Home discussions Thoughts Who Needs Rob Weiss When We Have Each Other?

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    I’ve been thinking on the Rob Weiss/all the other SA gurus. I have decided that they really don’t have anything to say that we need. We have heard it all.

    So, I have an idea.

    How about if I have a once a week ‘Ask JoAnn’ live web meeting with just one Sister at a time? You can submit your name and personal e-mail to me and I will set up a live web meeting between the two of us, which I will record. My video cam would be shown, but yours would not (unless you wanted it to be), but I would not recommend that as I would like to put them up on you tube.

    Then I would upload the recordings for everyone to watch whenever they choose.

    During the live meeting you can ask me anything you want. Pick my brain, whatever. No topic is taboo, if I don’t have the answer I will get it.

    I know that sounds arrogant as hell, but I believe that your questions and my answers and our insights that will be gained from each other will help each of us so much more than the canned BS that these gurus are peddling.

    Any thoughts?


    Be as “arrogant” as you like.

    raise hell, JoAnn.

    That’s how change occurs.

    and its about time!


    I like the idea, JoAnn, that would be an awesome thing and we could learn so much and get our situations out there.


    Great idea!


    go for it…….




    Okay, I’m working on the software. I’m researching if there are programs that will record the audio and video on Skype. That would make it easy for everyone. Otherwise I will have to go with the expensive, monthly commitments with webinar software.

    Keep those ideas and comments coming. Let me know if you have any ideas on other formats.


    I love it JoAnn!

    Perhaps to help others, you could ask us questions too…like,

    What has been the most difficult aspect of surviving his trauma/betrayal? or

    What have been the negative and/or positive affects of you h’s problems on your relationship with your children? or

    What problems/additional trauma have you endured from counselors related to your h’s?

    I don’t know, just a thought??? I loved the quote written a post-it note next to Jeannette’s computer:

    Let your voice be heard, even if it is shaking.

    I love your idea! We are the experts! We lived through it! Robert Weiss may know a lot ABOUT SA, but we have lived with it. Who knows more about the REAL experiences at a concentration camp, the victim abused there, or the guard eating his wonderful meal laughing with his buddies with his gun hanging at his side??? You go girl!!! Love ya, b.


    Great idea b-t, I love it.

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