matter the age but 13 and 15 are notoriously bad “sex” ages and identity ages….


    That’s about the age my kids were “the first time” Bev. I thought I had hidden everything very well. Looking back now, I can see the fallout. Massive behavior issues that I just attributed to teen years, a rough middle school experience, etc. but now I think were at least tangentially related to SA. I’m not saying that your kids will have the same reaction. I’m just hoping you will be a little quicker to pick up on the signs than I was if they are. If I had it to do over again, I would have had my kids seeing a therapist at the first signs of trouble. I was just too messed up myself to see it. And even then, I wouldn’t tell them any details at that age.


    I am trying to watch very closely. My son has done a 180 turn around since dipshit ( aka his father) has put in the work with him.

    It is all just too hard and all I can think to do is minimize the fallout. They go to a small sheltered private school and all teachers are on every tiny thing. Both kids have been there since pre K. I feel good about being notified of any changes or problems that I miss.

    I hate these fuckers.


    Yes he did Catherine. The saving grace for me is that he knows it too, at least now. He knows he totally fucked up the best thing he is ever going to have. That’s what keeps me from throwing in the towel.

    Sounds like you’re doing it right Bev. I feel like I did it all wrong. I have a lot of regret about that but it’s nothing I can fix now so I just go on the hope that they realize I did the best I could at the time and always tried to be the best mom I knew how to be. I tell them every single day how much I love them and hope that loving them will be enough to keep me out of a really bad nursing home when I’m old and at their mercy.


    I suppose I can be grateful for one thing and that is that my children were much older when my life unravelled. My children have really never given me any trouble. I have been so blessed . Maybe you just can’t have it all. I might have posted this before but when I found out my marriage was a fraud my daughter was at the end of the third year of her Dentistry degree. My son wasn’t living at home. There was no way I was going to tell them if I could help it. My son knows now. Daisy you didn’t have much choice with your son finding about by default and then telling your daughter. You will manage it I’m sure. Bev my husband’s therapist said there was no value in telling our children especially as we are working on repairing the damage. Your own therapist advises you not to tell your children. Maybe someday there will come a time when you will need to but not right now when you are still trying to negotiate all this yourself. I don’t think it is dishonest not telling them. There are plenty of things we don’t tell our children because we want to protect them or we know they will not understand what is an adult concept. They don’t need to know everything.


    I agree catherine and I pray you are right.

    Daisy, you did your best and I have said it over and over again on this site…I am doing my best. You cannot go back and change things. You love your kids and that is all that matters.


    Daisy we must have been posting at the same time. I have no doubt your children know you do your best and I’m sure you are a great Mum.
    Daisy I know that we both lack confidence. One of my husband’s greatest shames is that he further hurt me when I am already damaged. Does your husband feel the same?
    I want a nice nursing home and I have told my daughter that under no circumstances is she to leave my upper lip unwaxed.


    Cat my son is angry with me because he felt that he saw all the signs that his father is gay and that I chose to be in Denial – which is not true. I had always known he was bi ( whatever that means anymore) but I had no idea he was hiring prostitutes the same age as our sons. I think he expected more from me and I believe holds me more responsible as a result. His anger at me has been harder than anything…


    Yes, I think so, although until recently I’m not entirely sure he viewed me as a person who lacks confidence. Probably because he failed to listen as closely as he should have all these many years we’ve been together (30) or perhaps he didn’t want to know how badly he could damage me.

    Your comment about your upper lip made me LOL. We have a running joke in our family about bad nursing homes. At least I hope it’s a joke. My daughter has always said we can live with her until we need diapers but then we’ve got to go. Literally and figuratively.


    Meg that is so terrible. I think that you might have mentioned this before. I need to somehow chart all the sisters experiences/martial status etc. Is this your gay/bi son? Could it be linked to issues with his own sexuality? Is he mad with his Dad also? Could you write him a letter explaining how you feel?
    Daisy if I have to wear nappies then I will check myself out! I must be getting close because I had an add/post show up on my facebook page for an incontinence chair. The previous week it was a website for clothes for large women (up to size 18). Really? And Daisy my moustache is no laughing matter!


    I think in telling the rule of thumb is do what you need for your support, but don’t tell if you just want sympathy. In most cases with the latter you will be disappointed. The majority of the world doesn’t want to have to address this issue in their lives so they will ignore it, they will pass it off as not so serious, couples strife,etc. and if your SA is outwardly nice, they will have a hard time reconciling it. I would love to tell SAs family because I know he’s spinning a lie about me to them, but I see nothing good will come of it. If anything I like that that don’t know because what I think he imagines their reaction will be is probably much worse than what it really will be when they find out. And that goes for our side too… Catherine, your shame, for example… You are imagining it much worse than it will be. If anyone somehow implies that something you did or didn’t do caused this then it will make it clear to know your friends. I told my mom and she has been incredible. In fact I told my friend because I felt like I was starting to tell too much to my mom… If I hadn’t had someone to confide in I would be in a really bad place right now. Sometimes that person is a therapist, but usually we need someone we can talk to anytime, for any length, without charging by the hour.


    I don’t tell people because I DON’T want sympathy. I think my shame comes from people feeling sorry for me not people thinking that somehow I contributed to his behaviour. Looking like I have it all and I am completely confident and ‘together’ is an illusion I have created all my life to hide a terrible lack in confidence.
    Oddly only my husband knows the real Catherine…oh and the sisters and my friend Annette who can read me like a book. She saw right through my smokescreen even before the whole SA stuff. She is a good sounding board and her husband had an affair so she knows all about the trauma of infidelity. Really the best confidant is someone who has walked in your shoes.


    Eliza’s quote: “but usually we need someone we can talk to anytime, for any length, without charging by the hour.” + Catherine’s quote: “Really the best confidant is someone who has walked in your shoes.” = Why I love the ‘hood.

    To me, the one of the best things about this wonderful place is that I can tell you every sordid detail about my H and you will hate, loath and despise him with all your might and yet there is no fallout in my “real” life as there would be if I told my family or our friends. If I told them and we reconstruct our marriage, we would be left with that same loathing forever and I wouldn’t want that.


    I’m with you Daisy.


    My son’s anger at me is based on my philosophy that it is not who you love but ho you love that is important – I have never stopped believing that – I have stood for equality my entire life whether racial, socioeconomic, educational, sex or gender based, or because of disability – this is me. He thinks that because I knew H was bi and didn’t share it that everything I stand for is a lie and I don’t have a right to support light issues because I have not outed H. SA or not I don’t believe in outing other people’s sexuality however what has happened is that everything I STILL believe in has left me in no-man’s land. The lies and deception H has lived my son has attached to me – it is not that he isn’t angry with his father – he is more disinterested and barely speaks to him – he talks to me a lot but doesn’t want me to have a voice because he believes what happened in our marriage silenced his as an out gay man who had the courage to live the truth. I don’t disagree with that but I also have to preserve my own reality and respect the wishes of my older son…it has been a terrible journey and there are many days I want to tell it all and le the cards fall where they may and then I remember – only part of this is my story – I hope one day my son gets to respect that. It is my mission to live the rest of my life in my own truth and I will not carry the burden of other people’s secrets if they can hurt me. If they cannot hurt me they are not secrets but shared intimacies held only as loving keepsakes – thanks for asking Cat xo – Meg


    Hope you can figure out the typos? Lol


    I’ve told a few friends and my family knows. But I don’t usually talk much about it anymore. Mainly because it would end up being way too long-winded and complicated, as opposed to if he went back to drinking. The personality disorder that was revealed, the years that I was feeling like I was evaporating but having no clue why, the fact that my family and friends like him.. It all just feels too exhausting to explain. And I think the older I get, the more I realize that are so many horror stories out there that I don’t really want to dwell on this SA stuff all that much with people who can’t really be expected to understand how complicated and murky it is anyway, unless they’ve experienced it. xoxo


    Meg for what its worth I don’t think you needed to share it. My understanding sexuality is very fluid. As far as you were concerned your husband was going to be happy spending the rest of his life happy and satisfied with you. It is all so messy. I’m sure with all the love you have for him your son will recover from this and your relationship will go back to how it once was. xxo

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