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    I am posting this here because sex addiction–of a spouse–has been a defining factor of who I have become, or at least how I see myself. The spouse of an SA, trying figure out how to rebuild my life as I pull out of the wreckage. I am trying to learn how to focus on my life apart from all this. Trying to find myself in all this. Granted, I am divorcing, so I can rebuild a life, as separate as possible as we face the custody battle. However, even for those of you staying with your SA, I think shifting focus off SA to who we are apart from all that might help with the healing process. At least that is what I am hoping for myself.

    SO . . . I am 50 (yikes), and a mother of two. My daughter is 15 and my son is 12. Both are smart and supportive, working hard is school and doing relatively well, given the circumstances. My daughter now wants to be an OB-Gyn! My son wants to be an architect and own his own firm. I am an elementary vice principal, looking towards applying for principal jobs this year. I belong to a wonderfully supportive small Lutheran church that is full of elderly people that care about us. My mother is no longer living, but my dad and his wife have been an amazing support, as has been my sisters and brother.

    I love gardening. That used to be my therapy, before all of this hit. I used to love reading but don’t take the time for that anymore. I used to jog. I used to hike when I lived in Maine. I also had started watercolor painting years ago an loved that. I also love and gain strength from the ocean, but haven’t driven the few hours to the Northern California coast very often.

    As I rebuild, so of those things I still love and used to do will become present tense activities. At least that’s my goal.

    So . . . I am the wife, hopefully soon ex-wife, of an SA . . . also a mother, Christian, gardener, runner, hiker, vice principal and painter . . .

    Who are you?


    Hi Sunny,

    I’m still a wife…and mother, daughter, sister, employee, boss, friend, traveler, dreamer, and I love God, the ocean, the high desert, the mountains, and great wine!

    Glad you brought this up because it is important to gain or regain a sense of who you are aside from this crisis that invaded your…everything. The co-addict model
    makes it more difficult because you are made to feel that you are an integral part of HIS sickness and that becomes your identity. I found myself isolating from family and friends who know what happened and spending time with new friends who only knew me as me, not his unfortunate wife. It enabled me to have conversations and experiences unrelated to this crisis and enjoy life for a bit. My husband felt really threatened by my new social circle but he said he totally understood why I wanted to escape.


    I’m new to the site.
    I’m 38, mother to 2 gorgeous boys aged 14 and nearly 13. I am separated from my SAH and hopefully divorcing soon. I like card making and scrapbooking and work as a Teaching Assistant in a Junior School. I have recently started studying for a degree, something I always regretted not doing when a teenager. Good call Lylo – great wine is a favourite of mine too!!!


    I am a mother of one boy age 28. Divorced his Dad in 1988. My son is now married and expecting my first grandchild in June! I am 52 years old, married my SA in 2006, we started dating in 2002. I worked all my life from the age of 16 and never made alot of money but always had enough to afford decent housing and cars. I was a Bookkeeper by trade and in the past also held other clerical positions. My SA allowed me to quit my job in 2005 as he was able to support us on his income and my job was miserable. That is now a decision I regret BIG TIME. After I quit I online schooled myself and got my accounting degree (because I always wanted it but does me no good now). In Mar. of 2009 we bought this house on 5 acres, a dream home for both of us. Life was going to be perfect as we go into retirement. We got a horse, two miniature donkeys, four barn kitties that came to us, we had two dogs and now we have three. I’m in heaven because I’ve always loved animals and wanted to start a shelter one day for unwanted animals. Then in Aug. 2010 my world shattered when I discovered my SA’s secret life. Now, I have no life. Outside of my animals, who have become my best friends in the whole wide world, I still feel very lost in my own skin. SA is doing well in recovery. He is abiding by all my wishes as far as going to meetings, a therapist, a psychiatrist, and respecting my boundaries. I should be happy about all that , and I am, but somehow I’ve lost myself. We are still living in the same house although sleeping in seperate rooms. I have no idea when we will sleep in the same bed together, when we will have sex again, or when I will feel comfortable enough to say “I love you” again. All I know is that tomorrow will come and as long as I wake up, hopefully there’s a plan for me. Just wish I knew what it was.


    I’m 39 and mother to twins; my daughter here on Earth with me, and my son up in heaven. My daughter just turned 2. I am a free-lance writer. I worked in the medical field up until I had my daughter. Right now I am a stay at home mother. Up until I had knee problems, I enjoyed surfing, snowboarding and hiking. I also love music, nature, the beach, and baking things from scratch. 🙂


    What an interesting group of women! I would love to scrapbook with Busybee, play with all of cbslife’s wonderful animals, and spend a day at the ocean talking about how God is working in our lives with Lylo. Reading each of your pieces about what gives you joy made me smile. That is why I posted my question. Today was a difficult day of dredging up the pain of the last year during the first of what may be many custody meetings. That just made me sad. Thinking about gardening with my kids outside, either pulling weeds with me or just hanging out playing with our crazy dog Charlie makes me happy. Knowing that there are mountain paths to hike, ocean sunsets to watch, and a calm evening to share with friends. . . that settles me and helps me know life will be okay. Thank you to each of you who joined in my little Getting to Know You game!


    great post sonny im 49 a mother to 5 children. my oldest son is 32 he works the NY stock market, we have not spoken in years due to his reaction from being in the 9-11 bombing. my daughter is 25 in school and a mother to my 3 years old granddaughter. they live a few houses from me. my other daughter is 23 and in school about 40 mins from me. my 21 year old son and his gf live with me and hes in school for electrical drafting. and my baby hes 14 and is 14 with all that comes with that.we moved to wv almost 5 years ago from nj. we bought a big old farm house that is in total remolding we are doing it ourselves. i have i cat and daisy a 15o lb pot bellied pig who thinks shes a pug. i love the outdoors and camping. i have traveled and would love to do more and i will. i spend most of my time in the summer in the dirt gardening. i love to read though in the last few years i have not. work on the house has taken on a life of its own i think i could build a house from the ground up at this point. life here is very different i chop wood, spilt wood, pull down wall rebuild walls, etc, etc. im would say im a work horse. but this is my life now. i have to say im probably healthier than i have ever been lol.. some day life will be normal maybe.


    I am a 52 year old woman, I have 4 kids. My oldest daughter is 24 and moved to Los Angeles after graduating from college, works for a start up company that puts in and maintains above ground vegetable gardens. Her degree is creative writing, poetry and international studies. She’s my rebel, now that she is an adult, channeling that for good:) My 22 year old son is a senior in college and has been accepted to medical school for next year. He’s my workaholic, always had to remind him that rest and relaxation are good for the soul. My 19 year old son is a freshman at the same college that his siblings went to, has loved his first year. He is pre-med.He is my musician, writes and records his own songs. My youngest daughter is 17, a junior in high school…spent years dreading being the only kid left at home, but adapted better than any of us thought she would:) Woke up Sunday morning and the car she drives was wrapped in saran wrap and a cute, clever prom invitation was found inside. I love that my children are all friends with each other and maintain close contact enjoy spending time together. I had that relationship with my siblings, still do…and it’s so great that I always wanted to raise my children to have that. I keep in touch with each of my three brothers and my sister at least 2 or three times a week. I am a family practice physician, haven’t had my own practice for a long time, (too chaotic to raise my own children and have a husband with very irregular hours, too) but do local locum tenems ( ie; if a doctor is on maternity leave or something, fill in while she’s gone or if they need extra help at the urgent care because of vacations, etc) and find things to do around where I live. My 83 year old Dad has Parkinson’s and used to live either with my brother in the neighboring state or with me, traded off. Since last summer, the Parkinson’s dementia has gotten worse and he is in a nursing home 2 minutes away from my house. I go every morning with coffee and the paper and every evening to feed him supper…..it’s hard to see him deteriorating, but every day I am grateful for the time that I can spend with him. I have a 7 year old chocolate lab named Sophie, treat her like the baby of the family. I run several times a week, when I want to and as much or as little as I want to. I have a friend I usually run with, and there is no friend like a running buddy friend…she’s great:) I do genealogy for fun….. I like solving the puzzles. I was raised Catholic, have a Jewish husband and children. I converted to Reform Judaism 4 years ago,I’m not religious, but it’s a religion that fits me( I told the rabbi I had lots of doubts and he said that was okay, they had a place for me:)… was surprised after I did how important that was to my children. I like to tinker in my yard, moving perennials here and there, etc. I like to hike, rock climb, travel. It has been almost three years since d-day #1 and I feel like I have worked really hard to get myself back again, and I’m here now in my own life and I’m happy with it. Every woman on this site means so much to me…… thank you:)


    Hello all! So nice to finally meet you! Gosh, I don’t even know where to start to just talk about ME! Lol! I have been so wrapped up in this unfortunate SA business that I think “I” kinda got lost in the Shuffle. 🙁 I’m sure there is another forum to boo hoo about my woes. I’m Patty and a 48 year
    old from Indianapolis, Indiana. I do hope to meet some locals (or someone fairly close) as I love to make new friends and even under such grim circumstances, I could really use a close by friend or two. 🙂 I have one son, Sam, who is a senior at Purdue University and he just received notice of his acceptance into Purdue’s Pharm D program! It has been such a blessing. He is a great kid and my biggest supporter by far!
    I love to read and I am a night owl! I am so thankful to have find both websites. It has really Helped me the last couple of months! I look forward to getting to know you all! Thank you for being here! XO!


    Hi! Just found this thread and thought I’d add in my “Who I Am.” And, I’m sure there are others who might like to tell a little bit about themselves too!

    I’m Paula, 42, mother of the smartest, most beautiful and engaging 9 year old I’ve ever known. I’m also a daughter, a friend, an aunt, and a sister. Yes, for the time being I am also a wife. But in name only…. and only for the time it takes me to get enough money to leave. 🙂

    Before my daughter was born, I explored my love of history and literature and ended up with a masters degree in Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management. What the heck does someone do with that degree? Not much that makes lots of money, I’ll tell you! But I found a great (read: fun and interesting) job as the director of a local history museum and had so much fun doing that job. But when my dd was young and had many minor illnesses, I was forced to leave that job as it entailed much evening and weekend work and the time I was taking off to care for my child was greatly resented by my supervisor (who was a childless, unsympathetic witch). I started my own business with the help of a friend selling promotional products. You know, the pens, coozies, shirts, etc, with your business’ name on them. Of course, with this economy, I found that hard to maintain and began looking for ways to supplement that income.

    I started couponing and found that not only did it save my family a lot of money, but I was able to help out our local food banks and shelters too. I thought I would start a couponing/deal blog and teach others how to save money and make donations too, but soon realized that traveling to teach couponing classes would be too hard with being the primary caregiver for my child. Again, lots of nights and weekends needed.

    So, I’m reinventing myself again. I love traveling, I have always been adventurous and willing to try new things, and I have an intense curiousity about so many things. I like to know how things work, how connections are made, and am fascinated by the vastness of our world.

    My newest incarnation is as a blogger, where I share fun sites that I’ve discovered, interesting travel ideas (and hopefully will include some places my daughter and I will travel to in the future), reviews of products we’ve tried and books we’ve read, and great deals I’ve found. I just started this in February and was going great guns for a few months. Summer was hard because I wanted to spend more time with my dd than my computer. And then in August was my DDay and Hell Month. Actually, most of September, too, was disastrous. But, I’m back on the bloggy wagon and am working to revamp the original plan that was to get a few freebies tossed my way, including some free travel… and to get my feet wet in the blogging world. Now, the plan has to be amped up to include making real, self-supporting money. And I am up to the challenge!!

    So glad I have found this website. I still spend more time poking around, trying to find out where things are and feeling like a lurker instead of a participant, but I guess maybe most people do. It seems kind of like barging into a cocktail party full of people who’ve known each other a very long time… and you just moved to the block and don’t know anyone very well. Not that I haven’t felt welcomed and accepted, but just that I personally feel awkward and not sure of myself. I know, that should pass. 🙂

    Thanks for being here. It’s good to not be facing this alone.



    Thank you for sharing yourself with us Paula! You sound so diverse and interesting!


    Hi Paula. I have to agree with you on poking around and feeling like the new kid on the block. I’m working on getting around this site and finding the help and support that we all need. Checking out resources etc.. I dont know where to read everyone’s stories yet. I feel computer illiterate lol thanks for sharing



    If you click on “Groups” at the top of the page, you’ll get a listing of all the groups. One of the groups is “Stories” and that’s where a lot of us have posted our stories. I have read a lot of them and commiserated so much over the inhumanity of SA. So heartbreaking, but we’re all here to grow and learn and heal. And that we are doing, together!


    Thanks, B. I’m glad to be here! And I probably should have added long-winded to my description, but I’m betting you already figured that one out!! 🙂


    I am Anna, 41 wife, mother of an extremely gifted and loving 8 year old boy and an independent, creative, hysterically funny 4 year old girl, I’m a daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend.
    I’m a political junkie, love to write, and have recently picked up sketching and painting out of the blue as an attempt to relax and bring my mind into the moment rather than focusing solely on my sah, and marriage.
    I’m an almost 2 year sober recovering alcoholic, a daughter of an alcoholic father, a grandaughter of an alcoholic grandmother. I am a survivor of sexual abuse and still married to my sah.
    I’m a Christian, love my relationship with God, the spiritual connection of knowing I am loved completely for me, faults and all. And I am currently torn between the obligation I feel toward my husband who is trying his best to recover, to my children for wanting to keep our family intact as they know it (not the drama that it is) and allowing myself the freedom of being happy.
    Oh and I am a a director of a division of a financial sevices co, part time. always forget about the work thing. 🙂

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