Home discussions Sex Addiction There May be Silence

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    Hi All,
    Well, the time has come and im going to be entering the outside world. I won’t have internet access for a while and no TV. I probably talk too much anyway.

    I will try occassionally to pop into a McDonalds or Barnes and Noble and make human contact and interject my 2 cents where I’d like. I will have running water and electricty.

    Besides the infestation of Black Widow spiders the place is pretty neat, just feels like I’m taking a step off a big cliff. “feel the fear and do it anyway” who said that by the way? Was it Libby Borden or Charlie Manson? Shit, it doesnt matter who said it, maybe it was David Letterman.

    Anyway, this is total nonsense but it feels good. It feels good to be able to walk away from my sancuary for 5 months and say it was good.

    Wish you all well and peace!

    Love, Nap


    Hi NAP,
    Please visit us often. Why will you not have internet access??
    I will miss you so!! Does this mean you are moving into your new home? And you get your pets back home??



    I will miss you NAP and hope that you can get on AFAP and no, you do not talk to much. There is no such thing. In fact, some people talk too little.

    waaaay too little. 🙁




    Hi Flora and Lexie,
    I’m leaving the hotel tomorrow and where i live is in a brand new addition and they dont have the cable lines in there. Im getting my cat for sure my daughters dog needs to stay w xsahah til we get the spiders under control. Got my mail out of my mailbox and a big one right on top of my mail. The next day open it and there’s 3 baby ones just hatched. I must have killed their mother. I love nature but she was ugly! The extermintor killed 8 black widows around the house and said in 25 years hes never seen that many in one place. At least I won’t be alone! (crap!)

    Im a bit slap happy cuz had a 2 hr meeting with my lawyer today and my head was spinning at the end. Shes a great person and lawyer its just my xsahah makes everything 10 times harder!!! It would help if he wasnt so stupid but I cant change his IQ at this point.

    Ill write today tomorrow Ill be gone.

    Love, Nap



    You sound so sad and this should be a really exciting time for you. I wish I could be there with you. I’m also wondering why you cannot get internet access. Is there telephone service in the area? Get a home phone and use dial up for a while. It’ll be slow, but it sounds like you’ll have plenty of time. And some phone plans even offer TV service, I think AT&T has it (Uverse?) How about a new cell phone and get the plan where you can have internet service. Maybe at least pick up a AM/FM radio with CD player so you can listen to the radio and news. Maybe get a new stereo. I mean there’s all kind of things you could do. I’m so worried about you sounding so sad. Please keep in contact as much as you can. We all love you! Love CB


    NAP!!! What’s with the black widows? Are you moving in with the Adams Family????

    Seriously, I looked up black widows in my Animal Speak book. Here’s a precis:
    a reminder to maintain balance and polarities in life, also death and rebirth (spiders generally)
    black widow is timid, and not fatal to humans.

    Here’s what they ask if you have spiders in your life:
    “Are you weaving your dreams and imaginings into being. Do you need to write? Are you inspired to write or draw and not following through? Spiders teach us how to use the written language with power and creativity so your words weave a web around those who read them?”

    hmmm. sounds like that could be you NAP.

    Also a note about them eating the male after mating. I think this is something good in your case. You are feeding off him in some way.

    NAP, it’s going to be good. You are a little tentative about this next step because its symbolic to move from the hotel into a home that is different the one you had to leave. INitially I thought the spiders were creepy. But now I think they are there with a good message for you. They need to leave, but the message remains.



    eating the male after mating

    Ya know… animals are SOOOOO much smarter than we humans are. 😉


    Lol Ladies!!! 
    You are all so funny!!! Morticia!! I laughed out loud!!! 
    NAP!! Please don’t leave us!! We will be lost without you!!! Get an IPhone….. Something!!!! We need you!!! I would also like your new address if you would send me a private message! I could drop you a card from time to time!!! 
    Please find a way to stay with us!! We would miss you so!!!! XO!! 


    NAP, I’m wishing you much love and happiness!! Your courage and grace inspire me every day. I hope, hope, hope you can find a way to pop on here. Not to sound selfish, but it won’t be the same without your philosophical questions and your poetry, not to mention your wise insights.
    As far as internet, we use a dry loop DSL (which stands for Digital Subscriber Line). It’s not cable. We dropped our land line last year, when we found, as a family, we were just using cell phones. So in order to maintain internet service, we went to dry loop DSL (through verizon, in our case). All you need is an existing phone line. It’s not slow, like dial up, either. You can usually get it through telecommunications providers (ie, verizon). If you have a land line, you can often get it packaged with that, or if you are just using a cell phone, but a land line exists, you can usually get it activated. Of course, I originally got all of this info on the internet, as operators drive me crazy, so you may have to make a trip or 2 to Barnes and Noble. Now fyi, I’m no “techie”, so I hope this helps.
    Love you and hope to stay in contact! I would also love your home address if you feel comfortable giving it to me…nothing like good old fashioned snail mail!
    Love ya lots!! ZG


    Hi All,
    Thank you for your kind words. I’m going to try to find a way to get back on in some way shape or form. I’d love to give those who asked for personal information the information however for security purposes i can’t. Kinda on red alert if you know I mean.

    I love the spider information Diane and now look at them so differently. Thanks for sharing with me. Now I feel bad I killed the momma spider.

    Today has been an overwheming day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Love, Nap

    PS Thanks for all the tips!!!


    Hi NAP,
    We totally understand about the red alert…a way of life for many of us, as I’m starting to understand after being on SOS for these past few months.
    Your spider story reminds me…last year, I stepped on a big spider, and it seemed to burst open, and all of these little ones came running out. It still creeps me out, lol! I tried to save the baby mouse a few weeks ago, but I’m still not in tune with spiders yet! On that note, maybe I’ll go read Charlotte’s Web again…
    Love ya, and we know you’ll be in touch! Get a good night’s sleep! xoxo


    nap well its good that you are going home……… you have my number and when you are ready please let me know. i am so looking forward to our cigar, you do remember. things here are at a stand still most of the time, so please enjoy your new life you are one of the lucky ones i do believe.
    much love katt

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